Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Vladikavkaz Branch (Yaroslavl Branch)
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article reveals that the management of global economic processes is based on political power, the basis of which is money. To strengthen the system of power relations, money is fetishized and presented as a «golden calf», with the help of which the domination of one relatively small group of people over the entire human civilization takes place. With the help of money, the power of the geo-oligarchy is established as a subject of managing geopolitical processes in the world, representing an integrated unity of financial, industrial and political entities. It is investigated that global financial capital, as a form of merger of industrial and banking monopolies, reflects such a phenomenon as Americocracy, which characterizes the power of parasitic oligarchic circles in the United States and oligarchic families close to them from other countries. After the creation of the Fed, the first geopolitical explosion occurred, which resulted in the entry of the US dollar onto the world stage as the main means of payment and reserve along with the pound sterling. This happened as a result of the First World War, after which a new world monetary system was formed. The second geopolitical explosion took place in 1938-1945. The third geopolitical explosion occurred in 1989-1993 and was caused by the geo-oligarchy’s goal of establishing the dollar as the main world currency on the entire planet. The fourth geopolitical explosion in the last century began on February 22, 2014 with a coup d’etat and an armed seizure of power in Ukraine and continues at the present time. It is concluded that the geopolitical explosions that have occurred over the past 100 years are associated with the desire of the geooligarchy to dominate the world by creating a universal equivalent – world money.
geo-oligarchy, money, geopolitical explosions, digital economy, contradictions, capital, finance, americocracy
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