Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
In today’s globalized economy, the trends and prospects of international cooperation actualize the need for an in-depth analysis of bilateral relations. The relations of the Russian Federation with the ASEAN countries (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) remain under-researched in the context of dynamically changing geopolitical landscape and economic sanctions, which forms a gap in modern scientific literature. The attractiveness of this topic for the author is due to the possibility of identifying new vectors of economic interaction, which can contribute to the development of strategies to strengthen the position of the Russian Federation in the international arena. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze promising trends in foreign trade relations between the Russian Federation (RF) and ASEAN. The tasks include the study of trade structure, dynamics of investment flows and the development of recommendations for deepening economic cooperation. The methodological basis is statistical analysis, modeling of economic processes and expert assessments. To ensure the representativeness of the sample, international trade data for the last decade were used, as well as the results of surveys of representatives of the business and expert communities. The main result is the confirmation of the hypothesis about the significant potential for the development of trade relations in the sectors of high technology, energy and agriculture. It is shown that interaction with ASEAN can contribute to the diversification of Russian exports and reduce dependence on traditional trade partners. The results of the study can be applied in the development of state programs of foreign economic activity and strategies of international cooperation. The article also outlines the limitations of the current research, which include the instability of the international political environment and economic sanctions. In-depth analysis of tariff and non-tariff barriers, the impact of digitalization on trade flows and the study of multilateral cooperation opportunities within the BRICS and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) frameworks are suggested as areas for future research.
foreign trade relations, Russia-ASEAN, international trade, investment flows, economic cooperation, trade policy, export diversification, international sanctions, geopolitical factors, regional economic development
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