Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the study of methodological problems of domestic economic science. Modern economic science in Russia is going through a difficult stage of its transformation. The rejection of Western mentoring and the transition to sovereign thinking caused the renewal of theoretical views and practical approaches to solving economic problems. This could not but cause a close interest in the methodological foundations on which the science of economy is based. At the same time, many economists are still at a loss as to where to look for the necessary methodology: in philosophy, in history, in conceivable economic-theoretical constructions, or in something else. It should be kept in mind that the methodology of economic research belongs to the basic foundations of economic science and is the meta-theoretical level of economic knowledge. It is at this level that the trajectory of economic development and reflection on the practice of modernity are synthesised, from which, in turn, the principles, conclusions and proofs of many economic statements, theorems and theories are derived. The authors believe that dialectical-materialist methodology has not exhausted all its resources and possibilities and as a method of research of modern transformations occurring in the sphere of domestic economy, it may well serve as a guide to the creation of national economic theory.
economic science, economic theory, methodology, research methods, dialectical materialism, economic imperialism, economic determinism
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