Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The problem of socio-economic stratification is one of the most important areas of economic theory research. This is justified by the fact that the deepening of this phenomenon has a direct impact on the development of the country and threatens its national security. Socio-economic stratification is an unequal distribution of social resources among the population, as a result of which individual social groups concentrate most of the benefits in their hands, which entails a social division of the population according to a certain number of characteristics. This socio-economic phenomenon is closely related to the concept of poverty. Poverty is a very serious problem for the economy of any country. In conditions of economic and political instability, especially if it is long-term, this problem is aggravated especially strongly, which leads to the formation of the phenomenon of working poverty. For Russia, where the level of poverty is at a fairly high level, the solution of this problem is especially relevant. The study is devoted to the analysis and development of measures to regulate the level of socio-economic stratification, and consequently, poverty. The research is based on the results of statistical studies in the Russian Federation. The conclusions made in the work can find practical application in the process of solving the problem of deepening socio-economic stratification and the trap of working poverty. The issue of stratification and poverty has been relevant for many centuries and has been reflected in the works of many domestic and foreign scientists, such as E. Durkheim, K. Marx, M. Weber, K. Davis and W. Moore and others. The purpose of the study is to analyze the causes and consequences of deepening socio-economic stratification, to identify ways out of the trap of working poverty. In the course of the study, it is necessary to investigate the factors influencing the deepening of inequality among the population; to develop basic proposals for smoothing socio-economic differences. The theoretical and methodological basis and information base of the research are the works of domestic and foreign researchers devoted to the issues of inequality and working poverty.
History of Economic Thought through 1925; History of Economic Thought: Macroeconomics; Factor Income Distribution; Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement; Welfare and Poverty: General; Economic Sociology. Social and Economic Stratification.
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