Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Vladikavkaz Branch (Yaroslavl Branch)
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article examines aspects of a systematic methodological approach to the development of small innovative entrepreneurship, the use of which characterizes a form of application of the theory of cognition to the study of processes occurring in the field of innovation. Its essence consists in the implementation of the requirements of the general theory of systems, which includes the knowledge of small business as objects acting as a large and complex system. This process in-volves the use of various aspects of political economic analysis. Significant problems in the development of innovative small business have been identified. These include: the imperfection of a large number of regulatory legal acts; insufficient development of the financial and credit mechanism for supporting small businesses; weak material and resource support for the development of small innovative entrepreneurship; a high level of unfair competition; administrative barriers; underdevelopment of the information support system for small enter-prises; problems of staffing innovative programs. It is proved that a systematic methodological approach to the development of small innovative entrepreneurship should include the following structural elements: formation of a system of goals that are achieved by the subject of innovation management; analysis of the object of innovation management, in particular, its condition before the start of innovation activity; research of market opportunities of the subject of management, the volume and structure of market needs; identifica-tion of the volume and structure of resources used; management decisions. It is noted that the application of scientific theoretical approaches makes it possible to ensure the effectiveness of innovation management in the small business system. The substantiation of the types of analysis of a small business entity allows, on the basis of a study of the financial condi-tion, to fully characterize the internal and external environment of a small business entity, an assessment of its resources. Based on this, the analysis of business activity is carried out and the probability of bankruptcy is assessed.
System approach, innovation, small business, comparative analysis, management, economics
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