Markelov Aleksandr

Author's profiles
Birth place
Direction preparation
Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment
mechanical engineer
Academic degree
candidate of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 2 Технические науки) from 2015 to 2023
Science rang
docent, from 2022 to 2023
  1. Yaroslavl State Technical University , Infrastructure and transport , docent , 2019 to 2023 Education level: Specialty Specialty: 15.03.05 Конструкторско-технологическое обеспечение машиностроительных производств
Scientific interests
VAC 2 Технические науки
Resource-saving technologies based on baromembrane processes. Methodology of the study of baromembrane processes
Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
Scientific and pedagogical activity
During the reporting period, the volume of the annual academic load amounted to 1269-1297 hours (1,125 associate professor rates). In the planned load, the main types of training assignments were: lectures 19.7 - 22.5%, laboratory and practical classes 20.6 - 22.5%, course and diploma design 37.3 - 41.2%. Seven bachelor's degree projects with an average defense score of 4.7 and three master's theses with an average defense score of 5 were managed annually.During the reporting period of work at the department, 3 educational and methodological developments with a volume of 4.5 furnace sheets and 2 textbooks with a volume of 10,23 furnace sheets were published. 6 educational and methodological complexes have been developed in the disciplines of the bachelor's training direction 23.03.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" and 1 in the discipline of training masters 23.04.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes". OPOP was developed in the specialty SPO 23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of motor transport. Two laboratory installations have been introduced into the educational process for carrying out practical work on the discipline "Hydraulic and pneumatic systems" in the direction of bachelor's training on 23.03.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" for carrying out research works of masters in the direction of training on 23.04.03 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes".
Contribution to science
Since 2010, research work has been carried out on the topic included in the joint unified direction of research and Development of the department "Development of methods and means to improve the efficiency and safety of road transport". In its context, research was carried out on the development of resource-saving technology in the operation of road construction equipment and environmental harm reduction. According to the results of scientific research in the period from 2010 to 2023, 100 scientific publications were published, including 35 in peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission with a total number of citations: 98, 13 publications in the international database Scopus and WoS with a total number of citations: 38, 2 monographs and 7 utility model patents and 3 patents for inventions. The Hirsch index in the RSCI is 7, in Scopus – 2. In 2020, a grant was received from the Innovation Promotion Fund. At the fund's expense, R&D was carried out on the topic "Production of plastic lubricants from used oils".
In 2020, a grant was received from the Innovation Promotion Fund. At the fund's expense, R&D was carried out on the topic "Production of plastic lubricants from used oils".
In the journal "Membranes and Membrane Technologies"
I was reviewed
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
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