Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of architectural approaches to create structures in new environments (architecture on water, underwater and in space, as well as taking into account the rise of world ocean level throughout the century) is considered. The images that architectural structures can take and the mimicry of structures in extreme climate conditions are revealed. Global questions about the boundaries of design and the interaction of architecture with other sciences are studied. The authors present design solutions in the search for materials with new properties and the development of structures with currently unattainable strength characteristics. Furthermore, new technologies are proposed for collecting and transmitting energy in ways that are currently only represented in the field of basic research. Architecture, in terms of research horizons and significant temporal and territorial spaces, gains the human qualities of transferring, communicating the information and experience accumulated by the civilization.

architecture, biomimicry, geostationary orbit, solar sail, cycler, world ocean level rise, graphene nanotube
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