Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian metallurgical companies face problems of financial instability, a high level of legislative restrictions, instability caused by global changes in the economic environment, difficulties in adapting to industry risks. In the conditions of modern economic development, with its challenges and new opportunities, there is a need to study the risks of the production and economic activities of metallurgical enterprises and their assessment with the prediction of possible results of the enterprise's activities in various risk situations, taking into account industry and regional characteristics. The article analyzes the metallurgical industry for 2017–2021: the main risks of the Russian metallurgical industry are identified; the concentration coefficient of the industry and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index were calculated; industry life cycle. The object of the study is the enterprises of the Russian metallurgical complex: PJSC MMK, PJSC Severstal, PJSC NLMK, EVRAZ holding, which together occupy over 70% of the Russian metallurgical market. As a result of the analysis of the metallurgical industry, the main industry risks that metallurgical companies may face are identified, such as: foreign economic risks, risks of rising prices for raw materials and materials, risks of intra-industry competition, external legal risks and currency risks. The calculation of the level of concentration and monopolization of the steel market for 2017-2021 showed that the Russian steel smelting market is included in the category of moderately concentrated markets. The Herfindahl-Hirschman index increased 1.1 times during the period under review. The life cycle of the metallurgical industry characterizes the transition from the stage of "Decline" to the stage of "Maturity" in terms of the ratio of GDP growth and steel production. It is important to monitor changes in the life cycle of the industry, as this factor can actively influence companies for the better and for the worse. When the phase changes, it is necessary to re-analyze the industry and recalculate all the coefficients and models used to assess the financial risks of the enterprise.
metallurgical industry, industry risk, industry concentration coefficient, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, industry life cycle
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