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Abstract (English):
The technology of Cold-in-Place recycling is an alternative to the traditional methods of highway reconditioning. The research problems are the issues of effective application of this technology due to the imperfection of the regulatory standards. An important aspect of the effectiveness of cold recycling is obtaining homogeneous and durable structural layers of road pavement. Physical and mechanical properties of dispersed materials correlate with the particle size distribution. Asphalt granulat with minimum content of dusty fractions has a great influence on the aggregate composition in organomineral mixtures. The requirements of the current normative documents for cold regeneration do not take this fact into account. It causes composing of mixtures with suboptimal composition, and, consequently, a decrease in the efficiency of the applied technology. The results of the conducted researches of organomineral mixtures allow ones’ to optimize their grain composition, and to increase physical and mechanical properties of highways’ basecourses.

highways, pavement, Cold-in-Place recycling, asphalt granular concrete and organomineral mixtures, grain size distribution, strength
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