Investigation of the theoretical prerequisites of the macrodynamic foundations of the evolutionary theory of innovation
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Abstract (English):
This article investigates the theoretical prerequisites of the macrodynamic foundations of the evolutionary theory of innovation. It is known that economic complex systems consist of economic agents that are heterogeneous in terms of their capabilities, habits, procedures and productivity, and, by definition, these complex systems demonstrate stable macro-behavior based on micro-instability. Macroscopic patterns based on the variability of microscales are emergent properties of economically complex systems. At the same time, the resulting micro-variability is endogenous, since each component has the ability to generate novelty - creativity - and the ability to learn from the ecosystem, and each component can change its behavior to match the ecosystem. This micro-variability will be reduced during the selection process and continuously restored based on innovation. In this sense, many authors who rely on the concept of «complexity» in their research within the neo-Schumpeterian and evolutionary paradigms give opposite empirical results in terms of whether the system should be vertical or horizontal, or whether it should contribute to the bottom-up development process and/or direct interventions. This is possible because the integrated approach has not yet been fully developed, and its boundaries are still somewhat blurred. This is the relevance of our research. The scientific novelty of the article lies on the definition of theoretical prerequisites and the identification of empirical results of various groups of researchers of neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary thought. We propose that the experience based on various characteristics of the «complexities» of the system should lead to a convergence of practical recommendations in the policy of their influence on the formation of economic dynamics.

Macrodynamics, innovation policy, innovation, evolutionary theory, economic system.
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