Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
One of the characteristic signs of today in the field of ensuring the country’s defense capability in our turbulent times is the unprecedented growth of the importance, place and role of military-economic science in justifying and making not only military-political, but also strategic decisions for the development of the country. After almost destroying not only the military economy as a science, but also as an objective reality, the decisions of incompetent leaders in the field of national defense, of course, not only the rehabilitation of the military-economic scientific discipline and the system of training professional military economists is required, but it is necessary to rethink its real functions, first of all, clarification and in-depth study of the methodological role in substantiating and making managerial decisions in the field of economic support for military construction.
military economics, military-economic science, functions of the science «military economics», management of militaryeconomic activity, resource and economic support of military construction
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