Ussuriysk, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities for the development of agriculture in the Russian Federation through the popularization of the business concept of agritourism. It is emphasized that today there is a significant need to develop the structure of the organizational and economic model and the concept of agritourism, since this area remains poorly understood from the standpoint of both theory and practice. Note that the refinement of the internal components of the described model, taking into account the focus on environmentally friendly practices of agriculture - organic farming, acquires significance. This determined the purpose of the article - to develop a concept (organizational and economic model) for the development of agro-tourism in the field of agro-industrial complex using environmentally friendly practices of agriculture (organic farming). To achieve this goal, we have implemented tasks related to describing the current state of agrotourism in Russia and in the world, determining the prospects and risks of agrotourism, as well as developing an organizational and economic model for the development of agrotourism. The work mainly uses the methods of theoretical research. The article reveals the current state of agritourism in Russia and in the world. The prospects and risks of agritourism are determined, taking into account the current conditions of sanctions influence, the state of infrastructure and other factors, as well as the long-term trend. The directions for improving the organizational and economic model of Russian agro-tourism with a focus on the development of entrepreneurship, increasing entrepreneurial competencies and popularizing environmentally friendly practices in agriculture (organic farming) are specified. The prospects and possibilities for implementing the model are described, and possible effects from its reproduction in practice are predicted. It is concluded that there are high prospects for further testing and detailing, taking into account the experience gained and the specific conditions of the agricultural company. The results of the study can be applied in order to create unique models of agritourism as a business. Of great importance are the issues of studying the possibilities of implementing the described organizational and economic model on the basis of specific agricultural enterprises, with specification of common elements and detailing the structure of the organizational and economic model.
agrotourism, business model, rural tourism, agricultural development, innovations in agrotourism, social effect.
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