Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article discusses the essence of the regional market of investment projects, its participants and the specific role of each of them. In particular, the place in this market has been determined for the regional development institutions (RDI) created with the aim of implementing the state policy to enhance investment and innovation processes, which act as intermediaries between entrepreneurs, investors and the state. The author's understanding of the procedures for attracting and further supporting projects in the system of regional development institutions (RID) is disclosed. The activities of Development Corporations as key figures in the RIR system in terms of support (promotion) of investment projects initiated in the region are discussed in more detail, using the Yaroslavl region as an example. The stages of the implementation of the project support process are identified and the content of the Corporation's activities at each of them is disclosed, which made it possible to give a positive assessment of its activities, to identify problems requiring correction, as well as to generalize and formalize the experience of the Corporation in the area under discussion. The characteristics of the current economic conditions are given, causing a dissonance between the proposal of investment ideas by the initiators of projects and the possibilities of their financing. Approaches for conducting economic feasibility studies for projects in a situation of limited sources of funding and increased risks of their implementation have been updated. An adjustment of traditional approaches to forecasting income and expenses of projects, an assessment of their economic efficiency using a decision tree is proposed, the features of conducting an economic justification in the case of joint financing of projects and the implementation of control procedures for the processes of their implementation are outlined. The developed recommendations for the promotion of investment projects will contribute to a more successful solution of the tasks assigned to regional development institutions to increase investment activity in the regions.
regional market of investment projects, regional development institutions, attraction and support of investment projects, economic justification of projects.
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