Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article analyzes the features of digitalization in the Middle East region in the last two decades. The purpose of the study is to analyze the directions and features of digitalization of the Middle East countries (excluding post–Soviet republics), development trends and assessment of possible prospects for this process in the medium term. The relevance of the work is to identify and study the features of the digitalization process in the countries of Western Asia, as well as new phenomena and characteristics – to enrich the theoretical and more adequate understanding of practical aspects. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that we are exploring a relatively poorly studied region from the point of view of digital approaches. At the same time, the features of digitalization that have already formed and are emerging in the region, as well as problems in this area, in particular, "digital gaps" and external dependence, have been identified. The author uses the institutional method of scientific analysis, the method of comparisons, visualization. The author provides a scientific justification of the necessity and possibility of sustainable socio-economic development of the Middle East on the path of digitalization. It is proved that there are already some successes of the digital transformation of the countries of the region, although they are differentiated and significantly correlate with the level of socio-economic development and its dynamics. Digital government, the development of Internet access, electronic commerce, the creation of digital infrastructure, etc. have been developed. In order to further promote digitalization, including in the social sphere (medicine, education), it is important for the Middle East to coordinate its digital interaction at the regional level and intensify international cooperation in this area.
Middle East; digitalization; socio-economic development; digital policy; digital cooperation; digital economy.
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