Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
This section traditionally offers an overview of the materials of the next, this time the 9th (105th) issue of the journal. According to the editor, the publications of this issue are a continuation of the development of the concept of theoretical economy put forward by us. It is shown what this continuation consists of by the example of each published work. It is noted that it manifests itself to varying degrees in the speeches of both well-known readers and new authors. The main attention, as in previous issues, is given to topical problems of theoretical economics, theoretical and economic aspects of the study of new industrialization, modern problems of the world economy, and the work of young researchers.
theoretical economy; new industrialization; modern problems of the world economy, creativity of young researchers.
1. Subetto, A.I. Global'nyy imperializm, ekologicheskiy apokalipsis i strategiya vyhoda iz ekologicheskogo tupika [Tekst] / A.I. Subetto // Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal «Teoreticheskaya ekonomika», 2015. — № 6. — S. 16-20. [Elektronnyy resurs] - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn. svobodnyy: http://www.theoreticaleconomy.ru
2. Subetto, A.I. Noosfernaya paradigma celepolaganiya ustoychivogo razvitiya chelovechestva i Rossii [Tekst] / A.I. Subetto // Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal «Teoreticheskaya ekonomika», 2016. — № 2. — S. 12-22. [Elektronnyy resurs] - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn. svobodnyy: http://www.theoreticaleconomy.ru
3. Subetto, A.I. Noosfernoe obrazovanie v evraziyskom prostranstve: noosferno-evraziyskaya paradigma fundamentalizacii noosfernogo obrazovaniya [Tekst] / A.I. Subetto // Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal «Teoreticheskaya ekonomika», 2016. — № 3. — S. 7-11. [Elektronnyy resurs] - Rezhim dostupa k zhurn. svobodnyy: http://www.theoreticaleconomy.ru