Dannaya stat'ya informiruet o soderzhanii i vyvodah mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, sostoyavsheysya v Sankt-Peterburge i posvyaschennoy teme «Noosfernoe obrazovanie v evraziyskom prostranstve. Avtor, predsedatel' programmnogo komiteta ukazannoy konferencii, soobschaet o soderzhanii osnovnyh dokladov i diskussiy na kruglyh stolah. Osnovnoe vnimanie obrascheno na pervostepennoe znachenie noosfernogo obrazovaniya v spasenii chelovechestva ot ekologicheskoy katastrofy. Eto otrazhaet ne tol'ko tochku zreniya avtora, a mnenie vseh uchastnikov konferencii. This article informs on the contents and conclusions of the international scientific and practical conference which took place in St. Petersburg and was devoted to a subject «Noosphere education in the Euroasian space». The author, chairman of program committee of the conference, speaks about contents of the main reports and discussions on round tables. The main attention is paid to paramount role of noosphere education in saving mankind from environmental disaster. It reflects not only the point of view of the author but opinion of all conferees.
noosphere education, international conference, ecological catastrophe, outlook, change, responsibility