V stat'e s poziciy klassovogo podhoda rassmatrivayutsya izmeneniya, proishodyaschie v social'no-ekonomicheskoy sfere Rossii. Avtor otmechaet, chto po mere restavracii kapitalizma v Rossii problemy, suschestvuyuschie v klassovom obschestve, ne sglazhivayutsya, a naoborot, obostryayutsya. Tak, dlya znachitel'noy chasti predstaviteley krupnogo rossiyskogo kapitala voprosy nacional'noy bezopasnosti Rossii vo vseh ih proyavleniyah teryayut aktual'nost', tak kak, poluchiv inostrannoe grazhdanstvo, dlya nih stanovitsya ne suschestvennym, gde budet «rabotat'» ih kapital - v Rossii ili v lyuboy drugoy strane.
klass, klassovoe obschestvo, klassovaya prinadlezhnost', indeks chelovecheskogo razvitiya, zarabotnaya plata, naemnyy trud
1. 1. World Resources 2008: Roots of Resilience - Growing the Wealth of the Poor [Electronic resource]. - The access mode: http://www.wri.org/publication/world-resources-2008-roots-of-resilience
2. 2. Human Development Report 2001. Making New Technologies Work for Human Development [Electronic resource]. - The access mode: http://www.hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2001.
3. 3. Human Development Report 2009. Overcoming barriers: human mobility and development [Electronic resource]. - The access mode: http://www.hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2009/chapters.
4. 4. Human Development Report 2010. The Real Wealth of Nations: pathways to Human Development [Electronic resource]. - The access mode: http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2010/chapters/.
5. 5. Rossiyskiy statisticheskiy ezhegodnik 2010 [Elektronnyy resurs]. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.gks.ru/doc_2010/year10/year10.rar.
6. 6. Nekrasov, N.A. Razmyshleniya u paradnogo pod'ezda [Elektronnyy resurs] / N.A. Nekrasov. - Rezhim dostupa: http://www.litera.ru/stixiya/authors/nekrasov/vot-paradnyj-podezd.html.