Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2782-1919 (online)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 76115
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Yes K3

Informaciya dlya avtorov


Redakciya strogo priderzhivaetsya norm i pravil mezhdunarodnoy publikacionnoy etiki.

Pravovuyu osnovu obespecheniya publikacionnoy etiki sostavlyayut mezhdunarodnye standarty: polozheniya II Vsemirnoy konferencii po voprosam soblyudeniya dobrosovestnosti nauchnyh issledovaniy, polozheniya Komiteta po etike nauchnyh publikaciy (The Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE) i normy razdela «Avtorskoe pravo» Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF. 

Predstavlenie stat'i v zhurnal podrazumevaet sleduyuschee:

  • rabota ne byla opublikovana v drugom zhurnale;
  • rabota ne nahoditsya na rassmotrenii v drugom zhurnale;
  • vse soavtory soglasny s publikaciey stat'i;
  • polucheno soglasie (v yavnoy ili neyavnoy forme) organizacii, na baze kotoroy  provedeno issledovanie.

Pri predstavlenii rukopisi v zhurnal avtory dolzhny ubedit'sya, chto vse citirovaniya oformleny korrektno, ukazany zaimstvovannye istochniki v podpisyah k risunkam i nadpisyam k tablicam. Esli takovye ne privedeny, predpolagaetsya, chto risunki i tablicy predstavlyayut soboy plod avtorskoy deyatel'nosti. Redakciya osuschestvlyaet proverku statey na antiplagiat i otklonyaet ili vozvraschaet avtoram rukopisi, esli original'nost' tekstov po rezul'tatam takoy proverki ne dostigaet 70-75 %.

Avtorskie prava

Avtory, napravlyayuschie svoi raboty v zhurnal, soglashayutsya so sleduyuschim:

  1. Avtory sohranyayut za soboy avtorskie prava na rabotu i predostavlyayut zhurnalu pravo pervoy publikacii.
  2. Avtory sohranyayut za soboy pravo zaklyuchat' otdel'nye kontraktnye dogovorennosti, kasayuschiesya neeksklyuzivnogo rasprostraneniya versii raboty v opublikovannom v zhurnale vide (naprimer, razmeschenie v institutskom hranilische, publikaciya v knige), so ssylkoy na original'nuyu publikaciyu v dannom zhurnale.


Imena i adresa elektronnoy pochty, vvedennye na sayte dannogo zhurnala, ispol'zuyutsya isklyuchitel'no dlya dostizheniya celey, sovpadayuschih s missiey zhurnala; dostup k nim inyh lic i organizaciy dlya drugih celey ne predostavlyaetsya.


Pravila oformleniya statey dlya zhurnala

«Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve» / «Smart Comprosite in Construction»


V zhurnale «Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve Smart Composite in Construction» pechatayutsya raboty prepodavateley i sotrudnikov vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniy RF, RAN, RAASN i drugih issledovatel'skih organizaciy, rabotayuschih v sfere promyshlennogo i grazhdanskogo stroitel'stva i arhitektury, v tom chisle – zarubezhnyh.

Rubriki zhurnala

  • Stroitel'nye konstrukcii, zdaniya i sooruzheniya (tehnicheskie)
  • Stroitel'nye materialy i izdeliya (tehnicheskie)
  • Proektirovanie i stroitel'stvo dorog, metropolitenov, aerodromov, mostov i transportnyh tonneley (tehnicheskie)
  • Arhitektura zdaniy i sooruzheniy. Tvorcheskie koncepcii arhitekturnoy deyatel'nosti (tehnicheskie nauki; arhitektura)

Stat'i, napravlyaemye v zhurnal, dolzhny udovletvoryat' sleduyuschim trebovaniyam:

  1. Stat'ya dolzhna sootvetstvovat' profilyu i rubrikam zhurnala, obladat' aktual'nost'yu, noviznoy, imet' prikladnoe znachenie (i/ili teoreticheskoe obosnovanie). Vopros ob opublikovanii ili otklonenii stat'i reshaet redakcionnaya kollegiya zhurnala, i ee reshenie yavlyaetsya okonchatel'nym.
  2. Stat'i dolzhny predstavlyat' szhatoe, konkretnoe izlozhenie rezul'tatov, bez povtoreniya odnih i teh zhe dannyh v tekste, risunkah i tablicah.
  3. Vse predstavlennye stat'i dolzhny byt' nabrany 12 keglem, shrift Times New Roman, interval – 1.1. Polya: verhnee i nizhnee – 3 sm, levoe i pravoe – 2.5 sm. Abzacnyy otstup – 0.75 sm. Ob'em stat'i – 7-15 stranic, vklyuchaya annotaciyu i spisok literatury na russkom i angliyskom yazykah; chislo tablic – ne bolee 3, risunkov – ne bolee 5-6, dlya obzornoy stat'i – ne bolee 8, v tom chisle pomechennyh bukvami ab (kursiv) i t.d. Risunki, kak i tablicy, podpisi i zagolovki k nim, a takzhe primechaniya, razmeschayutsya po tekstu stat'i. V razdel «Obzornye stat'i» prinimayutsya materialy ob'emom ot 20 do 30-35 stranic.
  4. Pri oformlenii stat'i rekomenduetsya izbegat' upotrebleniya lyubyh sokrascheniy, krome obscheprinyatyh. Pervoe upominanie sokraschennogo termina obyazatel'no sleduet posle ego predstavleniya v polnom vide. Rukopisnye vstavki ne dopuskayutsya. Kavychki oformlyayutsya «elochkoy». Tekst nabiraetsya bez numeracii stranic.

Struktura stat'i

Pervaya stranica rukopisi oformlyaetsya shriftom s razmerom 12 pt. Na pervoy stroke ukazyvaetsya tip stat'i s vyravnivaniem sleva bez abzacnyh otstupov (Nauchnaya stat'ya, Obzornaya stat'ya). Na sleduyuschey stroke prostavlyaetsya indeks po universal'noy desyatichnoy klassifikacii (UDK). Posle UDK propuskaetsya odna stroka i daetsya po centru naimenovanie raboty (poluzhirnoe nachertanie). Propuskaetsya odna stroka i privodyatsya I.O. Familiya (poluzhirnoe nachertanie) kazhdogo avtora. Posle familii kazhdogo avtora nadstrochnym simvolom ukazyvaetsya snoska na affiliaciyu v vide cifry. Esli vse avtory predstavlyayut odnu i tu zhe organizaciyu, cifrovoe oboznachenie affiliacii ne ukazyvaetsya. Propuskaetsya odna stroka, nachinaya s pervogo nadstrochnogo nomera affiliacii, privoditsya polnoe Imya, Otchestvo, Familiya avtora (ili avtorov, esli takovyh, predstavlyayuschih dannuyu organizaciyu, neskol'ko), zatem, na sleduyuschey stroke  – naimenovanie organizacii (mesta raboty), goroda, strany i elektronnyy adres (kursiv) kazhdogo avtora iz dannoy organizacii. Propuskaetsya odna stroka i privoditsya polnoe Imya, Otchestvo, Familiya avtora (ili avtorov) drugoy organizacii, a na sleduyuschey stroke – naimenovanie drugoy organizacii (mesta raboty), goroda, strany i elektronnyy adres (kursiv). Propuskaetsya stroka, razmeschaetsya annotaciya so slov «Annotaciya.» ('Abstract.') (s tochkoy). Tekst annotacii dolzhen vklyuchat' 150-250 slov, vypolnennyh kursivnym nezhirnym nachertaniem, i zavershaetsya tochkoy. Posle annotacii i propuska odnoy stroki nabiraetsya «Klyuchevye slova:» ('Keywords:') (s dvoetochiem) i privoditsya 6-10 slovosochetaniy s kursivnym nachertaniem, bez tochki v konce. Cherez stroku ukazyvaetsya avtor, otvetstvennyy za perepisku, i ego elektronnaya pochta (kursivom). Vse vysheopisannye punkty sledom privodyatsya na angliyskom yazyke.

Blagodarnosti organizaciyam, nauchnym rukovoditelyam i drugim licam, okazavshim pomosch' pri napisanii stat'i, privodyatsya posle slova «Blagodarnosti:». Na angliyskom yazyke slova blagodarnosti privodyatsya posle slova 'Acknowledgments:'

Svedeniya o grantah i finansirovanii issledovaniya pri podgotovke i publikacii stat'i mogut byt' privedeny posle slova «Finansirovanie:» (na angliyskom yazyke – posle slov 'Funding:' ili 'Financial Support:').

Na pervoy stranice rukopisi (esli stat'ya predstavlena na angliyskom yazyke) vse vysheopisannye punkty privodyatsya tol'ko na angliyskom yazyke.

Osnovnoy tekst nauchnoy stat'i rekomenduetsya izlagat' soglasno strukture IMRAD, soderzhaschey sleduyuschie zagolovki: Vvedenie, Eksperimental'naya chast', Rezul'taty i ih obsuzhdenie, Vyvody, Spisok istochnikov. Kazhdyy zagolovok privoditsya propisnymi bukvami vysotoy 12 pt i vydelyaetsya odnoy pustoy strokoy pered nim i posle nego.

Risunki oformlyayutsya vnutri teksta, perenos strok podpisey na druguyu stranicu ne dopuskaetsya. Podpisi k risunkam privodyatsya srazu pod graficheskim izobrazheniem. Podpis' risunka sostavlyaetsya iz sokrascheniya «Ris.» (ili 'Fig.' dlya stat'i na angliyskom yazyke ili dlya perevoda podpisi), poryadkovogo nomera i otdelennogo tochkoy nazvaniya risunka, pri etom tekst, krome samogo nazvaniya, vydelyaetsya poluzhirnym nachertaniem. Sledom v stat'e na russkom yazyke privoditsya podpis' risunka na angliyskom yazyke. Esli risunok sostoit iz neskol'kih chastey, pomechennyh otdel'nymi bukvami, perenos lyuboy chasti risunka i primechaniya v vide bukvy na druguyu stranicu ne rekomenduetsya. Rekomenduetsya umen'shenie shrifta dlya podpisi do 10 pt (dopuskaetsya do 8 pt). Risunki raspolagayutsya tol'ko posle ih upominaniya (ili perekrestnoy ssylki) v tekste stat'i. Ssylka na kazhdyy risunok po tekstu stat'i privoditsya v obyazatel'nom poryadke i  privoditsya v skobkah s sokrascheniem «ris.» ('Fig.'), posle kotorogo ukazyvaetsya nomer, naprimer: (ris. 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na russkom yazyke, (Fig. 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na angliyskom yazyke.

Formuly rekomenduetsya oformlyat' vnutri tablicy, sostoyaschey iz dvuh stolbcov. V pervom stolbce privoditsya sama formula, oformlennaya redaktorom formul ili v vide izobrazheniya. Vo vtorom stolbce shirinoy 1 sm privoditsya poryadkovyy nomer formuly, zaklyuchennyy v skobki pri sozdanii perekrestnyh ssylok v tekste. Esli neobhodimost' davat' perekrestnye ssylki otsutstvuet, vtoroy stolbec ne sozdayut. Posle formuly stavitsya zapyataya, kogda privoditsya rasshifrovka simvolov formuly, ili tochka; poryadkovyy nomer formuly posle zapyatoy ili tochki raspolagaetsya na etoy zhe stroke, s vyravnivaniem po pravomu krayu.

Dlya stateynyh tablic privoditsya oboznachenie «Tablica» (ili 'Table' dlya stat'i na angliyskom yazyke), poryadkovyy nomer (bez oboznacheniya znaka nomera), a posle tochki daetsya naimenovanie tablicy. Tekst, krome samogo naimenovaniya tablicy vydelyaetsya poluzhirnym nachertaniem. Sledom v stat'e na russkom yazyke privoditsya nazvanie tablicy na angliyskom yazyke. Rekomenduetsya umen'shenie shrifta v tablice do 10 pt (dopuskaetsya do 8 pt). Tablicy raspolagayutsya tol'ko posle ih upominaniya (ili perekrestnoy ssylki) v tekste stat'i. Upominanie privedennoy tablicy po tekstu stat'i yavlyaetsya obyazatel'nym i privoditsya v skobkah, v kotoryh dayut oboznachenie, naprimer: (tabl. 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na russkom yazyke, ( Table 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na angliyskom yazyke.

Stat'ya zakanchivaetsya razdelom «Spisok istochnikov» (v stat'e na angliyskom yazyke –  razdelom 'References'), shrift Times New Roman, kegl' 10 pt. Optimal'noe kolichestvo citirovannyh istochnikov ot 15 do 20 (no ne menee 10), pri etom v spisok rekomenduetsya vklyuchit' ne menee 3 rabot, predstavlyayuschih zhurnaly iz yadra RINC ili vhodyaschih v bazy dannyh WoS/Scopus. V obzornyh rabotah prinimaetsya ne menee 40-50 ssylok na literaturnye istochniki. Pod spiskom literaturnyh istochnikov privodyatsya nadpisi kursivom, kazhdaya – s novoy stroki: «Postupila v redakciyu», «Odobrena posle recenzirovaniya», «Prinyata k opublikovaniyu».


Redakciya prinimaet teksty, sohranennye v formatah .doc. ili .docx. Materialy, ne sootvetstvuyuschie ukazannym trebovaniyam i predstavlennye v drugih formatah, ne rassmatrivayutsya.

Oformlenie literaturnyh ssylok

Vse zatekstovye bibliograficheskie ssylki v stat'e na russkom yazyke sostavlyayut po GOST R 7.0.5 i GOST R 7.0.100, v stat'e na angliyskom yazyke – soglasno mezhdunarodnomu stilyu oformleniya Harvard.

Dopolnitel'no v stat'e na russkom yazyke privodyat perechen' zatekstovyh bibliograficheskih ssylok na latinice ('References'), soglasno mezhdunarodnomu stilyu oformleniya Harvard.

Izdaniya, kotorye ne perevodyatsya, neobhodimo ukazat' transliteraciey v sootvetstvii s obscheprinyatymi mezhdunarodnymi pravilami, v konce kazhdogo takogo istochnika dolzhna stoyat' pometka (in Russian) (sm. http://www.cas.org/expertise/cascontent/caplus/corejournals.html).

Dlya zhurnal'noy stat'i dolzhny byt' ukazany familii i inicialy vseh avtorov, nazvanie stat'i, sokraschennoe nazvanie zhurnala (esli dopuskaetsya, naprimer: Izv. vuzov. Himiya i him. tehnologiya) god, nomer toma, nomer ili vypusk, diapazon stranic i DOI (pri ih nalichii, v sluchae, esli citiruemaya stat'ya napechatana na russkom yazyke).


Primery oformleniya literaturnyh istochnikov (stat'i, monografii, patenty na izobretenie, internet-dannye)
na russkom i angliyskom yazykah


1. Treybaks E.A. Ispol'zovanie unikal'nyh svoystv kleenyh derevyannyh paneley CLT v stroitel'stve obschestvennyh zdaniy // Innovacii v nauke. 2017.  № 10 (71). S. 68-69.

2. Ammari M.S., Belhadj B., Bederina M., Ferhat A., Quéneudec M. Contribution of hybrid fibers on the improvement of sand concrete properties: Barley straws treated with hot water and steel fibers // Construction and building materials. 2020. Vol. 233, no. 8. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.117374

3. Titunin A.A., Zayceva K.V. Proektirovanie i proizvodstvo stroitel'nyh materialov iz drevesiny. Kompleksnyy podhod. Kostroma: Izd-vo Kostrom. gos. tehnol. un-ta, 2009. 185 s.

4. Yargina Z.N. Estetika goroda. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991. 365 s.

5. V Rossii budet obespecheno shirokoe vnedrenie mnogoetazhnogo derevyannogo domostroeniya // Minstroy Rossii: [sayt]. URL: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/press/v-rossii-budet-obespecheno-shirokoe-vnedrenie-mnogoetazhnogo-derevyannogo-domostroeniya/ (data obrascheniya 10.10.2023). 

6. Citation guides / Mendeley [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/citation-guides/ (data obrascheniya: 05.04.2022).

7. Patent № 2667367 Rossiyskaya Federaciya, MPK B28C 5/00 (2006.01), B28C 9/02 (2006.01). Sposob polucheniya betonnoy smesi s utilizaciey ranee poluchennyh ostatkov etoy smesi: opubl. 19.09.2018 / Kogan Artem Sergeevich.

Postupila v redakciyu 
Odobrena posle recenzirovaniya 
Prinyata k opublikovaniyu


1. Treybaks, E. A. (2017) Utilization of unique properties of glued wood CLT panels in the construction of public buildings, Innovatsii v nauke, 10(71), pp. 68-69 (in Russian).

2. Ammari, M. S., Belhadj, B., Bederina, M., Ferhat, A. & Quéneudec, M. (2020) Contribution of hybrid fibers on the improvement of sand concrete properties: Barley straws treated with hot water and steel fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 233(8). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117374.

3. Titunin, A. A. & Zaitseva, K. V. (2009) Design and production of construction materials of wood. Complex approach. Kostroma: Izd-vo Kostrom. gos. tekhnol. un-ta (in Russian).

4. Yargina, Z. N. (1991) Aesthetics of the city. Moscow: Stroyizdat (in Russian).

5. Ministry of Construction of Russia. (2022) Russia will ensure widespread introduction of multi-storey wooden house building [online]. Available at: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/press/v-rossii-budet-obespecheno-shirokoe-vnedrenie-mnogoetazhnogo-derevyannogo-domostroeniya (accessed 10.10.2023) (in Russian).

6. Citation Guides / Mendeley [online]. Available at: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/citation-guides/ (accessed 05.04.2022).

7. Ferrari, G., Surico, F., Brocchi, A., Banfi, E., Maltese, C. & Squinzi, M. (2019) Method for recycling concrete, IT, Patent EP 2,468,695 A1.

Approved after reviewing

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Polozhenie o recenzirovanii rukopisey v zhurnale

«Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve» / «Smart Comprosite in Construction»


  1. Obschie polozheniya

1.1 Nastoyaschee Polozhenie ustanavlivaet proceduru ekspertnoy ocenki rukopisey, napravlyaemyh v redakciyu zhurnala «Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve Smart Composite in Construction».

1.2 Cel'yu ekspertnoy ocenki yavlyaetsya obespechenie vysokogo kachestva materialov, publikuemyh na stranicah zhurnala.

1.3 Dannoe Polozhenie razrabotano v sootvetstvii s publikacionnoy etikoy zhurnala «Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve Smart Composite in Construction». 

  1. Poryadok recenzirovaniya statey, napravlennyh v redakciyu recenziruemogo izdaniya

2.1 Izdanie osuschestvlyaet recenzirovanie vseh postupayuschih v redakciyu materialov, sootvetstvuyuschih tematike, s cel'yu ih ekspertnoy ocenki. Vse recenzenty yavlyayutsya priznannymi specialistami po tematike recenziruemyh materialov i imeyut v techenie poslednih 3 let (k momentu polucheniya rukopisi) publikacii po tematike recenziruemoy stat'i.

2.2 Postupivshaya rukopis' prohodit process pervichnoy ocenki, s pozicii sootvetstviya formal'nym trebovaniyam izdaniya, a imenno: tematike zhurnala i perechnyu podderzhivaemyh nauchnyh special'nostey, pravilam oformleniya statey, original'nosti, yasnosti i logichnosti izlozheniya. V sluchae nesootvetstviya etim trebovaniyam stat'ya ne prinimaetsya k rassmotreniyu, o chem redakciya izveschaet avtora, s ukazaniem prichiny otkaza.

2.3 Reshenie o sootvetstvii rukopisi formal'nym trebovaniyam izdaniya prinimaetsya v techenie 15 dney, nachinaya s daty postupleniya rukopisi v redakciyu.

2.4 Recenzentom ne mozhet byt' avtor ili soavtor recenziruemoy stat'i, a takzhe nauchnye rukovoditeli soiskateley uchenoy stepeni i sotrudniki podrazdeleniya, v kotorom rabotaet avtor, predstavivshiy stat'yu. Recenzenty ne imeyut prava ispol'zovat' v lichnyh celyah recenziruemye rukopisi i peredavat' ih tret'im licam. Srok recenzirovaniya rukopisey ne dolzhen prevyshat' 30 kalendarnyh dney s momenta napravleniya rukopisi recenzentu. Okonchatel'noe reshenie ob opublikovanii postupivshih materialov redakciya zhurnala prinimaet posle rassmotreniya originala recenzii.

2.5 Redakciya izdaniya napravlyaet avtoram predstavlennyh materialov kopii recenziy ili motivirovannyy otkaz, a takzhe obyazuetsya napravlyat' kopii recenziy v Ministerstvo nauki i vysshego obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii pri postuplenii sootvetstvuyuschego zaprosa.

  1. Trebovaniya k soderzhaniyu recenzii

3.1 Recenziya dolzhna soderzhat' ob'ektivnyy analiz rukopisi, otrazhat' ocenku kachestva rukopisi ekspertom.

3.2 Recenziya sostavlyaetsya po standartnoy forme, predlagaemoy redakciey, ili v svobodnom vide i dolzhna soderzhat' sleduyuschie elementy:

– aktual'nost' tematiki issledovaniya, predstavlennoy v rukopisi;

– nauchnaya novizna materialov;

– sootvetstvie soderzhaniya rukopisi ee nazvaniyu;

– sootvetstvie ispol'zovannyh avtorom metodik, rekomendaciy i rezul'tatov issledovaniya sovremennym dostizheniyam nauki i praktiki;

– dostovernost' izlozhennyh faktov, polnota raskrytiya temy;

– celesoobraznost' i obosnovannost' nalichiya v rukopisi tablic, grafikov, inyh illyustracionnyh i demonstracionnyh materialov;

– sootvetstvie vyvodov celyam i zadacham issledovaniya, ih argumentirovannost';

– kachestvo prorabotki literaturnyh istochnikov;

– ocenka lichnogo vklada avtora rukopisi v reshenie izuchaemoy problemy;

– kachestvo oformleniya rukopisi: stil', terminologiya, formulirovki.

3.3 Zaklyuchitel'naya chast' recenzii dolzhna soderzhat' rekomendaciyu:

– ob opublikovanii rukopisi v zhurnale;

– o dorabotke rukopisi (s ukazaniem konkretnyh zamechaniy ili rekomendaciy);

– ob otklonenii rukopisi (s obosnovaniem mneniya eksperta).

3.4 Recenziya podpisyvaetsya ekspertom s rasshifrovkoy ego familii, imeni i otchestva, prostanovkoy daty, ukazaniem uchenoy stepeni, uchenogo zvaniya i zanimaemoy dolzhnosti na moment rassmotreniya rukopisi.

3.5 Original recenzii napravlyaetsya v redakcionnuyu kollegiyu zhurnala.

  1. Poryadok predstavleniya recenzii avtoram

4.1 Recenziya (libo ee chast') napravlyaetsya glavnym redaktorom zhurnala ili ego zamestitelem po zaprosu avtora rukopisi, bez ukazaniya familii, dolzhnosti i mesta raboty recenzenta.

4.2 Pri polozhitel'noy ocenke rukopisi recenzentom i redakcionnoy kollegiey zhurnala, glavnyy redaktor ili ego zamestitel' soobschaet avtoru o prinyatii ego rukopisi i planiruemom sroke opublikovaniya predstavlennyh materialov.

4.3 Pri vydache recenzentom rekomendaciy po dorabotke ili zamechaniy rukopis' napravlyaetsya avtoru s ukazaniem sroka, v techenie kotorogo eti zamechaniya dolzhny byt' ustraneny, a rukopis' dorabotana. Dorabotannaya rukopis' s otvetami avtora na zamechaniya (rekomendacii) napravlyaetsya na povtornoe rassmotrenie etomu zhe recenzentu.

4.4 V sluchae konflikta interesov ili nesoglasiya avtora s zamechaniyami (rekomendaciyami) recenzenta, rukopis', po hodataystvu avtora, mozhet byt' napravlena na povtornoe recenzirovanie drugomu ekspertu.

4.5 Pri poluchenii otricatel'noy recenzii na rukopis' redakcionnaya kollegiya zhurnala imeet pravo napravit' materialy na dopolnitel'noe recenzirovanie ili dorabotku avtoru s posleduyuschim povtornym recenzirovaniem, ili otklonit' rukopis'.

4.6 V sluchae otkloneniya rukopisi avtoru napravlyaetsya pis'mo s ukazaniem prichin otkaza prinyat' materialy k opublikovaniyu.

  1. Zaklyuchenie

5.1 Recenzii hranyatsya v redakcii zhurnala v techenie 5 let.

5.2 Recenzii predstavlyayutsya v VAK pri Ministerstve nauki i vysshego obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii pri nalichii zaprosa so storony VAK.

Fedosov Sergey  — Editor-in-Chief
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra «Tehnologiya i organizaciya stroitel'nogo proizvodstva», Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kalayeva Sahiba  — Executive secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Abdykalykov Akymbek Abdykalykovich  — Member of the editorial team
Kyrgyzskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet stroitel'stva, transporta i arhitektury im. N. Isanova (Rector)
doctor of technical sciences
Akimov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Rector)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bakanov Maksim  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovskaya pozharno-spasatel'naya akademiya GPS MChS Rossii (Nachal'nik uchebno-nauchnogo kompleksa «Pozharotushenie»)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Belov Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Tver Stare University (Kafedra "proizvodstva stroitel'nyh izdeliy i konstrukciy", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Tver, Tver, Russian Federation
Belostockiy Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra informatiki i prikladnoy matematiki., Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Vatin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction (kafedra «Stroitel'stvo unikal'nyh zdaniy i sooruzheniy», Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Gotovcev Valeriy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra «Upravlenie predpriyatiem»., Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Zaharov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
OOO «Kvartal-Invest» (Zamestitel' direktora po arhitekturno-gradostroitel'nomu proektirovaniyu)
candidate of architecture
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kolchunov Vitaliy  — Member of the editorial team
Southwest State University (Kafedra unikal'nyh zdaniy i sooruzheniy, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Kotlov Vitaliy  — Member of the editorial team
Volga State University of Technology (Prorektor po vospitatel'noy rabote)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Yoshkar-Ola, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation
Kudryashov Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nauchnyy rukovoditel' Instituta arhitektury i dizayna)
candidate of architecture
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Leonovich Sergey Nikolaevich  — Member of the editorial team
Belarusian National Technical University (Kafedra "Stroitel'nye materialy i tehnologii stroitel'stva", Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Minsk, Belarus
Mondrus Vladimir L'vovich  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra stroitel'noy i teoreticheskoy mehaniki, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Mohov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra avtomatiki i elektrosnabzheniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Nizina Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ogarev Mordovia State University (I.o. direktora Instituta arhitektury i stroitel'stva)
doctor of technical sciences
Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
Pospelov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (Kafedra izyskaniya i proektirovaniya, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Puharenko Yuriy  — Member of the editorial team
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction (Kafedra tehnologii stroitel'nyh materialov i metrologii, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Rudobashta Stanislav Pavlovich  — Member of the editorial team
Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Kafedra teplotehniki, gidravliki i energoobespecheniya predpriyatiy, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Rumyanceva Varvara  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University (Direktor instituta informacionnyh tehnologiy, estestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk)
doctor of technical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Selyaev Vladimir Pavlovich  — Member of the editorial team
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Kafedra stroitel'nyh konstrukciy, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Travush Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
ZAO "Gorproekt" (Glavnyy konstruktor)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Vice-prezident RAASN
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Treschev Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Tula State University (Kafedra stroitel'stva, stroitel'nyh materialov i konstrukciy, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Fedoseev Vadim  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University (Kafedra organizacii proizvodstva i gorodskogo hozyaystva, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Mitrović Radivoje  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Belgrade University (Dekan fakul'teta mashinostroeniya)
doctor of technical sciences
Dobrokhotov Vladimir Borisovich  — Editor
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Layout designer
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

Архивные рубрики

Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl State Technical University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 79733

Founder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Of Higher Education “Yaroslavl State Technical University”

Editorial office address: 88, Moskovsky Prosp., Yaroslavl, 150023, Russia

Published with the assistance of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

Registration: Certificate EL No FS 77 - 79733 (27 November 2020)

Frequency: Quarterly

Subscription and distribution: Open Access

Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Of Higher Education “Yaroslavl State Technical University"

Publisher  addres: 88, Moskovsky Prosp., Yaroslavl, 150023, Russia

ISSN: 2782-1919

Informaciya dlya avtorov


Redakciya strogo priderzhivaetsya norm i pravil mezhdunarodnoy publikacionnoy etiki.

Pravovuyu osnovu obespecheniya publikacionnoy etiki sostavlyayut mezhdunarodnye standarty: polozheniya II Vsemirnoy konferencii po voprosam soblyudeniya dobrosovestnosti nauchnyh issledovaniy, polozheniya Komiteta po etike nauchnyh publikaciy (The Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE) i normy razdela «Avtorskoe pravo» Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF. 

Predstavlenie stat'i v zhurnal podrazumevaet sleduyuschee:

  • rabota ne byla opublikovana v drugom zhurnale;
  • rabota ne nahoditsya na rassmotrenii v drugom zhurnale;
  • vse soavtory soglasny s publikaciey stat'i;
  • polucheno soglasie (v yavnoy ili neyavnoy forme) organizacii, na baze kotoroy  provedeno issledovanie.

Pri predstavlenii rukopisi v zhurnal avtory dolzhny ubedit'sya, chto vse citirovaniya oformleny korrektno, ukazany zaimstvovannye istochniki v podpisyah k risunkam i nadpisyam k tablicam. Esli takovye ne privedeny, predpolagaetsya, chto risunki i tablicy predstavlyayut soboy plod avtorskoy deyatel'nosti. Redakciya osuschestvlyaet proverku statey na antiplagiat i otklonyaet ili vozvraschaet avtoram rukopisi, esli original'nost' tekstov po rezul'tatam takoy proverki ne dostigaet 70-75 %.

Avtorskie prava

Avtory, napravlyayuschie svoi raboty v zhurnal, soglashayutsya so sleduyuschim:

  1. Avtory sohranyayut za soboy avtorskie prava na rabotu i predostavlyayut zhurnalu pravo pervoy publikacii.
  2. Avtory sohranyayut za soboy pravo zaklyuchat' otdel'nye kontraktnye dogovorennosti, kasayuschiesya neeksklyuzivnogo rasprostraneniya versii raboty v opublikovannom v zhurnale vide (naprimer, razmeschenie v institutskom hranilische, publikaciya v knige), so ssylkoy na original'nuyu publikaciyu v dannom zhurnale.


Imena i adresa elektronnoy pochty, vvedennye na sayte dannogo zhurnala, ispol'zuyutsya isklyuchitel'no dlya dostizheniya celey, sovpadayuschih s missiey zhurnala; dostup k nim inyh lic i organizaciy dlya drugih celey ne predostavlyaetsya.


Pravila oformleniya statey dlya zhurnala

«Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve» / «Smart Comprosite in Construction»


V zhurnale «Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve Smart Composite in Construction» pechatayutsya raboty prepodavateley i sotrudnikov vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniy RF, RAN, RAASN i drugih issledovatel'skih organizaciy, rabotayuschih v sfere promyshlennogo i grazhdanskogo stroitel'stva i arhitektury, v tom chisle – zarubezhnyh.

Rubriki zhurnala

  • Stroitel'nye konstrukcii, zdaniya i sooruzheniya (tehnicheskie)
  • Stroitel'nye materialy i izdeliya (tehnicheskie)
  • Proektirovanie i stroitel'stvo dorog, metropolitenov, aerodromov, mostov i transportnyh tonneley (tehnicheskie)
  • Arhitektura zdaniy i sooruzheniy. Tvorcheskie koncepcii arhitekturnoy deyatel'nosti (tehnicheskie nauki; arhitektura)

Stat'i, napravlyaemye v zhurnal, dolzhny udovletvoryat' sleduyuschim trebovaniyam:

  1. Stat'ya dolzhna sootvetstvovat' profilyu i rubrikam zhurnala, obladat' aktual'nost'yu, noviznoy, imet' prikladnoe znachenie (i/ili teoreticheskoe obosnovanie). Vopros ob opublikovanii ili otklonenii stat'i reshaet redakcionnaya kollegiya zhurnala, i ee reshenie yavlyaetsya okonchatel'nym.
  2. Stat'i dolzhny predstavlyat' szhatoe, konkretnoe izlozhenie rezul'tatov, bez povtoreniya odnih i teh zhe dannyh v tekste, risunkah i tablicah.
  3. Vse predstavlennye stat'i dolzhny byt' nabrany 12 keglem, shrift Times New Roman, interval – 1.1. Polya: verhnee i nizhnee – 3 sm, levoe i pravoe – 2.5 sm. Abzacnyy otstup – 0.75 sm. Ob'em stat'i – 7-15 stranic, vklyuchaya annotaciyu i spisok literatury na russkom i angliyskom yazykah; chislo tablic – ne bolee 3, risunkov – ne bolee 5-6, dlya obzornoy stat'i – ne bolee 8, v tom chisle pomechennyh bukvami ab (kursiv) i t.d. Risunki, kak i tablicy, podpisi i zagolovki k nim, a takzhe primechaniya, razmeschayutsya po tekstu stat'i. V razdel «Obzornye stat'i» prinimayutsya materialy ob'emom ot 20 do 30-35 stranic.
  4. Pri oformlenii stat'i rekomenduetsya izbegat' upotrebleniya lyubyh sokrascheniy, krome obscheprinyatyh. Pervoe upominanie sokraschennogo termina obyazatel'no sleduet posle ego predstavleniya v polnom vide. Rukopisnye vstavki ne dopuskayutsya. Kavychki oformlyayutsya «elochkoy». Tekst nabiraetsya bez numeracii stranic.

Struktura stat'i

Pervaya stranica rukopisi oformlyaetsya shriftom s razmerom 12 pt. Na pervoy stroke ukazyvaetsya tip stat'i s vyravnivaniem sleva bez abzacnyh otstupov (Nauchnaya stat'ya, Obzornaya stat'ya). Na sleduyuschey stroke prostavlyaetsya indeks po universal'noy desyatichnoy klassifikacii (UDK). Posle UDK propuskaetsya odna stroka i daetsya po centru naimenovanie raboty (poluzhirnoe nachertanie). Propuskaetsya odna stroka i privodyatsya I.O. Familiya (poluzhirnoe nachertanie) kazhdogo avtora. Posle familii kazhdogo avtora nadstrochnym simvolom ukazyvaetsya snoska na affiliaciyu v vide cifry. Esli vse avtory predstavlyayut odnu i tu zhe organizaciyu, cifrovoe oboznachenie affiliacii ne ukazyvaetsya. Propuskaetsya odna stroka, nachinaya s pervogo nadstrochnogo nomera affiliacii, privoditsya polnoe Imya, Otchestvo, Familiya avtora (ili avtorov, esli takovyh, predstavlyayuschih dannuyu organizaciyu, neskol'ko), zatem, na sleduyuschey stroke  – naimenovanie organizacii (mesta raboty), goroda, strany i elektronnyy adres (kursiv) kazhdogo avtora iz dannoy organizacii. Propuskaetsya odna stroka i privoditsya polnoe Imya, Otchestvo, Familiya avtora (ili avtorov) drugoy organizacii, a na sleduyuschey stroke – naimenovanie drugoy organizacii (mesta raboty), goroda, strany i elektronnyy adres (kursiv). Propuskaetsya stroka, razmeschaetsya annotaciya so slov «Annotaciya.» ('Abstract.') (s tochkoy). Tekst annotacii dolzhen vklyuchat' 150-250 slov, vypolnennyh kursivnym nezhirnym nachertaniem, i zavershaetsya tochkoy. Posle annotacii i propuska odnoy stroki nabiraetsya «Klyuchevye slova:» ('Keywords:') (s dvoetochiem) i privoditsya 6-10 slovosochetaniy s kursivnym nachertaniem, bez tochki v konce. Cherez stroku ukazyvaetsya avtor, otvetstvennyy za perepisku, i ego elektronnaya pochta (kursivom). Vse vysheopisannye punkty sledom privodyatsya na angliyskom yazyke.

Blagodarnosti organizaciyam, nauchnym rukovoditelyam i drugim licam, okazavshim pomosch' pri napisanii stat'i, privodyatsya posle slova «Blagodarnosti:». Na angliyskom yazyke slova blagodarnosti privodyatsya posle slova 'Acknowledgments:'

Svedeniya o grantah i finansirovanii issledovaniya pri podgotovke i publikacii stat'i mogut byt' privedeny posle slova «Finansirovanie:» (na angliyskom yazyke – posle slov 'Funding:' ili 'Financial Support:').

Na pervoy stranice rukopisi (esli stat'ya predstavlena na angliyskom yazyke) vse vysheopisannye punkty privodyatsya tol'ko na angliyskom yazyke.

Osnovnoy tekst nauchnoy stat'i rekomenduetsya izlagat' soglasno strukture IMRAD, soderzhaschey sleduyuschie zagolovki: Vvedenie, Eksperimental'naya chast', Rezul'taty i ih obsuzhdenie, Vyvody, Spisok istochnikov. Kazhdyy zagolovok privoditsya propisnymi bukvami vysotoy 12 pt i vydelyaetsya odnoy pustoy strokoy pered nim i posle nego.

Risunki oformlyayutsya vnutri teksta, perenos strok podpisey na druguyu stranicu ne dopuskaetsya. Podpisi k risunkam privodyatsya srazu pod graficheskim izobrazheniem. Podpis' risunka sostavlyaetsya iz sokrascheniya «Ris.» (ili 'Fig.' dlya stat'i na angliyskom yazyke ili dlya perevoda podpisi), poryadkovogo nomera i otdelennogo tochkoy nazvaniya risunka, pri etom tekst, krome samogo nazvaniya, vydelyaetsya poluzhirnym nachertaniem. Sledom v stat'e na russkom yazyke privoditsya podpis' risunka na angliyskom yazyke. Esli risunok sostoit iz neskol'kih chastey, pomechennyh otdel'nymi bukvami, perenos lyuboy chasti risunka i primechaniya v vide bukvy na druguyu stranicu ne rekomenduetsya. Rekomenduetsya umen'shenie shrifta dlya podpisi do 10 pt (dopuskaetsya do 8 pt). Risunki raspolagayutsya tol'ko posle ih upominaniya (ili perekrestnoy ssylki) v tekste stat'i. Ssylka na kazhdyy risunok po tekstu stat'i privoditsya v obyazatel'nom poryadke i  privoditsya v skobkah s sokrascheniem «ris.» ('Fig.'), posle kotorogo ukazyvaetsya nomer, naprimer: (ris. 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na russkom yazyke, (Fig. 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na angliyskom yazyke.

Formuly rekomenduetsya oformlyat' vnutri tablicy, sostoyaschey iz dvuh stolbcov. V pervom stolbce privoditsya sama formula, oformlennaya redaktorom formul ili v vide izobrazheniya. Vo vtorom stolbce shirinoy 1 sm privoditsya poryadkovyy nomer formuly, zaklyuchennyy v skobki pri sozdanii perekrestnyh ssylok v tekste. Esli neobhodimost' davat' perekrestnye ssylki otsutstvuet, vtoroy stolbec ne sozdayut. Posle formuly stavitsya zapyataya, kogda privoditsya rasshifrovka simvolov formuly, ili tochka; poryadkovyy nomer formuly posle zapyatoy ili tochki raspolagaetsya na etoy zhe stroke, s vyravnivaniem po pravomu krayu.

Dlya stateynyh tablic privoditsya oboznachenie «Tablica» (ili 'Table' dlya stat'i na angliyskom yazyke), poryadkovyy nomer (bez oboznacheniya znaka nomera), a posle tochki daetsya naimenovanie tablicy. Tekst, krome samogo naimenovaniya tablicy vydelyaetsya poluzhirnym nachertaniem. Sledom v stat'e na russkom yazyke privoditsya nazvanie tablicy na angliyskom yazyke. Rekomenduetsya umen'shenie shrifta v tablice do 10 pt (dopuskaetsya do 8 pt). Tablicy raspolagayutsya tol'ko posle ih upominaniya (ili perekrestnoy ssylki) v tekste stat'i. Upominanie privedennoy tablicy po tekstu stat'i yavlyaetsya obyazatel'nym i privoditsya v skobkah, v kotoryh dayut oboznachenie, naprimer: (tabl. 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na russkom yazyke, ( Table 1) – pri predstavlenii raboty na angliyskom yazyke.

Stat'ya zakanchivaetsya razdelom «Spisok istochnikov» (v stat'e na angliyskom yazyke –  razdelom 'References'), shrift Times New Roman, kegl' 10 pt. Optimal'noe kolichestvo citirovannyh istochnikov ot 15 do 20 (no ne menee 10), pri etom v spisok rekomenduetsya vklyuchit' ne menee 3 rabot, predstavlyayuschih zhurnaly iz yadra RINC ili vhodyaschih v bazy dannyh WoS/Scopus. V obzornyh rabotah prinimaetsya ne menee 40-50 ssylok na literaturnye istochniki. Pod spiskom literaturnyh istochnikov privodyatsya nadpisi kursivom, kazhdaya – s novoy stroki: «Postupila v redakciyu», «Odobrena posle recenzirovaniya», «Prinyata k opublikovaniyu».


Redakciya prinimaet teksty, sohranennye v formatah .doc. ili .docx. Materialy, ne sootvetstvuyuschie ukazannym trebovaniyam i predstavlennye v drugih formatah, ne rassmatrivayutsya.

Oformlenie literaturnyh ssylok

Vse zatekstovye bibliograficheskie ssylki v stat'e na russkom yazyke sostavlyayut po GOST R 7.0.5 i GOST R 7.0.100, v stat'e na angliyskom yazyke – soglasno mezhdunarodnomu stilyu oformleniya Harvard.

Dopolnitel'no v stat'e na russkom yazyke privodyat perechen' zatekstovyh bibliograficheskih ssylok na latinice ('References'), soglasno mezhdunarodnomu stilyu oformleniya Harvard.

Izdaniya, kotorye ne perevodyatsya, neobhodimo ukazat' transliteraciey v sootvetstvii s obscheprinyatymi mezhdunarodnymi pravilami, v konce kazhdogo takogo istochnika dolzhna stoyat' pometka (in Russian) (sm. http://www.cas.org/expertise/cascontent/caplus/corejournals.html).

Dlya zhurnal'noy stat'i dolzhny byt' ukazany familii i inicialy vseh avtorov, nazvanie stat'i, sokraschennoe nazvanie zhurnala (esli dopuskaetsya, naprimer: Izv. vuzov. Himiya i him. tehnologiya) god, nomer toma, nomer ili vypusk, diapazon stranic i DOI (pri ih nalichii, v sluchae, esli citiruemaya stat'ya napechatana na russkom yazyke).


Primery oformleniya literaturnyh istochnikov (stat'i, monografii, patenty na izobretenie, internet-dannye)
na russkom i angliyskom yazykah


1. Treybaks E.A. Ispol'zovanie unikal'nyh svoystv kleenyh derevyannyh paneley CLT v stroitel'stve obschestvennyh zdaniy // Innovacii v nauke. 2017.  № 10 (71). S. 68-69.

2. Ammari M.S., Belhadj B., Bederina M., Ferhat A., Quéneudec M. Contribution of hybrid fibers on the improvement of sand concrete properties: Barley straws treated with hot water and steel fibers // Construction and building materials. 2020. Vol. 233, no. 8. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.117374

3. Titunin A.A., Zayceva K.V. Proektirovanie i proizvodstvo stroitel'nyh materialov iz drevesiny. Kompleksnyy podhod. Kostroma: Izd-vo Kostrom. gos. tehnol. un-ta, 2009. 185 s.

4. Yargina Z.N. Estetika goroda. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991. 365 s.

5. V Rossii budet obespecheno shirokoe vnedrenie mnogoetazhnogo derevyannogo domostroeniya // Minstroy Rossii: [sayt]. URL: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/press/v-rossii-budet-obespecheno-shirokoe-vnedrenie-mnogoetazhnogo-derevyannogo-domostroeniya/ (data obrascheniya 10.10.2023). 

6. Citation guides / Mendeley [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/citation-guides/ (data obrascheniya: 05.04.2022).

7. Patent № 2667367 Rossiyskaya Federaciya, MPK B28C 5/00 (2006.01), B28C 9/02 (2006.01). Sposob polucheniya betonnoy smesi s utilizaciey ranee poluchennyh ostatkov etoy smesi: opubl. 19.09.2018 / Kogan Artem Sergeevich.

Postupila v redakciyu 
Odobrena posle recenzirovaniya 
Prinyata k opublikovaniyu


1. Treybaks, E. A. (2017) Utilization of unique properties of glued wood CLT panels in the construction of public buildings, Innovatsii v nauke, 10(71), pp. 68-69 (in Russian).

2. Ammari, M. S., Belhadj, B., Bederina, M., Ferhat, A. & Quéneudec, M. (2020) Contribution of hybrid fibers on the improvement of sand concrete properties: Barley straws treated with hot water and steel fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 233(8). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117374.

3. Titunin, A. A. & Zaitseva, K. V. (2009) Design and production of construction materials of wood. Complex approach. Kostroma: Izd-vo Kostrom. gos. tekhnol. un-ta (in Russian).

4. Yargina, Z. N. (1991) Aesthetics of the city. Moscow: Stroyizdat (in Russian).

5. Ministry of Construction of Russia. (2022) Russia will ensure widespread introduction of multi-storey wooden house building [online]. Available at: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/press/v-rossii-budet-obespecheno-shirokoe-vnedrenie-mnogoetazhnogo-derevyannogo-domostroeniya (accessed 10.10.2023) (in Russian).

6. Citation Guides / Mendeley [online]. Available at: https://www.mendeley.com/guides/citation-guides/ (accessed 05.04.2022).

7. Ferrari, G., Surico, F., Brocchi, A., Banfi, E., Maltese, C. & Squinzi, M. (2019) Method for recycling concrete, IT, Patent EP 2,468,695 A1.

Approved after reviewing

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Polozhenie o recenzirovanii rukopisey v zhurnale

«Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve» / «Smart Comprosite in Construction»


  1. Obschie polozheniya

1.1 Nastoyaschee Polozhenie ustanavlivaet proceduru ekspertnoy ocenki rukopisey, napravlyaemyh v redakciyu zhurnala «Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve Smart Composite in Construction».

1.2 Cel'yu ekspertnoy ocenki yavlyaetsya obespechenie vysokogo kachestva materialov, publikuemyh na stranicah zhurnala.

1.3 Dannoe Polozhenie razrabotano v sootvetstvii s publikacionnoy etikoy zhurnala «Umnye kompozity v stroitel'stve Smart Composite in Construction». 

  1. Poryadok recenzirovaniya statey, napravlennyh v redakciyu recenziruemogo izdaniya

2.1 Izdanie osuschestvlyaet recenzirovanie vseh postupayuschih v redakciyu materialov, sootvetstvuyuschih tematike, s cel'yu ih ekspertnoy ocenki. Vse recenzenty yavlyayutsya priznannymi specialistami po tematike recenziruemyh materialov i imeyut v techenie poslednih 3 let (k momentu polucheniya rukopisi) publikacii po tematike recenziruemoy stat'i.

2.2 Postupivshaya rukopis' prohodit process pervichnoy ocenki, s pozicii sootvetstviya formal'nym trebovaniyam izdaniya, a imenno: tematike zhurnala i perechnyu podderzhivaemyh nauchnyh special'nostey, pravilam oformleniya statey, original'nosti, yasnosti i logichnosti izlozheniya. V sluchae nesootvetstviya etim trebovaniyam stat'ya ne prinimaetsya k rassmotreniyu, o chem redakciya izveschaet avtora, s ukazaniem prichiny otkaza.

2.3 Reshenie o sootvetstvii rukopisi formal'nym trebovaniyam izdaniya prinimaetsya v techenie 15 dney, nachinaya s daty postupleniya rukopisi v redakciyu.

2.4 Recenzentom ne mozhet byt' avtor ili soavtor recenziruemoy stat'i, a takzhe nauchnye rukovoditeli soiskateley uchenoy stepeni i sotrudniki podrazdeleniya, v kotorom rabotaet avtor, predstavivshiy stat'yu. Recenzenty ne imeyut prava ispol'zovat' v lichnyh celyah recenziruemye rukopisi i peredavat' ih tret'im licam. Srok recenzirovaniya rukopisey ne dolzhen prevyshat' 30 kalendarnyh dney s momenta napravleniya rukopisi recenzentu. Okonchatel'noe reshenie ob opublikovanii postupivshih materialov redakciya zhurnala prinimaet posle rassmotreniya originala recenzii.

2.5 Redakciya izdaniya napravlyaet avtoram predstavlennyh materialov kopii recenziy ili motivirovannyy otkaz, a takzhe obyazuetsya napravlyat' kopii recenziy v Ministerstvo nauki i vysshego obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii pri postuplenii sootvetstvuyuschego zaprosa.

  1. Trebovaniya k soderzhaniyu recenzii

3.1 Recenziya dolzhna soderzhat' ob'ektivnyy analiz rukopisi, otrazhat' ocenku kachestva rukopisi ekspertom.

3.2 Recenziya sostavlyaetsya po standartnoy forme, predlagaemoy redakciey, ili v svobodnom vide i dolzhna soderzhat' sleduyuschie elementy:

– aktual'nost' tematiki issledovaniya, predstavlennoy v rukopisi;

– nauchnaya novizna materialov;

– sootvetstvie soderzhaniya rukopisi ee nazvaniyu;

– sootvetstvie ispol'zovannyh avtorom metodik, rekomendaciy i rezul'tatov issledovaniya sovremennym dostizheniyam nauki i praktiki;

– dostovernost' izlozhennyh faktov, polnota raskrytiya temy;

– celesoobraznost' i obosnovannost' nalichiya v rukopisi tablic, grafikov, inyh illyustracionnyh i demonstracionnyh materialov;

– sootvetstvie vyvodov celyam i zadacham issledovaniya, ih argumentirovannost';

– kachestvo prorabotki literaturnyh istochnikov;

– ocenka lichnogo vklada avtora rukopisi v reshenie izuchaemoy problemy;

– kachestvo oformleniya rukopisi: stil', terminologiya, formulirovki.

3.3 Zaklyuchitel'naya chast' recenzii dolzhna soderzhat' rekomendaciyu:

– ob opublikovanii rukopisi v zhurnale;

– o dorabotke rukopisi (s ukazaniem konkretnyh zamechaniy ili rekomendaciy);

– ob otklonenii rukopisi (s obosnovaniem mneniya eksperta).

3.4 Recenziya podpisyvaetsya ekspertom s rasshifrovkoy ego familii, imeni i otchestva, prostanovkoy daty, ukazaniem uchenoy stepeni, uchenogo zvaniya i zanimaemoy dolzhnosti na moment rassmotreniya rukopisi.

3.5 Original recenzii napravlyaetsya v redakcionnuyu kollegiyu zhurnala.

  1. Poryadok predstavleniya recenzii avtoram

4.1 Recenziya (libo ee chast') napravlyaetsya glavnym redaktorom zhurnala ili ego zamestitelem po zaprosu avtora rukopisi, bez ukazaniya familii, dolzhnosti i mesta raboty recenzenta.

4.2 Pri polozhitel'noy ocenke rukopisi recenzentom i redakcionnoy kollegiey zhurnala, glavnyy redaktor ili ego zamestitel' soobschaet avtoru o prinyatii ego rukopisi i planiruemom sroke opublikovaniya predstavlennyh materialov.

4.3 Pri vydache recenzentom rekomendaciy po dorabotke ili zamechaniy rukopis' napravlyaetsya avtoru s ukazaniem sroka, v techenie kotorogo eti zamechaniya dolzhny byt' ustraneny, a rukopis' dorabotana. Dorabotannaya rukopis' s otvetami avtora na zamechaniya (rekomendacii) napravlyaetsya na povtornoe rassmotrenie etomu zhe recenzentu.

4.4 V sluchae konflikta interesov ili nesoglasiya avtora s zamechaniyami (rekomendaciyami) recenzenta, rukopis', po hodataystvu avtora, mozhet byt' napravlena na povtornoe recenzirovanie drugomu ekspertu.

4.5 Pri poluchenii otricatel'noy recenzii na rukopis' redakcionnaya kollegiya zhurnala imeet pravo napravit' materialy na dopolnitel'noe recenzirovanie ili dorabotku avtoru s posleduyuschim povtornym recenzirovaniem, ili otklonit' rukopis'.

4.6 V sluchae otkloneniya rukopisi avtoru napravlyaetsya pis'mo s ukazaniem prichin otkaza prinyat' materialy k opublikovaniyu.

  1. Zaklyuchenie

5.1 Recenzii hranyatsya v redakcii zhurnala v techenie 5 let.

5.2 Recenzii predstavlyayutsya v VAK pri Ministerstve nauki i vysshego obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii pri nalichii zaprosa so storony VAK.

                        Burgonutdinov Albert
Burgonutdinov Albert Perm National Research Polytechnic University (kafedra avtomobil'nyh dorog i mostov, docent)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Bychin Nikolai
Bychin Nikolai Institute of Chemical and Energy Technology Problems, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS), (Laboratory of Material Science of Mineral Raw Materials)

                        Valiev Sherali
Valiev Sherali The Moscow State Technical University - MADI

                        Vatagin Aleksandr
Vatagin Aleksandr Yaroslavl State Technical University (Senior Lecturer)

                        Verbin Vasiliy
Verbin Vasiliy Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Verloka Ivan
Verloka Ivan Yaroslavl State Technical University (Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)

                        Volkov Danil
Volkov Danil Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Volodin Vladimir
Volodin Vladimir Ogarev Mordovia State University

                        Voronov Vladimir
Voronov Vladimir Ivanovo State Polytechnic University

                        Gasanov Perviz
Gasanov Perviz Limited Liability Company «UMTrans»

                        Genina Anastasia
Genina Anastasia Biysk Institute of Technology, Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Department of Machines and Devices for Chemical and Food Production)

                        Goglev Ilya
Goglev Ilya OOO (Limited Liability Company) «Technonicol-Stroitelniye sistemy»

                        Goglev Ilia
Goglev Ilia OOO «AktivProekt»

                        Golubeva Elena
Golubeva Elena Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Golub Grigoriy
Golub Grigoriy Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Gotovcev Valeriy
Gotovcev Valeriy Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra «Upravlenie predpriyatiem»., Professor)
doctor of technical sciences


                        Grushko Irina
Grushko Irina Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University

                        Gudanov Il'ya
Gudanov Il'ya Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Danilov Igor
Danilov Igor JSC "Express-Partner"

                        Dovydenko Anastasia
Dovydenko Anastasia Siberian State Automobile and Road University (Centre of competence in the field of use of secondary material resources in the construction industry)

Fedosov Sergey  — Editor-in-Chief
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra «Tehnologiya i organizaciya stroitel'nogo proizvodstva», Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kalayeva Sahiba  — Executive secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Associate Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Abdykalykov Akymbek Abdykalykovich  — Member of the editorial team
Kyrgyzskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet stroitel'stva, transporta i arhitektury im. N. Isanova (Rector)
doctor of technical sciences

Akimov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Rector)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Bakanov Maksim  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovskaya pozharno-spasatel'naya akademiya GPS MChS Rossii (Nachal'nik uchebno-nauchnogo kompleksa «Pozharotushenie»)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Belov Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Tver Stare University (Kafedra "proizvodstva stroitel'nyh izdeliy i konstrukciy", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Tver, Tver, Russian Federation
Belostockiy Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra informatiki i prikladnoy matematiki., Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Vatin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction (kafedra «Stroitel'stvo unikal'nyh zdaniy i sooruzheniy», Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Gotovcev Valeriy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra «Upravlenie predpriyatiem»., Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Zaharov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
OOO «Kvartal-Invest» (Zamestitel' direktora po arhitekturno-gradostroitel'nomu proektirovaniyu)
candidate of architecture
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kolchunov Vitaliy  — Member of the editorial team
Southwest State University (Kafedra unikal'nyh zdaniy i sooruzheniy, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Kursk, Kursk, Russian Federation
Kotlov Vitaliy  — Member of the editorial team
Volga State University of Technology (Prorektor po vospitatel'noy rabote)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Sovetnik RAASN
Yoshkar-Ola, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation
Kudryashov Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nauchnyy rukovoditel' Instituta arhitektury i dizayna)
candidate of architecture

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Leonovich Sergey Nikolaevich  — Member of the editorial team
Belarusian National Technical University (Kafedra "Stroitel'nye materialy i tehnologii stroitel'stva", Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Minsk, Belarus
Mondrus Vladimir L'vovich  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra stroitel'noy i teoreticheskoy mehaniki, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Mohov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Kafedra avtomatiki i elektrosnabzheniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Nizina Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ogarev Mordovia State University (I.o. direktora Instituta arhitektury i stroitel'stva)
doctor of technical sciences

Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
Pospelov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (Kafedra izyskaniya i proektirovaniya, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Puharenko Yuriy  — Member of the editorial team
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction (Kafedra tehnologii stroitel'nyh materialov i metrologii, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Rudobashta Stanislav Pavlovich  — Member of the editorial team
Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Kafedra teplotehniki, gidravliki i energoobespecheniya predpriyatiy, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Rumyanceva Varvara  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University (Direktor instituta informacionnyh tehnologiy, estestvennyh i gumanitarnyh nauk)
doctor of technical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Selyaev Vladimir Pavlovich  — Member of the editorial team
Ogarev Mordovia State University (Kafedra stroitel'nyh konstrukciy, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Saransk, Saransk, Russian Federation
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Travush Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
ZAO "Gorproekt" (Glavnyy konstruktor)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Vice-prezident RAASN
academician Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Treschev Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Tula State University (Kafedra stroitel'stva, stroitel'nyh materialov i konstrukciy, Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences ,
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Fedoseev Vadim  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State Polytechnic University (Kafedra organizacii proizvodstva i gorodskogo hozyaystva, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Mitrović Radivoje  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Belgrade University (Dekan fakul'teta mashinostroeniya)
doctor of technical sciences

Dobrokhotov Vladimir Borisovich  — Editor

Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Layout designer
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation


Code 2.1.1
Name Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения
Code 2.1.5
Name Строительные материалы и изделия
Code 2.1.8
Name Проектирование и строительство дорог, метрополитенов, аэродромов, мостов и транспортных тоннелей
Code 2.1.12
Name Архитектура зданий и сооружений. Творческие концепции архитектурной деятельности


Our mission is to introduce the latest achievements of scientists and researchers in construction sciences, urban planning, architecture, and legitimate exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience acquired by representatives of different generations working to solve the actual construction industry development challenges.

The scientific peer-reviewed Journal Smart Composite in Construction publishes original research papers, review articles, and case studies to promote rapid communication and exchange among scholars, architects, and engineers. It introduces and reviews significant and pioneering achievements in architecture and construction research. Subject areas include the results of original research by authors working in Russia and abroad on the primary branches of architecture, such as architectural design and theory, urban science, design and building structures with increased reliability and earthquake resistance, creation of building materials and composites with new physical, chemical and consumer properties, including the use of waste from industrial enterprises, as well as studying the design and construction of modern buildings, roads, tunnels, airports, bridges, etc. We implement a creative approach to solving urgent tasks of public areas architectural content, preservation of unique objects of cultural and historical heritage of ancient builders and craftsmen for descendants.

Online-only Journal content is published 4 times a year. Registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, Certificate EL No FS 77 - 79733 on 27.11.2020.

The Journal does not charge a submission fee or publication fee.

The Editorial Board accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in it without translation into Russian. The Editorial Board translates manuscripts received in Russian into English upon request and prior agreement with the authors.

All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence.

General Founder and Publisher of the Journal: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Yaroslavl State Technical University", 150023, Russia, Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospekt, 88

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