Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
In the period of digitalization, human capital, its development and level become key factors of economic growth and the welfare of the state. At the same time, the owners of human capital discover in it a source of growth of their own income. Investing in human capital is becoming a necessary and effective tool for maintaining financial well-being both at the household level and at the level of corporations and the state. The article analyzes the trends in the formation of human capital during the digital transformation of the country. It is assumed that the introduction and large-scale use of digital technologies in everyday life and at work require new knowledge and competencies from a person, which, of course, changes human capital, especially transformations relate to the education component. The key trend of changes in the education system is the transition to the format of continuing education. In this case, a person, responding adequately to changes in business processes and the labor market, acquires new competencies throughout his life. The presence of "rigid" competencies of a specialist in the new conditions does not automatically make him successful in the profession. Soft competencies are becoming in demand, the formation of which occurs in the process of communication between a person and society. In addition, the program of technological re-equipment of production implemented in the country creates an additional impetus and direction in the formation of modern human capital. This process requires serious investment resources, highly qualified specialists in various fields, and also involves the cooperation of regional authorities, industry associations, development centers, technohabs, and business communities. Technological development of the economy is provided by personnel. And their training is more important than ever.This material actualizes the need to take into account new factors that determine the level and quality of human capital in Russian realities.
human capital; digitalization; competencies; soft skills; hard skills; digital skills; digital technologies
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