Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
This article analyzes the possibilities and prospects of digital transformation of the Russian manufacturing sector, examines its current state, key driving forces, potential advantages and problems, and provides recommendations for further development. The author examines the issues of introducing the achievements of Industry 4.0 into the production processes of enterprises in traditional sectors of the economy, in particular in transport, energy and mining. As part of the implementation of the achievements of Industry 4.0, it is necessary to mention artificial intelligence (AI), which is becoming an integral element of the modern industrial era, being introduced in order to optimize production processes. In this regard, the author dwells in detail on the use of artificial intelligence, exploring its advantages, opportunities and prospects, as well as showing the best practices of application. At the same time, the author shows and analyzes the main challenges and problems arising from the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence into production processes. The purpose of this article is to consider the relevance of the application of the achievements of Industry 4.0 in modern production, to show the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in production processes, to analyze the main problems that arise and to assess the prospects for further development. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that the introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies and other digitalization achievements in modern business, including in manufacturing, transport and energy, provides organizations with serious advantages and opportunities reflected at various levels of management and strategic and operational decision-making. The novelty of this study lies in an attempt to consider the patterns and possibilities of introducing artificial intelligence into the production processes of industrial enterprises, based on their current needs and prospects for further development.
law of demand, non-functional demand, conspicuous consumption, Veblen effect, symbolic good, prestige, status
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