Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to analyze the historical evolution of globalization processes and to identify the current trend of their transformation within the framework of existentialist theory. To achieve these research goals, it is assumed that the following tasks will be solved: systematization of the views of scientists from different periods on the meaning of the term «globalization», periodization of the development of globalization processes caused by changing economic formations, designation of the role of transnational corporations in modern geopolitical and geo-economic space and the importance of an existential approach in the context of global change, as well as emphasis on the importance and role of the education system in modern processes of digitalization of society. The methodological basis of this study is the evolutionary approach, which made it possible to present globalization as a natural historical phenomenon and identify a new development trend. The paper analyzed analytical materials, as well as scientific research on the problems of globalization processes and the concept of existentialism. Using the dialectical method, the authors outlined ways to harmonize society with modern realities. A comparative analysis of key quality indicators of the educational system of the Russian Federation in its dynamics was also carried out. This article examines the problem of human unity as an element of society and a subject of the socio-economic sphere in the context of integration into the global globalization process. The text analyzes the impact of global processes on socio-economic institutions in modern conditions of rapid digitalization, as well as the risks of digitalization for society. The importance of a high-quality education system for human adaptation to the consequences of globalization and the formation of Russian sovereignty is revealed. Understanding the processes of globalization is possible because of studying the historical development of this phenomenon and applying the tools of classical political economy in today’s realities. The influence of international financial and economic institutions on the formation of the global agenda is demonstrated, new instruments of globalization and the risks of their implementation for modern society are identified, the Russian interpretation of the concept of existentialism is presented, the importance of teaching classical economic theory and political economy for preserving the economic and political sovereignty of modern Russia is outlined., The transformation of the concept of fundamental (academic) knowledge into the concept of service provision was revealed and the need for state financing and regulation of the educational system was emphasized.
globalization, existentialism, transnational corporations, digitalization, global panopticon, philosophy of economy
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