Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The article examines the relationship between taxes and organisational competitiveness, through the redistribution of national income, the fiscal function of taxes and the economical stimulation of production. One of the most effective forms of modern economic management, including those affecting the competitiveness of economic agents, is state fiscal regulation. Taxes, by participating in the redistribution of new value, are part of a single process of reproduction, a specific form of production relations. Fiscal regulation covers the economic life of a country, the structure of production, capital formation, personal consumption, and the very competitiveness of economic agents, since tax measures are the most universal tool for influencing superstructure relations on the basis. In addition to the financial function of securing government revenue, the fiscal tools contain enormous potential for economic impacts on the economic agents competitiveness.

Ключевые слова:
Список литературы

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