Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article attempts to systematically study the pseudo-market economy of the neoliberal type, which was operating in the country and which was actually subordinated to the interests of globalists with the help of financial and foreign economic instruments. On the basis of institutional analysis of the results of practical implementation of theoretical postulates of economic theory, the real efficiency (or rather, inefficiency) of the country’s economy, built as a raw materials appendage, as a technological backyard of developed countries, is clarified, and the conclusion about the need to restructure the entire economic mechanism, focused on the unconditional priority of national interests in socio-economic development is substantiated. The authors prove that real progress in the Russian Federation is associated with the transition to strategic management of the national economy, strengthening of centralized processes that allow to concentrate available resources on the main directions of economic and social growth, as well as strengthening the defense capability of the state in the conditions of hybrid war of the collective West against Russia. This is what should be the focus of the emerging model of management of the national economy, capable not only to resist economic pressure, but also to really ensure the achievement of national goals.
functions of economic system; basic economic laws; competition in modern economy; financial globalization and economic sanctions; state regulation of economic growth; neoliberal economic theories; military-economic aspects of sovereign state development
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