Kostroma, Kostroma, Russian Federation
In modern economic science, they do not attach importance to the fact that labor is, first of all, a production process. Its prerequisites for effective functioning are laid in the labor market as an economic resource, but they follow from how the company is arranged technically, technologically, and organizationally and economically and this or that form is designed by the production activities of people directly related to scientific developments in the field of inventions and design. There are profound differences between the concepts of «work», «creative work» and «creative activity». These differences are so great that it is unlikely that creative work and creative activity can be included in the subject of study of labor economics as a scientific discipline. The development of the basic theoretical premises of the economics of creativity is required. In a post-industrial society, there is a growing need for a comprehensive study of the institutional and socio-economic characteristics of creativity. Theorists of economic science do not focus on the fact that labor as an economic resource functions within the market, while labor as a factor acts in the production process and sets the institutional and economic parameters of labor as a market (economic) resource. Any resource, be it capital, labor, land or entrepreneurial ability, is not alienated like a commodity from its owner, but is leased by him for a fee for temporary use to other economic entities. The author puts forward a number of hypotheses in this article, which is intended for a critical understanding of the concept of «labor» and identifying its features in a market economy of a creative orientation, when employees in production experience an urgent need to increase their labor potential as an integral part of their human capital of high intellectual content. In the conditions of total automation, mechanization, robotization of production processes based on the use of IT technologies, the personal responsibility of each employee and entrepreneur increases in every possible way. For the slightest mistake in decision-making, even at the grassroots level, often leads to such initial costs, which at an increasing pace cause an increase in inevitable costs that permeate the entire relatively closed production and economic system of an enterprise and nullify its income. The article is intended for teachers and researchers and may be of interest to a wide range of researchers - graduate students, students and inquisitive readers.
labor, creativity, creative work, activity, moral values of society, institutional form of hiring and its economic content, labor market, entrepreneurial ability market, rights and obligations of economic entities as contractors, labor force, workplace, labor potential, human capital, economic significance of personal responsibility in the era of post-industrial society.
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