Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
UDK 624.137 Защита земляного массива. Откосы. Бермы. Банкеты. Подпорные сооружения. Переходы между участками с различными отметками
UDK 519.6 Вычислительная математика, численный анализ и программирование (машинная математика)
The paper deals with the calculation of the foundations of massive retaining walls. The authors show the design features of various types of retaining structures. The paper analyses the existing theoretical and practical methods for calculating the bearing capacity of foundations. The paper provides updated computational formulae for calculating loads and pressures on retaining structures. The paper describes an engineering method for calculating the active pressure on retaining structures. The paper presents algorithms of computational operations for calculating foundations for the first and the second groups of limit states in a spreadsheet. The authors describe the details of the computational iterative process of tabular data of the load-bearing capacity coefficients for the soil foundation. The paper shows the results of spreadsheet application to the calculation of retaining wall foundations. The authors draw conclusions on the conducted study of spreadsheet application in calculations of solid retaining wall foundations.
retaining structures, soil pressure, limit states, bearing capacity of the foundation, shear on the base, calculated resistance
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