Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2782-1900 (online)
Periodicity (English)


Russian science citation index:
Yes 76117
Russian higher attestation Commission:

1. General information


The Editorial Board adheres to the standards and principles of the international publication ethics.

The legal basis for ensuring publication ethics is provided through the international standards: the provisions of the II World Conference on Research Integrity, the provisions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the regulations of the Copyright section of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The Journal publishes original experimental and theoretical articles and reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.


The manuscripts (articles) for publication in the Journal are accepted for reviewing as follows:

1. via e-mail: the manuscripts should be sent to the Editorial Office's e-mail stepbystep@ystu.ru. Note, the total size of the attached files should not exceed 10 MB.

2. via online form: authors can also submit their manuscript via online form (it is necessary to provide all the files required) on the official website of the Journal: https://chemintech.ru/en/nauka/


The manuscripts are submitted to the Editorial Office in Russian. The manuscripts in English are allowed.

By submitting the manuscript to a Journal, the author acknowledges the following:

– the manuscript has not been previously published;

– is not being reviewed by any other journal;

– there is no conflict of interests;

– there is the consent (explicit or implicit) of the organisation involved into the research.


When submitting a manuscript (electronic version) to the Journal, the authors are responsible for verifying the correctness of all the citations and the indication of the borrowed sources in the captions of figures and tables. If not cited, figures and tables are assumed to be the authors' product. The Editorial Board is free to independently check manuscripts for anti-plagiarism (the text originality should be minimum 75%).


The following materials should be submitted to the Editorial Board:

1) text of the article in *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf;

2) the text of the article in *.pdf;

3) the text of the article (the first page, including the title, the authors and their affiliation, keywords, abstract) with signatures of ALL authors in *.pdf;

4) the pictures are provided as an additional file in *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.pdf;

5) an additional file with the First name and Surname of the author(s) are given in English transcription, followed by a fully corresponding Russian translation of the title, affiliation, institutions e-mail in English; references for the English version of the article.;

6) a list of possible reviewers (at least 4, indicating their position, affiliation and e-mail addresses) in terms of research field.


Within 5 working days from the date of manuscript receipt, the author will be sent a notification indicating the date of receiving and the registration number. To avoid misunderstandings when corresponding with the Editorial Board, please, always use this number in the subject of the letter.

The author is responsible for the reliability of data presented.

The articles submitted to the Editorial Board are subjected to double-blind peer review.

After revision manuscript should be returned to the Editorial Board asap.


1.1 Copyright

The authors submitting their manuscripts to the Journal agree with the following:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal right of the first publication.
  2. The author reserves the right to use the article and its parts in his scientific activity.
  3. Provided they are the owners of the copyright to their article, authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the Journal’s published version (e.g., post it to an institutional repository, in the journals or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this Journal.
  4. The authors grant the Editorial Board the right to scientific editing, adaptation, modification, and translation into any language; reproduction, and publication of the article material.
  5. According to Federal Law No. 152-FZ on 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data’’, upon submission of the manuscript, the authors give their consent to processing and storage of personal data, including full name, e-mail address, position and affiliation, postal address of the institution with post code.


1.2 Privacy

The names and e-mail addresses entered on the website of the Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated; access for other purposes is not provided.


2. The design of the text


The submitted manuscript (article) should correspond to the Journal's thematic, be original, unpublished earlier in other journals, carefully designed, and thoroughly edited.


2.1 General requirements

Research articles should not exceed 6-15 A4 pages (including references); review articles should not exceed 25-30 pages. Articles are accepted in the .rtf, .doc, or .docx. There is no page numbering. Page parameters: orientation – portrait, margins 2.0 cm on all sides, single spacing, paragraph indentation – 1 cm. The font is Times New Roman, the colour is black, the font size is 12.

It is necessary to use standard software fonts and spacing corresponding to the design of the text. The text should not contain programmed headings, inserts, templates, references to literary sources, and hyperlinks. Automatic hyphenation is not allowed.

Before submission, authors are recommended to check the text of the article for spelling accuracy. Please, check the article formatting rules corresponded to those of the latest issues of the Journal


2.2 The article structure

The article should be structured. When writing a scientific article, it is necessary to adhere to the following (see Appendix 1): the reviews and scientific articles begins with the UDC index, followed by the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, information about the authors and scientific institutions. This is followed by an abstract and keywords. Download the first page template.

  • UDC index (font 11, italics). should be in the upper-right corner. Use the available resources to determine the UDC classifier: https://www.teacode.com/online/udc/.
  • The title of the article (font 14, CAPITAL letters, bold). It is written in capital letters without hyphenation. The title should contain the main keywords, describe the object, method and/or result of the research, and be concise (no more than 15 words). Please, do not use a question mark, abbreviations, or common words.
  • Initials and surnames of the authors (font 14, bold) indicating the affiliation of each author.
  • About the authors (font 10). It includes the first name, patronymic, surname of the author(s) without abbreviations, academic degree, position.
  • Detailed names (font 10) of scientific, educational or other institutions, their postal address with the post code, the e-mail address and the phone number (optional) for correspondence.
  • Abstract (font 10, italics). It should describe the purpose and objectives of the research, the possibilities of its practical application, and the results achieved. The abstract should be at least 200 words. Please, do not reproduce the title of the article.
  • Keywords (font 10, italics). The key words should include concepts and terms mentioned in the article and indicating the relevance and novelty of the discussed research and its results (no more than 10 words).


The theoretical and physicochemical articles should contain a concise introduction to the problem and statement of the research problem, experimental or methodological part, discussion of the results obtained, and conclusions; the articles on synthesis should contain the introduction and research problem, discussion of the results obtained, conclusions, and experimental part. Acknowledgements, information on research funding, and the presence/absence of conflicts of interest are preceded by references as appropriate (see Appendix 1). The list of sources begins on the new page.


Examples of Acknowledgements formatting:

‘The authors thank the Centre for M.V. Dorogov Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer of YSPU named after of K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia for conducting spectral research'.

'The authors thank S. I. Filimonov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Physical Chemistry, YSTU, Yaroslavl, Russia for constructive discussion of the research results and valuable comments.’


Examples of Financing formatting:

‘The research was conducted in accordance with the plan (or within the framework of) the research work of the Institute of .... (name of the Institute, number and/or title)’.

‘The research was conducted within the framework of the state assignment (number of the state assignment and/or title).’’

‘The research was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project number).’


Examples of Conflict of interests formatting:

The authors declare no conflict of interests.



2.3 Formatting of accompanying materials

1. The equations, diagrams, tables, and figures are designed in 11 font and numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. Figures (not more than 8) and tables (not more than 4) should be clear without frames. Each table should be titled, for example, "Table 1. The conditions..."

2. For figures, it is necessary to provide graphic files in the original formats. The format of the figures should provide clarity in conveying all details. The figures should not be hand-drawn. The figure should have a title and an informative caption to make its meaning clear without reference to the text. The experiment specific conditions are indicated. Figures should not be used for presentation of data summarised in a table or text.

The graph should contain designations of coordinate axes (parameters and units), curves, etc. The designations of the coordinate axes and all inscriptions are given in Russian and Latin transcription. The lines inside the figures should be numbered (the numbers should be written in italics – 1, 2, etc.) and each line should be explained in the caption (outside the figure). Please, present experimental points with shaded and unshaded circles, squares, triangles, and rhombuses. Some curves can also in solid, dashed, or dotted image. The lines should be drawn clearly with a line thickness (usually 3 points). The coordinate axes should be drawn in black (not gray) lines. The background of the graph or chart should be white.

3. Chemical and physicomathematical symbols should be typed on a computer. Mathematical formulas are given in the formula editor Microsoft Word Fromula Editor, Microsoft Equation, Mattype, etc.; chemical formulas are given in one of the chemical editors ChemDraw, ACD/ChemSketch, ChemWindow, or ISIS/Draw. Do not insert formulas as the images.

The equations should be indented; the equation number is right-hand margin placed. Only the formulas and equations referenced in the text should be numbered. Avoid cumbersome mathematical notation.

Present the structural formulas of chemical compounds clearly. Please, number only the atoms discussed in the text in the diagrams and the structural formulas; for related compounds – number the atoms on one of the structures.

Physical quantities should be given in the International System of Units (SI) (see: Chemical Encyclopedia, Soviet Encyclopedia, Moscow, 1988, 1). Note, decimals are separated by a dot. Symbols of variable physical quantities are given in (italic); their units of measurement – in normal (for example, T/K).

4. To denote standard physicochemical research methods and terms, abbreviations from capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used. Please, use generally accepted English abbreviations in formulas, diagrams, and figures of widely used reagents and solvents; use generally accepted Russian abbreviations in the text (English abbreviations are allowed). The other abbreviations are deciphered at their first mention in the text.

5. Both for chemical compounds described for the first time in the article and for complex compounds representing the main object of research, in addition to the formula, the full name should be given (usually in the Experimental Part). Please, use the IUPAC nomenclature (organometallic complexes can be named according to the Chemical Abstracts nomenclature).

Compounds mentioned more than twice in the text and diagrams are coded with Arabic numerals, bold. The full name of the compound requires the code in parentheses. When combining digital codes with alphabetic indexes, Latin alphabet is used. Compounds of a related structure represented by a single formula should be encoded with a common digit; to denote derivatives containing various substituents, a digit with an alphabetic index should be used, for example, 1a. The ascending order of the compound numbers should strictly correspond to their mentioning in the text. In the diagrams, the compounds are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom. The abstract should contain the codes corresponding to those in the text.

Isomer designations, stereochemical symbols, and the atoms used for substitution in organic molecules should be written in italics, for example, tert-butyl, (S)-N-isopropyl-α-methylbenzylamine ((S)-1a).

6. The spectral data are presented in the Experimental Part as follows:

  • UV spectrum: (EtOH), λ max/nm (ε (or lg ε): 239 (6900), 305 (1200).
  • IR spectrum (CCl4), v/cm–1: 3310 (CH); 1722 (C=O).
  • When describing NMR spectra, chemical shifts, multiplicity, integral intensity, attribution, and spin-spin coupling constant should be given.

For example:

NMR spectrum1 H (acetone-d6, δ, ppm, J/Hz): 1.00 (s, 3H, C(4)Me); 1.15 (c, 3H, C(9)Me); 4.77 (d, 1H, C(5)H, J = 7.5); 4.53 (d, 1H, C(4)H, J = 7.5); 3.78 (c, 3H, OMe); 4.01 (dd, 1H, C(7)H, J1 = 7.5, J2 = 2.2), 6.21 (br. d., 1H, NH, J = 9.5), 6.97 (t, 1H, C(7)H, J = 7.5), 7.40-8.00 (m, 5H, CHPh); 9.54 (c, 1H, CH).

NMR spectrum13 C (100 MHz, δ, ppm): 14.69, 26.04, 51.63, 55.89, 86.88, 102.14, 107.86, 117.36, 123.96, 125.80, 126.68, 128.09 (2 C), 129.03 (2 C), 132.26, 141.64, 153.62, 155.64, 161.08.

Chemical shifts in the NMR spectra of 1H and 13C obtained on devices with a frequency below 400 MHz (100 MHz for 13C) should be given with an accuracy of hundredths and tenths, respectively; the spin-spin coupling constant measured on such devices should be given with an accuracy of tenths.

It is necessary to give chemical shifts of the standard. An example of recording when using solvent signals as a reference: "Chemical shifts of NMR1 H are shown relative to the residual signal HCl3 (δH 7.27 ppm) for solutions in CDCl3, the residual signal CHD2OD (δH 3.31 ppm) for solutions in CD3 OD. The chemical shifts of 13C NMR are shown relative to the central solvent signal (δC 77.0 ppm for solutions in CDCl3 and δC 49.0 ppm for solutions in CD3OD)."

If all spectra are obtained at the same temperature and in the same solvent, it is advisable to give all the repeated information once in the preamble to the Experimental Part.

The authors suggest using the following designations for numbering protons, carbon atoms, etc.: C(3)H, C(4)H2, C(3). Protons within complex groups relevant to a particular signal should be underlined (e.g.: CH2CH2CH3). If any signal in the spectrum is described as a doublet, triplet, etc. it is necessary to give the appropriate number of spin-spin coupling constants. For multiplets it is necessary to specify the interval of chemical shifts. The values of the spin-spin interaction constants should be the same when describing pairs of interacting signals.

  • The parameters of the EPR spectrum are given as follows: g = 2.0645, aH(1 H) = 1.9 Mt.
  • The mass spectra are given as numerical values of m/z and relative values of the ion current in a row entry or as a table. Please, indicate the type of ionization method, the ionization energy, the mass numbers of characteristic ions, their genesis and intensity relative to the main ion.

For example: Mass spectrum (EI, 70 eV), m/z (I rel (%)): 386 [M]+ (36), 368 [M – H2O]+ (100), 353 [M – H2O – Me]+ (23).


7. In the Experimental part it is necessary to indicate the sources of the reagents used (e.g., ‘commercial preparations, company name’) or give references to the preparation methods, the conditions of reagents and solvents supplementary preparation (or literature references should be given).

For each newly synthesised compound described in the Experimental Part, it is necessary to give evidence of the structure assigned and data allowing to assess its identity and purity. These include elemental analysis, high-resolution mass spectra or other data unambiguously confirming substance composition. For known substances, literature data should be given only if there are significant discrepancies between the values found and the values given in the literature.


2.4 Formatting the list of sources

The list of sources is designed in font size 10 and should contain 15-20 sources.

The list of sources should be updated and contain at least 8 articles from scientific journals published in the past 10 years, including 4 articles published in the past 3 years. The percentage of self-citations should not exceed 25% of references. When borrowing material from other sources, a reference to these sources is required. Each reference number should be enclosed in square brackets (e. i. [1]) on the same line as the text, before any punctuation, with a space before the bracket. Citations are numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and each citation corresponds to a numbered reference containing publication information about the source cited in the list of sources.

The list of sources should contain the initials and surnames of all the authors. Only one publication should correspond to one running number. All references are given in the original transcription. Conditional abbreviations of domestic journals and reference books should be given in accordance with the abbreviations adopted in Abstract Journal Chemistry; for the foreign journals – in accordance with the abbreviations recommended by Springer and Business Media, Inc. The CASSI Search Tool Usage Agreement (https://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp) can be used to abbreviate the names of foreign journals. It is necessary to provide links to the electronic publication identifier (DOI) (if available). Provide the links on resource on the Internet (URL).

Examples of formatting are presented in Table 1.

The list of sources is provided for the Russian and English versions of the article. Russian-language publications (untranslated) are given in transliteration in accordance with generally accepted international rules, with a note (in Russian) at the end. To avoid transliteration errors, please, use automatic systems for translating Cyrillic into Romanov alphabet, e.g. at https://transliteration.pro/bsi (BSI standard for transliteration). Transliteration of the authors' names is in accordance with their frequently mentioned form in the Scopus database. The foreign publications are transferred into the English version of the article.

Examples of the format of the source list and references




Nenashev M.F. Last government of the USSR. Moscow: Krom Publ., 1993, 221 pp.

Articles in collections

Olah G., Faroog O., Prakash G. K. S. in Activation and Functionalization of Alkanes, Ed. C. L. Hill, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1992, 39.

Articles in Journals

Lobov N.I., Liubimov D.V., Liubimova T.P. Convective instability of a system of horizontal layers of immiscible fluids with deformable section. Izv. RAN. MZhG, 1996, 2, 32-39. (in Russian)

Yang S.Y., Ryu I., Kim H.Y., Kim J.K., Jang S.K., Russell T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of viruses. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18(6), 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500

Chirkova Zh.V., Makarova E.S., Uryadova A.M., Filimonov S.I., Shalabanova M.S., Ivanovsky S.A. Aminolysis of hexahydrochromeno[4,3-d]pyrimidine-2,5-diones. From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step, 2024, 5(1), 114-121. [online]. Available at: https://chemintech.ru/ru/nauka/issue/5007/view] (date of access 08.10.2024).


Palkin M.V. Patent RU № 2280590, 2006.


Semenov V.I. Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss. Moscow, 2003, 272 p.

Conference abstracts

Sugatov N.N., Khaziev A.A. Choice of the optimal method of evaluation of quality of working motor oil according to dielectric characteristics. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Modernizatsiia i nauchnye issledovaniia v transportnom komplekse”. Perm: Permskii natsional’nyi issledovatel’skii politekhnicheskii universitet, 2013, P. 343-354.


GOST 8.586.5–2005. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Method of measurement. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007, 10 p.


1. The journal's position on publication ethics is based on the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Guide on Principles of Scientific Publishing Ethics for Journal Editors, as well as the guidelines of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers Declaration on Ethical Principles for Scientific Publication.

2. Norms and provisions of the Guidelines on the principles of ethics of scientific publications for the editors of journals of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" are integral elements of the Regulations on Peer Review, the Rules for Authors and other documents that ensure the work of the journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step".

3. The editorial board and editorial board of the journal are responsible for making decisions on publication and are subject in their decisions to the current legislation in the field of copyright infringement. When deciding on the publication of the author's material, the opinion of the reviewer and members of the editorial board is taken into account.

4. The author's manuscript is evaluated exclusively from the standpoint of its scientific content. Racial and nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political position of the author (s) do not in any way affect the decision to publish.

5. The authors of the manuscript are persons who have made a significant contribution to the development or interpretation of the research results. All those who made a significant contribution to the creation of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors of the material. The author submitting the manuscript to the journal guarantees that all co-authors are indicated in it, they have approved the final version of the material and do not object to its publication.

6. If there is a conflict of interest, affiliated persons (reviewers, members of the editorial board) are excluded from the process of considering the manuscript. Reviewers must inform the editor-in-chief about the presence of a conflict of interest. All authors should indicate in their manuscripts any possible conflict of interest that may influence the decision to accept the manuscript for publication.

7. The opinion of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Materials are published in the author's edition.


1. General provisions 

1.1 These Regulations establish a procedure for peer review of manuscripts (articles) submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal.

1.2 The purpose of the expert assessment is to ensure the quality of the materials published.

1.3 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Journal's publication ethics. 

2. Procedure and terms of reviewing

2.1 The manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board are subjected to mandatory double-blind peer review: the authors are not informed of the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers are not informed of the names of the authors.

2.2 The review process involves scientists, experts, and practitioners with recognised authority in the field of knowledge related to the content of the manuscript.

2.3 The author or co-author of the reviewed work, as well as scientific supervisors of degree candidates and employees of the department employing the author are not allowed to be reviewers.

2.4 Reviewers do not use the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes or transfer them to third parties.

2.6 The period of manuscript review is 10 calendar days from its submission to the reviewer.

2.7 The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the Editorial Board after assessment the original review. 

3. Requirements for the review

3.1 The review is required to contain an objective expert's analysis and the assessment of the manuscript quality.

3.2 The review is compiled according to the form proposed by the Editorial Board and should contain the following:

- relevance of the research topic; 

- scientific novelty; 

- compliance of the manuscript content with its title;

- compliance of the methods, recommendations, and research results used by the author with modern scientific achievements and practice;

- the reliability of the facts presented;

- the completeness of topic disclosure;

- the expediency and validity of the tables, graphs, and other drawings;

- compliance of the conclusions with the goals and objectives of the research, their argumentation;

- quality of references; 

- author's personal contribution to the research issue;

- the quality of the manuscript: style, terminology, etc.

3.3 The final part of the review should contain a recommendation on:

- publication of the manuscript; 

- revision of the manuscript (with specific comments or recommendations); 

- rejection of the manuscript (based on the expert's opinion).

3.4 The review is signed by the expert with a transcript of the surname, first name and patronymic, date, academic degree, academic title, and position.

3.5 The original review is sent to the Editorial Board. 

4. The procedure for submitting reviews to the authors

4.1 By the request, the Editor-in-Chief sends the review (or its part) to the author without indicating the name, position, and affiliation of the reviewer.

4.2 When a positive review of the manuscript is received, the Editor-in-Chief informs the author about the manuscript submission and the expected publication date.

4.3 When the review contains recommendations for correction, the remarks are forwarded to the author. The remarks specified the time for correction. The revised manuscript with responses to the reviewer's recommendations is sent for re-review to the same reviewer. 

4.4 By the request of the author, in conflict of interests or disagreement of the author with the reviewer's recommendation, the manuscript can be sent for secondary review to another expert. 

4.5 When a negative review of is received, the Editorial Board can refer the manuscript for additional review, for revision by the author, or reject it.

4.6 In case of rejection of the manuscript, a letter indicating the reasons for the rejection is sent to the author. 

5. Conclusion

5.1 Reviews are kept in the Editorial Office for 5 years.

5.2 Reviews are submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.

5.3 The Editorial Board does not keep manuscripts not accepted for publication. The manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned.

Berezin Dmitry  — Editor in chief
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Abramov Igor  — Deputy Editor in Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Dvoretsky Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Filimonov Sergey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ilyin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kofanov Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kolobov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Soloviev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English Translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Blaznov Aleksey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS) (Laboratory of Mineral Materials Science)
doctor of technical sciences
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Bragina Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Galanin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Islyaykin Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Klyuev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kotov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kruk Nikolay  — Foreign member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Minsk, Belarus
Kustov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Physical-Chemical Center for Solutions)
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Maizlish Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Nokoforova Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Politaeva Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Tajik National University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Computer layout
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4081-9087 ORCID:0000-0002-0491-7452
Kurganova Ekaterina Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Chirkova Zhanna  — Executive secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya, professor)
employee from 01.01.2009 until now
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Makarova Elena  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University (starshiy prepodavatel')
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl State Technical University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 80088
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper

Scientific peer-reviewed journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" highlights the priority areas and modern achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical works in the form of full articles, as well as author's reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.

The journal is published 4 times a year as an electronic network publication (ISSN 2782-1900) with open access to its content on the Internet.

The journal is registered by the federal service for supervision of communications, information, technology, and mass media.

The publication of articles in the journal is free for authors. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation and placement of materials.

The editorial board of the journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in English. The publisher at its own expense translates into English the manuscripts received by the editorial office in Russian.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the results of their peer review. The journal adopted a double-blind peer review method.

Founder and publisher of the journal is "Yaroslavl State Technical University" 150023 Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospect, 88

1. General information


The Editorial Board adheres to the standards and principles of the international publication ethics.

The legal basis for ensuring publication ethics is provided through the international standards: the provisions of the II World Conference on Research Integrity, the provisions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the regulations of the Copyright section of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The Journal publishes original experimental and theoretical articles and reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.


The manuscripts (articles) for publication in the Journal are accepted for reviewing as follows:

1. via e-mail: the manuscripts should be sent to the Editorial Office's e-mail stepbystep@ystu.ru. Note, the total size of the attached files should not exceed 10 MB.

2. via online form: authors can also submit their manuscript via online form (it is necessary to provide all the files required) on the official website of the Journal: https://chemintech.ru/en/nauka/


The manuscripts are submitted to the Editorial Office in Russian. The manuscripts in English are allowed.

By submitting the manuscript to a Journal, the author acknowledges the following:

– the manuscript has not been previously published;

– is not being reviewed by any other journal;

– there is no conflict of interests;

– there is the consent (explicit or implicit) of the organisation involved into the research.


When submitting a manuscript (electronic version) to the Journal, the authors are responsible for verifying the correctness of all the citations and the indication of the borrowed sources in the captions of figures and tables. If not cited, figures and tables are assumed to be the authors' product. The Editorial Board is free to independently check manuscripts for anti-plagiarism (the text originality should be minimum 75%).


The following materials should be submitted to the Editorial Board:

1) text of the article in *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf;

2) the text of the article in *.pdf;

3) the text of the article (the first page, including the title, the authors and their affiliation, keywords, abstract) with signatures of ALL authors in *.pdf;

4) the pictures are provided as an additional file in *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.pdf;

5) an additional file with the First name and Surname of the author(s) are given in English transcription, followed by a fully corresponding Russian translation of the title, affiliation, institutions e-mail in English; references for the English version of the article.;

6) a list of possible reviewers (at least 4, indicating their position, affiliation and e-mail addresses) in terms of research field.


Within 5 working days from the date of manuscript receipt, the author will be sent a notification indicating the date of receiving and the registration number. To avoid misunderstandings when corresponding with the Editorial Board, please, always use this number in the subject of the letter.

The author is responsible for the reliability of data presented.

The articles submitted to the Editorial Board are subjected to double-blind peer review.

After revision manuscript should be returned to the Editorial Board asap.


1.1 Copyright

The authors submitting their manuscripts to the Journal agree with the following:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Journal right of the first publication.
  2. The author reserves the right to use the article and its parts in his scientific activity.
  3. Provided they are the owners of the copyright to their article, authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the Journal’s published version (e.g., post it to an institutional repository, in the journals or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this Journal.
  4. The authors grant the Editorial Board the right to scientific editing, adaptation, modification, and translation into any language; reproduction, and publication of the article material.
  5. According to Federal Law No. 152-FZ on 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data’’, upon submission of the manuscript, the authors give their consent to processing and storage of personal data, including full name, e-mail address, position and affiliation, postal address of the institution with post code.


1.2 Privacy

The names and e-mail addresses entered on the website of the Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated; access for other purposes is not provided.


2. The design of the text


The submitted manuscript (article) should correspond to the Journal's thematic, be original, unpublished earlier in other journals, carefully designed, and thoroughly edited.


2.1 General requirements

Research articles should not exceed 6-15 A4 pages (including references); review articles should not exceed 25-30 pages. Articles are accepted in the .rtf, .doc, or .docx. There is no page numbering. Page parameters: orientation – portrait, margins 2.0 cm on all sides, single spacing, paragraph indentation – 1 cm. The font is Times New Roman, the colour is black, the font size is 12.

It is necessary to use standard software fonts and spacing corresponding to the design of the text. The text should not contain programmed headings, inserts, templates, references to literary sources, and hyperlinks. Automatic hyphenation is not allowed.

Before submission, authors are recommended to check the text of the article for spelling accuracy. Please, check the article formatting rules corresponded to those of the latest issues of the Journal


2.2 The article structure

The article should be structured. When writing a scientific article, it is necessary to adhere to the following (see Appendix 1): the reviews and scientific articles begins with the UDC index, followed by the title of the article, the initials and surnames of the authors, information about the authors and scientific institutions. This is followed by an abstract and keywords. Download the first page template.

  • UDC index (font 11, italics). should be in the upper-right corner. Use the available resources to determine the UDC classifier: https://www.teacode.com/online/udc/.
  • The title of the article (font 14, CAPITAL letters, bold). It is written in capital letters without hyphenation. The title should contain the main keywords, describe the object, method and/or result of the research, and be concise (no more than 15 words). Please, do not use a question mark, abbreviations, or common words.
  • Initials and surnames of the authors (font 14, bold) indicating the affiliation of each author.
  • About the authors (font 10). It includes the first name, patronymic, surname of the author(s) without abbreviations, academic degree, position.
  • Detailed names (font 10) of scientific, educational or other institutions, their postal address with the post code, the e-mail address and the phone number (optional) for correspondence.
  • Abstract (font 10, italics). It should describe the purpose and objectives of the research, the possibilities of its practical application, and the results achieved. The abstract should be at least 200 words. Please, do not reproduce the title of the article.
  • Keywords (font 10, italics). The key words should include concepts and terms mentioned in the article and indicating the relevance and novelty of the discussed research and its results (no more than 10 words).


The theoretical and physicochemical articles should contain a concise introduction to the problem and statement of the research problem, experimental or methodological part, discussion of the results obtained, and conclusions; the articles on synthesis should contain the introduction and research problem, discussion of the results obtained, conclusions, and experimental part. Acknowledgements, information on research funding, and the presence/absence of conflicts of interest are preceded by references as appropriate (see Appendix 1). The list of sources begins on the new page.


Examples of Acknowledgements formatting:

‘The authors thank the Centre for M.V. Dorogov Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer of YSPU named after of K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia for conducting spectral research'.

'The authors thank S. I. Filimonov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Physical Chemistry, YSTU, Yaroslavl, Russia for constructive discussion of the research results and valuable comments.’


Examples of Financing formatting:

‘The research was conducted in accordance with the plan (or within the framework of) the research work of the Institute of .... (name of the Institute, number and/or title)’.

‘The research was conducted within the framework of the state assignment (number of the state assignment and/or title).’’

‘The research was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project number).’


Examples of Conflict of interests formatting:

The authors declare no conflict of interests.



2.3 Formatting of accompanying materials

1. The equations, diagrams, tables, and figures are designed in 11 font and numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. Figures (not more than 8) and tables (not more than 4) should be clear without frames. Each table should be titled, for example, "Table 1. The conditions..."

2. For figures, it is necessary to provide graphic files in the original formats. The format of the figures should provide clarity in conveying all details. The figures should not be hand-drawn. The figure should have a title and an informative caption to make its meaning clear without reference to the text. The experiment specific conditions are indicated. Figures should not be used for presentation of data summarised in a table or text.

The graph should contain designations of coordinate axes (parameters and units), curves, etc. The designations of the coordinate axes and all inscriptions are given in Russian and Latin transcription. The lines inside the figures should be numbered (the numbers should be written in italics – 1, 2, etc.) and each line should be explained in the caption (outside the figure). Please, present experimental points with shaded and unshaded circles, squares, triangles, and rhombuses. Some curves can also in solid, dashed, or dotted image. The lines should be drawn clearly with a line thickness (usually 3 points). The coordinate axes should be drawn in black (not gray) lines. The background of the graph or chart should be white.

3. Chemical and physicomathematical symbols should be typed on a computer. Mathematical formulas are given in the formula editor Microsoft Word Fromula Editor, Microsoft Equation, Mattype, etc.; chemical formulas are given in one of the chemical editors ChemDraw, ACD/ChemSketch, ChemWindow, or ISIS/Draw. Do not insert formulas as the images.

The equations should be indented; the equation number is right-hand margin placed. Only the formulas and equations referenced in the text should be numbered. Avoid cumbersome mathematical notation.

Present the structural formulas of chemical compounds clearly. Please, number only the atoms discussed in the text in the diagrams and the structural formulas; for related compounds – number the atoms on one of the structures.

Physical quantities should be given in the International System of Units (SI) (see: Chemical Encyclopedia, Soviet Encyclopedia, Moscow, 1988, 1). Note, decimals are separated by a dot. Symbols of variable physical quantities are given in (italic); their units of measurement – in normal (for example, T/K).

4. To denote standard physicochemical research methods and terms, abbreviations from capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used. Please, use generally accepted English abbreviations in formulas, diagrams, and figures of widely used reagents and solvents; use generally accepted Russian abbreviations in the text (English abbreviations are allowed). The other abbreviations are deciphered at their first mention in the text.

5. Both for chemical compounds described for the first time in the article and for complex compounds representing the main object of research, in addition to the formula, the full name should be given (usually in the Experimental Part). Please, use the IUPAC nomenclature (organometallic complexes can be named according to the Chemical Abstracts nomenclature).

Compounds mentioned more than twice in the text and diagrams are coded with Arabic numerals, bold. The full name of the compound requires the code in parentheses. When combining digital codes with alphabetic indexes, Latin alphabet is used. Compounds of a related structure represented by a single formula should be encoded with a common digit; to denote derivatives containing various substituents, a digit with an alphabetic index should be used, for example, 1a. The ascending order of the compound numbers should strictly correspond to their mentioning in the text. In the diagrams, the compounds are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom. The abstract should contain the codes corresponding to those in the text.

Isomer designations, stereochemical symbols, and the atoms used for substitution in organic molecules should be written in italics, for example, tert-butyl, (S)-N-isopropyl-α-methylbenzylamine ((S)-1a).

6. The spectral data are presented in the Experimental Part as follows:

  • UV spectrum: (EtOH), λ max/nm (ε (or lg ε): 239 (6900), 305 (1200).
  • IR spectrum (CCl4), v/cm–1: 3310 (CH); 1722 (C=O).
  • When describing NMR spectra, chemical shifts, multiplicity, integral intensity, attribution, and spin-spin coupling constant should be given.

For example:

NMR spectrum1 H (acetone-d6, δ, ppm, J/Hz): 1.00 (s, 3H, C(4)Me); 1.15 (c, 3H, C(9)Me); 4.77 (d, 1H, C(5)H, J = 7.5); 4.53 (d, 1H, C(4)H, J = 7.5); 3.78 (c, 3H, OMe); 4.01 (dd, 1H, C(7)H, J1 = 7.5, J2 = 2.2), 6.21 (br. d., 1H, NH, J = 9.5), 6.97 (t, 1H, C(7)H, J = 7.5), 7.40-8.00 (m, 5H, CHPh); 9.54 (c, 1H, CH).

NMR spectrum13 C (100 MHz, δ, ppm): 14.69, 26.04, 51.63, 55.89, 86.88, 102.14, 107.86, 117.36, 123.96, 125.80, 126.68, 128.09 (2 C), 129.03 (2 C), 132.26, 141.64, 153.62, 155.64, 161.08.

Chemical shifts in the NMR spectra of 1H and 13C obtained on devices with a frequency below 400 MHz (100 MHz for 13C) should be given with an accuracy of hundredths and tenths, respectively; the spin-spin coupling constant measured on such devices should be given with an accuracy of tenths.

It is necessary to give chemical shifts of the standard. An example of recording when using solvent signals as a reference: "Chemical shifts of NMR1 H are shown relative to the residual signal HCl3 (δH 7.27 ppm) for solutions in CDCl3, the residual signal CHD2OD (δH 3.31 ppm) for solutions in CD3 OD. The chemical shifts of 13C NMR are shown relative to the central solvent signal (δC 77.0 ppm for solutions in CDCl3 and δC 49.0 ppm for solutions in CD3OD)."

If all spectra are obtained at the same temperature and in the same solvent, it is advisable to give all the repeated information once in the preamble to the Experimental Part.

The authors suggest using the following designations for numbering protons, carbon atoms, etc.: C(3)H, C(4)H2, C(3). Protons within complex groups relevant to a particular signal should be underlined (e.g.: CH2CH2CH3). If any signal in the spectrum is described as a doublet, triplet, etc. it is necessary to give the appropriate number of spin-spin coupling constants. For multiplets it is necessary to specify the interval of chemical shifts. The values of the spin-spin interaction constants should be the same when describing pairs of interacting signals.

  • The parameters of the EPR spectrum are given as follows: g = 2.0645, aH(1 H) = 1.9 Mt.
  • The mass spectra are given as numerical values of m/z and relative values of the ion current in a row entry or as a table. Please, indicate the type of ionization method, the ionization energy, the mass numbers of characteristic ions, their genesis and intensity relative to the main ion.

For example: Mass spectrum (EI, 70 eV), m/z (I rel (%)): 386 [M]+ (36), 368 [M – H2O]+ (100), 353 [M – H2O – Me]+ (23).


7. In the Experimental part it is necessary to indicate the sources of the reagents used (e.g., ‘commercial preparations, company name’) or give references to the preparation methods, the conditions of reagents and solvents supplementary preparation (or literature references should be given).

For each newly synthesised compound described in the Experimental Part, it is necessary to give evidence of the structure assigned and data allowing to assess its identity and purity. These include elemental analysis, high-resolution mass spectra or other data unambiguously confirming substance composition. For known substances, literature data should be given only if there are significant discrepancies between the values found and the values given in the literature.


2.4 Formatting the list of sources

The list of sources is designed in font size 10 and should contain 15-20 sources.

The list of sources should be updated and contain at least 8 articles from scientific journals published in the past 10 years, including 4 articles published in the past 3 years. The percentage of self-citations should not exceed 25% of references. When borrowing material from other sources, a reference to these sources is required. Each reference number should be enclosed in square brackets (e. i. [1]) on the same line as the text, before any punctuation, with a space before the bracket. Citations are numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and each citation corresponds to a numbered reference containing publication information about the source cited in the list of sources.

The list of sources should contain the initials and surnames of all the authors. Only one publication should correspond to one running number. All references are given in the original transcription. Conditional abbreviations of domestic journals and reference books should be given in accordance with the abbreviations adopted in Abstract Journal Chemistry; for the foreign journals – in accordance with the abbreviations recommended by Springer and Business Media, Inc. The CASSI Search Tool Usage Agreement (https://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp) can be used to abbreviate the names of foreign journals. It is necessary to provide links to the electronic publication identifier (DOI) (if available). Provide the links on resource on the Internet (URL).

Examples of formatting are presented in Table 1.

The list of sources is provided for the Russian and English versions of the article. Russian-language publications (untranslated) are given in transliteration in accordance with generally accepted international rules, with a note (in Russian) at the end. To avoid transliteration errors, please, use automatic systems for translating Cyrillic into Romanov alphabet, e.g. at https://transliteration.pro/bsi (BSI standard for transliteration). Transliteration of the authors' names is in accordance with their frequently mentioned form in the Scopus database. The foreign publications are transferred into the English version of the article.

Examples of the format of the source list and references




Nenashev M.F. Last government of the USSR. Moscow: Krom Publ., 1993, 221 pp.

Articles in collections

Olah G., Faroog O., Prakash G. K. S. in Activation and Functionalization of Alkanes, Ed. C. L. Hill, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1992, 39.

Articles in Journals

Lobov N.I., Liubimov D.V., Liubimova T.P. Convective instability of a system of horizontal layers of immiscible fluids with deformable section. Izv. RAN. MZhG, 1996, 2, 32-39. (in Russian)

Yang S.Y., Ryu I., Kim H.Y., Kim J.K., Jang S.K., Russell T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of viruses. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18(6), 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500

Chirkova Zh.V., Makarova E.S., Uryadova A.M., Filimonov S.I., Shalabanova M.S., Ivanovsky S.A. Aminolysis of hexahydrochromeno[4,3-d]pyrimidine-2,5-diones. From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step, 2024, 5(1), 114-121. [online]. Available at: https://chemintech.ru/ru/nauka/issue/5007/view] (date of access 08.10.2024).


Palkin M.V. Patent RU № 2280590, 2006.


Semenov V.I. Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss. Moscow, 2003, 272 p.

Conference abstracts

Sugatov N.N., Khaziev A.A. Choice of the optimal method of evaluation of quality of working motor oil according to dielectric characteristics. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Modernizatsiia i nauchnye issledovaniia v transportnom komplekse”. Perm: Permskii natsional’nyi issledovatel’skii politekhnicheskii universitet, 2013, P. 343-354.


GOST 8.586.5–2005. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Method of measurement. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007, 10 p.


1. The journal's position on publication ethics is based on the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Guide on Principles of Scientific Publishing Ethics for Journal Editors, as well as the guidelines of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers Declaration on Ethical Principles for Scientific Publication.

2. Norms and provisions of the Guidelines on the principles of ethics of scientific publications for the editors of journals of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" are integral elements of the Regulations on Peer Review, the Rules for Authors and other documents that ensure the work of the journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step".

3. The editorial board and editorial board of the journal are responsible for making decisions on publication and are subject in their decisions to the current legislation in the field of copyright infringement. When deciding on the publication of the author's material, the opinion of the reviewer and members of the editorial board is taken into account.

4. The author's manuscript is evaluated exclusively from the standpoint of its scientific content. Racial and nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political position of the author (s) do not in any way affect the decision to publish.

5. The authors of the manuscript are persons who have made a significant contribution to the development or interpretation of the research results. All those who made a significant contribution to the creation of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors of the material. The author submitting the manuscript to the journal guarantees that all co-authors are indicated in it, they have approved the final version of the material and do not object to its publication.

6. If there is a conflict of interest, affiliated persons (reviewers, members of the editorial board) are excluded from the process of considering the manuscript. Reviewers must inform the editor-in-chief about the presence of a conflict of interest. All authors should indicate in their manuscripts any possible conflict of interest that may influence the decision to accept the manuscript for publication.

7. The opinion of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Materials are published in the author's edition.


1. General provisions 

1.1 These Regulations establish a procedure for peer review of manuscripts (articles) submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal.

1.2 The purpose of the expert assessment is to ensure the quality of the materials published.

1.3 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Journal's publication ethics. 

2. Procedure and terms of reviewing

2.1 The manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board are subjected to mandatory double-blind peer review: the authors are not informed of the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers are not informed of the names of the authors.

2.2 The review process involves scientists, experts, and practitioners with recognised authority in the field of knowledge related to the content of the manuscript.

2.3 The author or co-author of the reviewed work, as well as scientific supervisors of degree candidates and employees of the department employing the author are not allowed to be reviewers.

2.4 Reviewers do not use the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes or transfer them to third parties.

2.6 The period of manuscript review is 10 calendar days from its submission to the reviewer.

2.7 The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the Editorial Board after assessment the original review. 

3. Requirements for the review

3.1 The review is required to contain an objective expert's analysis and the assessment of the manuscript quality.

3.2 The review is compiled according to the form proposed by the Editorial Board and should contain the following:

- relevance of the research topic; 

- scientific novelty; 

- compliance of the manuscript content with its title;

- compliance of the methods, recommendations, and research results used by the author with modern scientific achievements and practice;

- the reliability of the facts presented;

- the completeness of topic disclosure;

- the expediency and validity of the tables, graphs, and other drawings;

- compliance of the conclusions with the goals and objectives of the research, their argumentation;

- quality of references; 

- author's personal contribution to the research issue;

- the quality of the manuscript: style, terminology, etc.

3.3 The final part of the review should contain a recommendation on:

- publication of the manuscript; 

- revision of the manuscript (with specific comments or recommendations); 

- rejection of the manuscript (based on the expert's opinion).

3.4 The review is signed by the expert with a transcript of the surname, first name and patronymic, date, academic degree, academic title, and position.

3.5 The original review is sent to the Editorial Board. 

4. The procedure for submitting reviews to the authors

4.1 By the request, the Editor-in-Chief sends the review (or its part) to the author without indicating the name, position, and affiliation of the reviewer.

4.2 When a positive review of the manuscript is received, the Editor-in-Chief informs the author about the manuscript submission and the expected publication date.

4.3 When the review contains recommendations for correction, the remarks are forwarded to the author. The remarks specified the time for correction. The revised manuscript with responses to the reviewer's recommendations is sent for re-review to the same reviewer. 

4.4 By the request of the author, in conflict of interests or disagreement of the author with the reviewer's recommendation, the manuscript can be sent for secondary review to another expert. 

4.5 When a negative review of is received, the Editorial Board can refer the manuscript for additional review, for revision by the author, or reject it.

4.6 In case of rejection of the manuscript, a letter indicating the reasons for the rejection is sent to the author. 

5. Conclusion

5.1 Reviews are kept in the Editorial Office for 5 years.

5.2 Reviews are submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.

5.3 The Editorial Board does not keep manuscripts not accepted for publication. The manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned.


                        Abramov Igor
Abramov Igor Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences


                        Agat'ev Pavel
Agat'ev Pavel AO “Himtrast”

                        Aktalieva Ayna
Aktalieva Ayna Ingush State University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Anikanova Lyubov'
Anikanova Lyubov' Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Afineevskiy Andrey
Afineevskiy Andrey Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Baburina Ekaterina
Baburina Ekaterina Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

                        Baklagin Vyacheslav
Baklagin Vyacheslav Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Bakunin Dmitry
Bakunin Dmitry Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Balbuckiy Egor
Balbuckiy Egor Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky

                        Baldaev Sergey
Baldaev Sergey OOO «Tehnologicheskie sistemy zaschitnyh pokrytiy»
candidate of technical sciences

                        Baranov Vladimir
Baranov Vladimir N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Researcher)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Batov Dmitriy
Batov Dmitriy Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Veduschiy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of chemical sciences

                        Bayov Egor
Bayov Egor Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Begunov Roman
Begunov Roman P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Berezin Dmitry
Berezin Dmitry Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,

                        Berezina Nadezhda
Berezina Nadezhda Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Blinov Daniil
Blinov Daniil Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

                        Blyumina Mariya
Blyumina Mariya Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Bobokalonov Todzhiddin
Bobokalonov Todzhiddin Tajik National University (Senior Lecturer)
candidate of chemical sciences

Berezin Dmitry  — Editor in chief
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Abramov Igor  — Deputy Editor in Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Dvoretsky Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Filimonov Sergey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ilyin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kofanov Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kolobov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Soloviev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English Translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Blaznov Aleksey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS) (Laboratory of Mineral Materials Science)
doctor of technical sciences

Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Bragina Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Galanin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Islyaykin Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Klyuev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kotov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kruk Nikolay  — Foreign member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Minsk, Belarus
Kustov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Physical-Chemical Center for Solutions)
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Maizlish Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Nokoforova Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Politaeva Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Tajik National University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Computer layout
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4081-9087 ORCID:0000-0002-0491-7452
Kurganova Ekaterina Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Chirkova Zhanna  — Executive secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya, professor)
employee from 01.01.2009 until now
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Makarova Elena  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University (starshiy prepodavatel')
candidate of chemical sciences


Code 1.4.4
Name Физическая химия
Code 1.4.7
Name Высокомолекулярные соединения
Code 2.6.13
Name Процессы и аппараты химических технологий
Code 1.4.3
Name Органическая химия

Berezin Dmitriy Borisovich.

V 1994 g. s otlichiem okonchil fakul'tet organicheskoy himii i tehnologii Ivanovskoy gosudarstvennoy himiko-tehnologicheskoy akademii po special'nosti «Himicheskaya tehnologiya organicheskih veschestv». V 1997 g. im dosrochno zaschischena kandidatskaya dissertaciya na temu: «Vliyanie elektronnyh, sol'vatacionnyh i stericheskih faktorov na hromofornye svoystva porfirinov i ih protonirovannyh form».

S 1997 g. Berezin D.B. rabotal v dolzhnosti assistenta, a s 1999 g. - docenta kafedry organicheskoy himii Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo himiko-tehnologicheskogo universiteta. S 2000 po 2008 g. – po sovmestitel'stvu nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta himii rastvorov RAN. V iyune 2007 g. po okonchanii doktorantury zaschitil doktorskuyu dissertaciyu po special'nostyam «organicheskaya himiya» i «fizicheskaya himiya» na temu: «Makrociklicheskiy effekt i reakcionnaya sposobnost' porfirinov razlichnogo stroeniya». V 2010 g. emu prisvoeno uchenoe zvanie professora po kafedre organicheskoy himii. V 2008-2010 g.g – zam. predsedatelya soveta NIRS IGHTU. S 2010 g. – deystvitel'nyy chlen Rossiyskoy akademii estestvennyh nauk (RAEN). V 2015 g. nagrazhden gramotoy Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF. Pochetnyy rabotnik sfery obrazovaniya i nauki (2020). Chlen dvuh dissertacionnyh sovetov IGHTU.

Berezinym D.B. podgotovleny kursy lekciy po disciplinam «Organicheskaya himiya», «Biohimiya», «Himiya uglevodov», «Mikrobiologiya», «Strategiya sovremennogo organicheskogo sinteza» i dr. dlya studentov, a takzhe kursy «Himiya aromaticheskih makrogeterociklov» i «Fizicheskaya organicheskaya himiya porfirinov i rodstvennyh soedineniy» dlya aspirantov, obuchayuschihsya po profilyu podgotovki «organicheskaya himiya».

Nauchnye interesy Berezina D.B. svyazany s himiey porfirinov i ih analogov, v chastnosti, s problemami ih hromofornyh svoystv i fotodinamicheskogo deystviya na zhivye tkani, a takzhe so sravnitel'nym issledovaniem makrociklicheskogo i effekta v iskazhennyh preimuschestvenno ploskih p-sistemah. Avtor bolee 350 publikaciy, sredi kotoryh

- 9 monografiy, vklyuchaya 5 kollektivnyh,

- uchebnye posobiya s grifom UMO

«Kurs sovremennoy organicheskoy himii» («Vysshaya shkola», 1999, 2001, 2003),

«Organicheskaya himiya» («Yurayt», 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022);

«Organicheskaya himiya. Bazovyy kurs» («Lan'», 2014, 2019),

- okolo 150 statey.

Pod rukovodstvom Berezina D.B. zaschischeny 8 kandidatskih dissertaciy (2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2023 g.)


Scientific peer-reviewed journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" highlights the priority areas and modern achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical works in the form of full articles, as well as author's reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.

The journal is published 4 times a year as an electronic network publication (ISSN 2782-1900) with open access to its content on the Internet.

The journal is registered by the federal service for supervision of communications, information, technology, and mass media. EL № FS 77 - 80088

The publication of articles in the journal is free for authors. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation and placement of materials.

The editorial board of the journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in English. The publisher at its own expense translates into English the manuscripts received by the editorial office in Russian.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the results of their peer review. 

Founder and publisher of the journal is "Yaroslavl State Technical University" 150023 Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospect, 88

Phone.: +7 (4852) 44-35-47

E-mail: stepbystep@ystu.ru

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