Sovremennyy mir stanovitsya vse bolee i bolee tehnologichnym. Ego produktom yavlyaetsya elektronnaya, v tom chisle cifrovaya, ekonomika. Uslozhnyayutsya ekonomicheskie otnosheniya kak sub'ektnoob'ektnye, kogda oni dopolnyayutsya algoritmami. Usilivaetsya virtualizaciya ekonomiki. V stat'e predstavlena popytka filosofsko-hozyaystvennogo osmysleniya cifrovoy ekonomiki. Pokazany granicy cifrovoy ekonomiki. Modern world becomes more and more sophisticated. Its product is the digital economy. Economic relations as subject-to-object ones become more complicated when they are supplemented by algorithms. Virtualization of economy intensifes. This article makes an attempt to the attempt of philosophical and economic understanding of digital. The limits of digital economy are presented as well.
e-Economy, digital economy, virtual economy, modern technology, digital economy cluster, cloud infrastructure of firm, opportunities
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