Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article aims to generalize the theoretical concepts of the dependence of the performance characteristics of composite materials on their composition and structure. The authors formulate the provisions on the influence of components on various structural levels of the composite In terms of the concrete polystructural theory. Also the article provides the possibility of high-quality control of the properties of materials and final objects of urban infrastructure based on them. The article analyzes the features of technological and design solutions for small architectural forms used to provide the conditions for improving the quality and comfort of the urban environment and participating in measures to improve the urban environment. Also we consider existing and promising options for using compo site materials in the production of the urban environment objects. And carry out the main properties of composite materials deconstruction in terms of the levels of organization of the composite structure. We proposed the theoretical solutions for the integration of dissimilar materials into a single composite at various structural levels. The article presents the results of experiments on the selection and optimization of the structure of the composite. These provide the effective heterogeneous elements activity, which ensure the rational control the urban infrastructure final object properties, taking into account the operating conditions requirements.

building materials, composites, composite materials, polystructural integration, polystructural theory of concrete, concrete, variotropic structure
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