Problems and prospects for the development of global cryptocurrency markets and their impact on the Russian financial market
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The significant overflow of the cup, symbolizing the total capacity of the world’s real assets, with a superior flow of world financial assets leads to the ongoing spread of excess financial assets, inflating another financial bubble since 2008, in various directions. The ongoing unrestrained emission of money by the «golden antelope» represented by the Federal Reserve System leads to numerous market transformations that distort the picture of the equilibrium market, turning the world economy into a kingdom of crooked mirrors. Many countries could not decide for a long time on recognizing the legitimacy of cryptocurrency transactions at the state level. However, under the pressure of increasing volumes of financial flows generated at the instigation of the states themselves, more and more countries began to officially recognize cryptocurrency transactions. In 2024, Russia joined this list, which makes it relevant to analyze the likely impact of the global cryptocurrency market on the development of the national economy. The purpose of the presented studies is to analyze the expected impact of the development processes of global cryptocurrency markets on the domestic market. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the analysis of the current state of affairs on cryptocurrency exchanges and their comparison with traditional exchanges, the speculative nature of crypto transactions, trading volumes that determine the size of cryptocurrency exchanges, indicators of manipulation in the cryptocurrency market, key results of trading on cryptocurrency exchanges, etc. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development of proposals to reduce the risks associated with cryptocurrency transactions that affect both the financial system of Russia and the economy of the country as a whole.

influence of the Russian financial market, the country’s economy
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