Simferopol', Simferopol, Russian Federation
The modern market of tourist and recreational services operates in conditions of active digital transformation, which has increased competition in the market of tourist and recreational services. In the current situation, an important vector of development for the sphere of tourism and recreational services is the focus on continuous improvement of the quality of services provided. The purpose of the article is to systematize tools for improving the quality of tourism and recreational services to develop tools for improving the quality of tourism and recreational services in the context of the development of the digital economy. The study set the following objectives: determining the essence of the quality of tourism and recreational services and the importance of increasing it; detailed analysis of models and methods for assessing the quality of service in the field of tourism and recreational services, highlighting shortcomings; offering tools to improve the quality of tourism and recreational services in the context of the development of the digital economy; group interaction models within the framework of digitalization of the tourism and recreational sector of the economy. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of tools for improving the quality of tourism and recreational services in the context of the development of the digital economy. A study of the importance and need to improve the quality of tourism and recreational services in the context of the development of the digital economy showed that it is a key area of management activity of a business entity, as it gives a significant competitive advantage to the enterprise, allows it to increase occupancy, brand recognition, and, accordingly, income; reduce the cost of attracting new guests. The authors conducted a detailed analysis of models and methods for assessing the quality of service in the field of tourism and recreational services and identified key shortcomings. Models of interaction within the framework of digitalization of the tourism and recreational sector of the economy are grouped. Based on the concept of technical and functional quality of tourist and recreational services, as well as the requirements of the digital economy, a toolkit is proposed, consisting of the following blocks: tools that increase the technical quality of tourist and recreational services (internal control of compliance with the requirements of state technical regulations, external control of the quality and safety of services , introduction of high-tech innovations in production processes, automation of management processes); tools that increase the functional quality of tourist and recreational services (formation of a rational organizational structure, standardization of service processes, development of personnel competencies, increasing the level of motivation, formation and improvement of culture and service ethics). As prospects for further research, the need for a detailed study of the implementation and impact of digital technologies on the development of tourism and recreational activities was noted.
digital economy, digitalization, tourism, service, quality of tourism and recreational services, tourism and recreational services, tourism and recreational sector, digital technologies, quality improvement tools, service quality assessment models, the essence of the quality of tourism and recreational services, digitalization of the tourism and recreational sector.
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