Doneck, Donetsk People's Republic
Doneck, Donetsk People's Republic
Information technologies are moving through the financial sector and this is the global transformation processes. Main discussion concerns ways of the monetary system organization: will it be centralized or decentralized. Therefore, the question of the role of money in the economy remains relevant. Method of economic duality it is proposed for finding answer. The article examines the relations of economic exchange as having a dual nature. It manifested in the presence or absence of any intermediary object of this exchange. The goal is to satisfy needs. The comparison method also deepens the analysis of economic exchange relations to reveal their essence. Examples of exchange interactions that are studied in social and natural sciences are given. The economic content of exchange relations are characterized by inseparability. The general conclusion is made that monetary and barter relations are two forms of economic exchange and others do not exist.
economic exchange; money; barter; method of economic duality; inseparability property
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