Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Currently, the spread of digital technologies sets trends for the transformation of production and improving the efficiency of companies' business processes. In industrial production, they are increasingly talking about the transition to "Industry 4.0". this implies the introduction of key components and devices that significantly modernize production processes, make them more transparent, safe and efficient. The author of this article examines the possibilities of digital transformation of mining enterprises, shows that the introduction of digital solutions can increase labor productivity and can to some extent offset the trend of increasing operating costs in the mining industry, and should also contribute to the emergence of innovative approaches to business organization and expansion of the production potential of enterprises. The purpose of this article is to consider the relevance and necessity of using modern digital technologies at the present time, to show the possibilities of using the achievements of "Industry 4.0" in the production processes of mining enterprises and to analyze the features of digital transformation of production. The use of digital technologies makes it possible to make resource consumption more optimal, improve the quality of work and the level of their safety, ensure cost savings, relieve employees of routine procedures and increase labor productivity. This makes it possible to increase business efficiency and earn additional profit, despite significant additional costs for their implementation of these initiatives. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the digitalization of the mining industry is gradually becoming a driver of development, affects most of the technological processes of enterprises and dictates the need for systemic changes in them.
digitalization, transformation of production, "Industry 4.0", production processes, labor productivity, efficiency.
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