Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The paper examines the possibilities of the market economy of the Russian Federation to ensure a large-scale and rapid (within the next 3-7 years) increase in industrial potential due to the presence and growth of the military threat and the danger of unleashing large-scale military operations against our country by the unfriendly countries of the collective West led by the United States. The experience of Soviet industrialization, starting with the development and implementation of the GOELRO plan, to the post-war (Patriotic War) large-scale restoration of the national economy and the increase in industrial potential created during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), is considered. The article examines the current state of the manufacturing industry and its development under the con-ditions of the liberal market model of the 1990s. The article examines the current state of the manufac-turing industry and its development under the conditions of the liberal market model of the 1990s. It is concluded that for more than thirty years of a market economy, Russia has not fully restored its indus-trial potential after the collapse of the economy of the 1990s, according to many indicators of industrial production, the country has not reached the level of 1990 (the last year of the USSR). It is believed that at present the country needs a wide and qualitative expansion and renewal of production capacities (primarily related to the military-industrial complex and ensuring the conduct of military operations in Ukraine within the framework of the NWO), which are clearly not enough to guarantee counteraction to emerging and growing military threats. To this end, it is proposed to change the trajectory of the economic development of the Russian Federation, abandon the model of a liberal market economy and replace it with a state-market model in the image of Lenin's model of the NEP. However, this issue remains debatable and requires detailed study, which the author plans to do in sub-sequent publications.
: industrial potential, manufacturing industry, industrialization, industrial modernization, military threat, military operations, market economy, GOELRO, NEP, industry, economic development, public admin-istration, GDP.
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