Yaroslavl', Russian Federation
The article examines the experience of applying two models of economic growth boundaries to the modern Russian economy: the production capability curve (PCC) model and the "Aggregated Demand - Aggregate Supply (AD-AS)" model. The author proceeds from the fact that each economic system is interested in maximizing the use and increase of its existing potential. This is not always possible in practice. The purpose of the article is to analyze the evolution of the domestic economy over the last thirty years. It is illustrated by models of the boundaries of economic growth. The study revealed the distinctive features of each of the two models used, their strengths and weaknesses. Various changes that the Russian economy could potentially undergo were also graphically interpreted. The provision on the insufficiently effective use of available national resources was justified. The possibilities of renewal opening up to the country were formulated. Analysis of the production capability curve model allowed us to come to the conclusion that the decision space should not be limited to a return to the pre-pandemic state or even a shift of the PCC to the right. Ideally, the shape of the production capability curve itself should change from a convex to a concave line. The analysis of the model "Aggregated demand - aggregated supply" gave rise to the understanding that the traditional recipe for the movement of the economy from a depressed state to a natural level of production through stimulating aggregated demand and increasing deficit budget financing in modern conditions has almost exhausted its potential. Today it is required to work on shifting the aggregated supply curve to the right. This made it possible to formulate the priority goal of modern national economic development - stimulating the real sector of the economy.
gross domestic product, the production capability curve, labor resources, the model "Aggregated demand – aggregated supply", the natural level of production, budget allocations, budget deficit, inflation gap
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