The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation of the institute of social entrepreneurship in modern Russia. The purpose of the study is to assess the features of the formation of the institute of social entrepreneurship in the modern domestic economy and to determine the potential of its development. The article notes that Russia is on the way of forming the institute of social entrepreneurship. Despite this, in the last 10-15 years, the Institute of Social Entrepreneurship has begun to play a significant role in mitigating the severity of social problems in our country. A class of social entrepreneurs has been formed who are able to work effectively in healthcare, education, science, and culture organizations and solve pressing social problems through the use of business tools. The article puts forward a hypothesis according to which social entrepreneurship can not only play the role of a social shock absorber, but can also lay the foundations for the harmonious development of the territory. The institutional approach was used as research methods. The article reveals the economic essence of social entrepreneurship, presents an assessment of the degree of impact of formal institutions, examines the factors contributing to the activation of social entrepreneurship, highlights the main stages of the formation of the institute of social entrepreneurship. The use of the case study method allowed us to analyze a number of successful entrepreneurial projects in Russian regions. Using the example of a social project for the organization of the museum «Kolomenskaya Pastila», the effect of the accelerator effect is revealed. It is shown that the organization of the museum has become the initial link in the formation of a tourist cluster. Later, more than 40 museums were opened in the city and a full-fledged hospitality infrastructure was formed. Conclusions are drawn that social entrepreneurship has a hidden potential for its development. Entrepreneurial projects of a social orientation can make a significant contribution to the prosperity of the region.
institute of social entrepreneurship; Austrian school; entrepreneurial alertness; «failures» on the part of the state; stages of formation of the institute of social entrepreneurship; successful social projects; sustainable development of the territory; solving social problems; franchising.
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11. Oficial'nyy sayt. Set' «Liga robotov». URL:http://www.obraz.rpo. (data obrascheniya: 01.07.2021).
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13. Oficial'nyy sayt Fonda podderzhki social'nyh proektov ASI. URL:http://www. (data obrascheniya: 01.07.2021).
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17. Oficial'nyy sayt fabriki «Kresteckaya strochka». URL: (data obrascheniya 01.07.2021).
18. Oficial'nyy sayt Muzeya «Kolomenskaya pastila». URL: (data obrascheniya 01.07.2021).