Biysk Institute of Technology, Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Department of Machines and Devices for Chemical and Food Production)
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
UDK 678 Промышленность высокомолекулярных веществ. Резиновая промышленность. Промышленность пластмасс
We demonstrate methods for long-term testing of construction composites and statistical processing through examining the durability of the fiberglass-reinforced bar specimens under continuous flexural load at -30°C. Prolonged flexural test apparatuses allow to load by 20 samples simultaneously. The strength laws of the experimentally obtained sample distributions correspond to a normal distribution, while the durability laws correspond to a logarithmic-normal distribution. Guidelines are given on the reason able choice of a permanent load based on a strength determination that would result in the destruction of most of the samples over a period of up to three months. The invention relates to an algorithm for conducting long-term tests and to a method for mathematically co-processing statistical results of strength and durability for generating power relationships. The results of the long-term tests of fiberglass-reinforced bar samples are given in the range of temperatures from minus 30 to plus 50°C. The proposed method produces relationships and makes it possible to predict a value of a lasting strength of 0.6 for a durability of 100 years. Using the suggested method, relationships have been derived that can predict a long-term strength of 0.6 for durability of 100 years. The results are in accordance with the studies of the other authors.
fiberglass-reinforced bar, long-time strength, durability, test method, statistical data processing, distribution law
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