Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
It is proposed to consider the management of online sales of pharmaceutical products from the point of view of a process approach, the elements of the transformation process are highlighted and it is shown that the task of management is to determine the criteria for the effective functioning of the online sales system. A competitive analysis of the pharmaceutical market in Yaroslavl showed that the main players are characterized by a close level of competitiveness, while their common problems are an insufficient level of service and inconvenient online pharmacies for consumers. The main criteria determining the level of service provided by online pharmacies are identified: understanding of customer problems; competence of staff; ability to provide service at a given time and in a given place; trust in the quality of the pharmaceutical products offered; speed of response to a request. A model of an ideal online pharmacy is proposed, the implementation of which will require consolidated solutions in the field of marketing, information technology, logistics, and quality management. A survey conducted among consumers of pharmaceutical products showed that when providing services in accordance with the proposed model, the share of sales in the regional pharmaceutical market will increase by 40%.
online sales system, pharmaceutical market, competitive analysis, criteria for evaluating the level of service, online pharmacy model.
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