Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Based on the results of an empirical study, the article shows that the problem of increasing labor productivity in relation to the Russian Federation has been pressing for several decades. One of the significant factors influencing its growth is considered - the quality of the workforce. The relevance of the study is determined by the consequences of the past Covid-19 pandemic. With the help of the results of the study, the relationship between the health status of employees and labor productivity is proved. Finding such a connection is due to the fact that people have experienced a pandemic of a disease that differs not only in the danger of the pathogen, but also in the consequences of complications. The results are presented, showing what complications those who have been ill have encountered and how this affects their labor productivity. The methodology of the study of an individual case was used. In this study, the object was chosen by the enterprise LLC "KBK "Navtex" - formerly known as the Navolok cotton mill "Privolzhskaya Commune". The main activity of the enterprise is the production of cotton fabrics and medical products. The position of each particular enterprise depends on its location, industry, number, equipment and other factors, which affects the labor behavior of workers. The differentiation of the level of labor productivity by regions is the highest, which is based on regional differences in the structure of the economy and technical and technological factors. The workers of the main production were interviewed. A continuous survey was conducted using the questionnaire method. The purpose of the article is to describe the health status of workers at a separate enterprise after the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the productivity of workers. Scientific novelty is provided by the results of empirical research using the author's tools.
: labor productivity, labor force quality, case study, coronavirus, health self-assessment, labor force quality indicators.
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