Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper studies the problem of studying the morphology of public space based on one of the main squares of Ivanovo, Russia. It considers the influence of different factors (site landscape, transport communications, socio-cultural and temporal factors) on the shaping of urban areas. The study includes the analysis of specific aspects of spatial organization at different stages of its formation. The paper defines the role of public buildings, their influence on the building up the artistic image, ensemble, and architectural stylistics of a public space. We have analyzed the architecture of the erected structures and their mutual influence on each other as well as on the geometry of the space. The study draws attention to the problem of interaction of the old and the new, their coexistence in the structure of the square. We have identified the directions for the development of space in the historic city center. The paper highlights the visual perception of the square's space, the influence of high-rise development on the scale of the square and its visual comfort. The tall buildings either complement the visual panoramas of the space or clash with the existing square. The study considers the methods of leveling errors of urban development in the formation of squares. Two ways to fix it are proposed - modern technologies of glazing the surfaces of buildings and graphic design (graffiti).

square formation, morphology, visual state of space, dissonance, architectural style of public spaces
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