Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The relevance of the presented study is determined by the need to find ways to exit the national economy from the crisis of the 2020s with competitive advantages, which is complicated by: - global problems of overcoming the global economic crisis of the 2020s; - the internal problems of the development of the national economy that have accumulated in recent decades, including the presence of a significant lag behind the world leaders, including a significant loss of positions of technological sovereignty in terms of technologies, on the one hand, outgoing technological modes, but, on the other hand, largely determine the current opportunities for the development of the national economy for own production account; - purposeful sanctions pressure on the Russian economy of the collective West, the intensity of which has increased by more than two orders of magnitude in recent years. The purpose of the presented study is to form a strategy for the effective development of the national economy for the period of growth of economic activity within the framework of the VI technological order in the period of the 2030s. The scientific novelty of the presented study lies in the justification that the national development strategy in the 2030s will be based on the concept of human capital management, as well as in the formation of the main provisions of this strategy. The practical value of the results obtained lies in the possibility of their use in the strategic development of the national economy in the 2030s through the implementation of the concept of human capital management, which is invariant to the scale and activities of economic entities.
strategy formation, national development, management concepts, human capital, 2030s, technological paradigms.
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