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Abstract (English):
Recently it has become quite important to improve the quality of paving asphalt and study the influence of the properties of the binder on the asphalt concrete performance. Research conducted at the Department of Highways of Vladimir State University has shown that even the most effective modifying additives used in road construction do not always give the required result, or the result is achieved by introducing a significant amount of modifier, which gives a noticeable increase in the cost of binder and asphalt concrete that use it. The purpose of this work is to select a new (previously not used in the Vladimir region) modifier for bitumen used in road construction companies in the Vladimir region, and study its properties. The results of experiment were used to develop the procedure of experimental tests, determine the properties of obtained modified binder, comp are with the properties of original samples, select additives composition, mold and test samples on the obtained modified binder. The results allowed us to conclude that the applied modifier gives better performance than the previously used modifiers.

paving asphalt, modifier, nanomodifier, carbon nanotubes, rutting, crack resistance, asphalt concrete
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