Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
the deep systemic crisis that the Russian and world economies are experiencing today, accompanied by rapid changes affecting all layers of social, economic, political and other relations, has revealed the importance of aggregated statistical data for identifying and overcoming problems of socio-economic development of both the world system and Russia. At the same time, the problem of searching, systematization, formation of up-to-date aggregated information and its effective use in the management of socio-economic processes remains. In modern conditions of wide and rapid spread of digital technologies, new methods and ways of solving this problem have emerged, as a result of which it has become possible to conduct a more detailed and in-depth analysis of certain aspects of socio-economic development at the macro and meso levels. The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of up-to-date aggregated statistics, when applied correctly, to serve the development of verified strategies and solutions. The authors used the information base of the Krasnodar Territory to implement the purpose of the article, because Krasnodar Krai is one of the ten most important and strategically significant regions of Russia. Achieving this goal required solving a set of tasks: to form an understanding of the key features of regional development on the example of the Krasnodar Territory; to analyze summary statistical information based on official sources; to substantiate the relationship between the use of aggregated information and the effectiveness of the development of the real sector of the economy. As part of the writing of this scientific work, official data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Krasnodar Territory were used. Also, the information base of the study consisted of articles, monographs, proceedings of conferences of various economists, scientific journals. In the process of writing the article, statistical data for the period from 2010 to 2020 were used. The novelty of the study consists in an attempt to actualize the problem of connecting current operational statistical information on the example of a significant region of Russia, in order to form aggregated data that allows detecting and tracking emerging trends in the socioeconomic development of the region.
Krasnodar region, real sector of the economy, capital outflow, migration, realization of economic potential, summary statistics.
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