Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The consistent isolation of Russia from the global monetary and financial system and its inherent financial mechanisms determines the need to study the possibility and feasibility of their use in the existing geopolitical conditions. The purpose of the study is to determine the nature of the relationship between the main international financial mechanisms and the consequences of external influence on them with the use of sanctions. A new approach was used, in which the analysis of processes in the modern global monetary and financial system was carried out through the prism of the main international financial mechanisms. This approach not only provides another perspective on their consideration, but also allows us to identify new aspects of their relationships and mutual influence. During the research, methods of comparative logical and contextual analysis, systematization, classification and generalization were used. Based on a synthesis of the theory of financial mechanisms and the concept of global liquidity, the relationship of key international financial mechanisms, as well as the role of international reserves, is shown. As a result of the study, it was concluded that it is impossible for Russia to use existing international financial mechanisms controlled by the United States under sanctions and the need to create new regional digital financial mechanisms with the participation of the EAEU countries and the BRICS states.
international financial mechanisms; international financial relations; global monetary and financial system; global liquidity; international reserves.
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