Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article deals with conceptual approaches towards defining the basic terms of the economic security theory, which allow to reveal the economic meaning of the categories that describe challenges, dangers, threats, damages and risks. After studying scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, legal acts, the authors carried out a comparative analysis of the economic content of definitions that reflect the essence and relation of these concepts, and described the correlation between them. As a result of this study, the authors identified critical differences in approaches, as well as logical and terminological inconsistency in theories. The article presents the results of the development and justification of a fundamentally new author's logical model for describing the consistent correlation of the economic categories "challenge", "danger", "threat", "damage", "risk". The result of the study is the innovative theory of the leading role of "risk", which determines the transition from one state of security of an economic entity to another as well as their onset. The article describes the specifics of each of the categories covered: "challenge", "danger", "threat" and "damage" are disclosed in direct relationship with "risk" as well as with their specific features. For the purpose of practical demonstration of the essence of the new approach the authors presented an example that describes each of the categories under study, as well as the conditions for their transformation. The paper substantiates the relevance and applicability of the proposed model, which can act as a universal description of the correlation of the categories "challenge", "danger", "threat", "damage" and "risk", defining a single conceptual apparatus for specialists in economic security and related fields, and thereby solving the problem of terminological pluralism in the scientific community.
economic security, challenge, danger, threat, risk, economic damage.
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