Debt sustainability of public legal entities in the context of its debt competitiveness: theoretical aspects and features in the Yaroslavl region at the present stage
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between two categories: debt sustainability and debt competitiveness. The relevance of the article is due to the active implementation of debt management activities by public legal entities at all levels and the need for them to ensure their own debt sustainability. The purpose of the article is to establish and describe the relationship that exists between debt sustainability and debt competitiveness. The research was mainly carried out by methods of conceptual analysis, collection, study and classification, graphical representation, analysis of official documents, structural and dynamic analysis, and empirical observation. The article presents the concepts and essential characteristics of the categories "debt sustainability" and "debt competitiveness"; examines the consequences of debt instability; analyzes the author's views published in the literature on issues related to debt sustainability; the cyclical nature of the debt activity of public legal entities is established; the provisions of the current budget legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of debt sustainability are outlined; a structural and dynamic analysis of the state debt of the Yaroslavl region is carried out. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the substantiation of an approach that suggests considering the debt sustainability of public legal entities and managing it as a significant factor in its debt competitiveness.

debt sustainability, debt competitiveness, debt obligations, public legal entities, borrower, lender, investor, public authority
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