Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1974 until now
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The paper examines the classification of de-icing agents and identifies the most commonly used additives in road maintenance. The article describes the mechanism for producing a combined acetate de-icing agent from sealant production wastes. Experiments shows total removing of ice by combined acetate reagent in 30 minutes. Also the study investigates the effect of de-icing agents on galvanised automobile parts. The interaction between the de-icing agent and the metal automobile parts proceeds through the anodic and cathodic oxidation-reduction reactions. The paper dwells on electrochemical corrosion underlying chemistry. In order to evaluate the effect of antifreeze additives on the electrochemical corrosion of zinc coating the authors present the results of the quantum-chemical calculations of zinc ions intermolecular complexes energies formations with water molecules and antifreeze additives. We made the conclusions by the results of the scientific work. According to the results, sodium phormiate can be classified as a gentle de-icing agent, characterising by low corrosive effect in a humid environment. The better result was shown by the combined de-icing agent in a dry environment. The maximum corrosion rate of the zinc coating in a wet environment is higher than in a dry one.
De-icing agents, technical salt, urea, sodium phormiate, electrochemical corrosion, underlying chemistry
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