Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The development of industrial cooperation is one of the highest priority tasks of integration construction in the Eurasian space. In recent years, the EAEU has been introducing new tools to support cooperation initiatives, and proposing new forms of interaction between business and the state. The purpose of this study is to assess the possibilities of using the experience of developing industrial cooperation in Europe in the context of promoting integration cooperation of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. The study examined the current tools to support industrial cooperation in the European Union, including initiatives at the level of firms, countries and the entire EU. The key relationships between support tools at different levels are identified in the context of implementing the tasks of strengthening Europe’s strategic autonomy and increasing the economic sustainability of the Single Market. The possibilities of applying the European Union’s experience to develop industrial and technological cooperation in the EAEU are studied in the context of six main areas of industrial cooperation in the Union, approved by the Decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council of April 30, 2021 No. 5. The importance of conducting «stress tests» of the Union economy’s readiness to reduce supplies of sensitive goods from abroad, as well as providing financial support for the creation of networks of innovative projects is emphasized. In addition, it is proposed to intensify the search for foreign firms ready for long-term investment in technology platforms based on obligations for the exclusive right to use new developments, as well as to accelerate the implementation of an ecosystem approach to the development of technology platforms by identifying promising sectors of related production and technological processes.
EAEU, EU, industrial cooperation, strategic autonomy, industrial alliances, critical raw materials
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