Institutional measures to support the Education – Labour Market system in regions of Russia
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper analyses the dynamics of unemployment in the Central Federal District regions in 2018-2022. The main issues are problems at the Russian labour market in 2020-2023, and measures of their state regulation taken at the federal and regional levels. The paper considers the measures of state support for the Russian labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic restrictions, and describes their consequences. Also there is an assessment of the role of secondary vocational education system, implementation of state programs and national projects, i.e. the federal projects «Professional», «Young Professionals». Paper listed the professions and specialties in colleges of the Ivanovo and Yaroslavl regions. On the example of the Ivanovo region we consider the establishment of educational and production centres (clusters). The study considers goals, objectives, stages, directions of development, institutional environment, services of the National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation, the essence of Independent Qualification Assessment in details. The study also highlights the role of the state for a secondary vocational education system development.

labour market; staff shortage; secondary vocational education; federal projects «Professionalism», «Young Professionals», «Abilimpics»; System of National Qualifications; Independent Assessment of Qualifications; Central Federal District; Ivanovo region; Yaroslavl region
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