Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2782-1900 (online)
Periodicity (English)

4 raza v god

Russian science citation index:
Yes 76117
Russian higher attestation Commission:

1. Obschaya Informaciya dlya avtorov


Redakciya strogo priderzhivaetsya norm i pravil mezhdunarodnoy publikacionnoy etiki.

Pravovuyu osnovu obespecheniya publikacionnoy etiki sostavlyayut mezhdunarodnye standarty: polozheniya II Vsemirnoy konferencii po voprosam soblyudeniya dobrosovestnosti nauchnyh issledovaniy, polozheniya Komiteta po etike nauchnyh publikaciy (The Committee on Publication EthicsCOPE) i normy razdela «Avtorskoe pravo» Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF.

Zhurnal publikuet original'nye eksperimental'nye i teoreticheskie raboty v vide polnyh statey, a takzhe avtorskie obzory po aktual'nym voprosam himicheskoy tehnologii i smezhnyh nauk.


Materialy dlya publikacii v zhurnale prinimayutsya k rassmotreniyu dvumya sposobami:

1. Po elektronnoy pochte: Rukopisi sleduet napravlyat' na adres elektronnoy pochty redakcii stepbystep@ystu.ru. Obratite vnimanie, chto obschiy razmer prikreplennyh faylov ne dolzhen prevyshat' 10 Mb.

2. Cherez onlayn-formu: Avtory takzhe mogut podat' svoi raboty cherez elektronnuyu formu (neobhodimo predostavit' vse trebuemye dannymi pravilami fayly), razmeschennuyu na oficial'nom sayte zhurnala po adresu: https://chemintech.ru/


Stat'ya predstavlyaetsya v redakciyu na russkom yazyke. Pri zhelanii, avtor mozhet prislat' stat'yu i na angliyskom yazyke.

Predstavlenie stat'i v zhurnal podrazumevaet sleduyuschee:

– rabota ne byla opublikovana ranee v drugom zhurnale;

– ne nahoditsya na rassmotrenii v drugom zhurnale;

– vse soavtory soglasny s publikaciey stat'i;

– polucheno soglasie (v yavnoy ili neyavnoy forme) organizacii, v kotoroy bylo provedeno issledovanie.


Pri predstavlenii rukopisi (elektronnyy variant) v zhurnal avtory dolzhny ubedit'sya, chto vse citirovaniya oformleny korrektno, ukazany zaimstvovannye istochniki v podpisyah k risunkam i nadpisyam tablic. Esli takovye ne privedeny, predpolagaetsya, chto risunki i tablicy predstavlyayut soboy plod avtorskoy deyatel'nosti. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo samostoyatel'no osuschestvlyat' proverku statey na antiplagiat (original'nost' teksta dolzhna sostavlyat' ne menee 75%.).


Dlya publikacii stat'i avtoram neobhodimo predstavit' v redakciyu sleduyuschie materialy:

1) polnyy tekst stat'i v formate .doc, *.docx, *.rtf;

2) OBYaZATEL'NO polnyy tekst stat'i v formate *.pdf;

3) tekst stat'i (pervaya stranica, vklyuchaya nazvanie, avtorov s ukazaniem mesta raboty, klyuchevye slova, annotaciyu) s podpisyami VSEH avtorov v formate *.pdf;

4) risunki, esli takovye imeyutsya, predostavlyayutsya otdel'nym faylom v formate *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.pdf s razresheniem ne nizhe 300 dpi

5) v otdel'nom fayle privodyatsya v angliyskoy transkripcii Imya Otchestvo Familiya avtora(ov), zatem polnost'yu sootvetstvuyuschiy russkomu tekstu perevod na angliyskiy yazyk zaglaviya, nazvaniy uchrezhdeniy, ih adresov s adresami elektronnoy pochty i spisok literatury dlya angloyazychnoy versii stat'i;

6) spisok vozmozhnyh recenzentov (ne menee 4, s ukazaniem dolzhnosti, mesta raboty i rabochih adresov elektronnoy pochty) v teh oblastyah, kotorye issleduyutsya v stat'e.


Avtoram v techenie 5-ti rabochih dney so dnya postupleniya rukopisi v redakciyu napravlyaetsya uvedomlenie o ee poluchenii s ukazaniem daty postupleniya i registracionnogo nomera stat'i (vo izbezhanie nedorazumeniy pri perepiske s redakciey v teme pis'ma vsegda sleduet ukazyvat' etot nomer).

Avtor neset polnuyu otvetstvennost' za dostovernost' eksperimental'nyh dannyh, privodimyh v stat'e.

Vse stat'i, napravlyaemye v redakciyu, podvergaetsya dvoynomu slepomu recenzirovaniyu

Stat'ya, napravlennaya avtoram na dorabotku, dolzhna byt' vozvraschena v ispravlennom vide v maksimal'no korotkie sroki.


1.1 Avtorskie prava

Avtory, napravlyayuschie svoi raboty v zhurnal, soglashayutsya so sleduyuschim:

  1. Avtory sohranyayut za soboy avtorskie prava na rabotu i predostavlyayut zhurnalu pravo pervoy publikacii raboty.
  2. Avtor sohranyaet za soboy pravo ispol'zovat' stat'yu i ee chasti v svoey nauchnoy deyatel'nosti.
  3. Avtory sohranyayut pravo zaklyuchat' otdel'nye kontraktnye dogovorennosti, kasayuschiesya neeksklyuzivnogo rasprostraneniya versii raboty v opublikovannom zdes' vide (naprimer, razmeschenie ee v institutskom hranilische, publikaciyu v knige), so ssylkoy na ee original'nuyu publikaciyu v etom zhurnale.
  4. Avtory predostavlyayut redakcii pravo na nauchnoe redaktirovanie, adaptaciyu i modifikaciyu, perevod na lyuboy yazyk, reprodukciyu i izdanie materiala stat'i.
  5. Pri predstavlenii rukopisi avtory dayut svoe soglasie na obrabotku i hranenie personal'nyh dannyh, vklyuchayuschih FIO, adres(a) elektronnoy pochty, dolzhnost' i mesto raboty, pochtovyy adres mesta raboty s ukazaniem indeksa, v sootvetstvii s Federal'nym zakonom № 152-FZ ot 27.07.2006 “O personal'nyh dannyh”.


1.2 Privatnost'

Imena i adresa elektronnoy pochty, vvedennye na sayte etogo zhurnala, budut ispol'zovany isklyuchitel'no dlya celey, oboznachennyh zhurnalom; dostup k nim inyh lic i organizaciy dlya drugih celey ne predostavlyaetsya.


2. Oformlenie teksta stat'i


Predstavlyaemyy material (stat'ya) dolzhen sootvetstvovat' tematike zhurnala, byt' original'nym, ne opublikovannym ranee v drugih pechatnyh izdaniyah, akkuratno oformlen i tschatel'no otredaktirovan.


2.1 Obschie trebovaniya

Nauchnye stat'i dolzhny imet' ogranichennyy ob'em 6 - 15 stranic formata A4 (vklyuchaya spisok literatury), obzornye stat'i prinimayutsya ob'emom 25 - 30 stranic. Stat'i prinimayutsya s rasshireniem .rtf, .doc ili .docx. Numeraciya stranic ne prostavlyaetsya. Parametry stranicy: orientaciya – knizhnaya, polya 2,0 sm so vseh storon, interval odinarnyy, abzacnyy otstup - 1 sm. Shrift Times New Roman, cvet – chernyy, razmer shrifta – 12.

Kak v tekste, tak i vo vseh ob'ektah, vnedryaemyh v fayl, neobhodimo ispol'zovat' standartnye programmnye shrifty, shrift i interval dolzhny sootvetstvovat' obschemu oformleniyu teksta. Tekstovyy material ne dolzhen soderzhat' zaprogrammirovannye zagolovki, vstavki, shablony, ssylki na literaturnye istochniki i giperssylki. Ne dopuskaetsya ispol'zovanie avtomaticheskoy rasstanovki perenosov!

Pered otpravkoy avtoram rekomenduetsya proverit' tekst stat'i na orfografiyu i vzyat' za osnovu oformleniya odnu iz statey poslednego vypuska zhurnala.


2.2 Struktura publikacii

Stat'ya dolzhna byt' strukturirovana. Pri napisanii nauchnoy stat'i neobhodimo priderzhivat'sya sleduyuschey struktury (sm. Prilozhenie 1): publikaciya obzorov i polnyh statey nachinaetsya s indeksa UDK, zatem sleduyut zaglavie stat'i, inicialy i familii avtorov, informaciya ob avtorah i nauchnyh uchrezhdeniyah. Dalee privodyatsya kratkaya annotaciya, a takzhe klyuchevye slova. Skachat' shablon oformleniya pervoy stranicy.

  • Indeks UDK (UDC) (shrift 11, kursivnoe nachertanie). Neobhodimo ukazat' v verhnem pravom uglu. Dlya opredeleniya klassifikatora mozhno ispol'zovat' dostupnye resursy: https://www.teacode.com/online/udc/.
  • Nazvanie stat'i (shrift 14, PROPISNYE bukvy, poluzhirnoe nachertanie). Oformlyaetsya propisnymi bukvami bez perenosov. Nazvanie dolzhno soderzhat' osnovnye klyuchevye slova, kratko opisyvat' ob'ekt, metod i/ili rezul'tat issledovaniya, byt' lakonichnym (ne bolee 15 slov). Ne rekomenduetsya ispol'zovat' znak voprosa, abbreviatury, obschie slova.
  • Inicialy i familii avtorov (shrift 14, poluzhirnoe nachertanie) s ukazaniem affiliacii kazhdogo avtora.
  • Informaciya ob avtorah (shrift 10). Vklyuchaet imya otchestvo familiyu avtora(ov) bez sokrascheniy, uchenuyu stepen', dolzhnost'.
  • Razvernutye nazvaniya (shrift 10) nauchnyh, uchebnyh ili inyh uchrezhdeniy, v kotorom(oy) vypolnyalas' rabota avtora(ov), pochtovyy adres organizacii s indeksom, adres elektronnoy pochty i telefon (po zhelaniyu) avtora dlya korrespondencii.
  • Annotaciya (Abstract) (shrift 10, kursivnoe nachertanie). Opisyvaet celi i zadachi provedennogo issledovaniya, vozmozhnosti ego prakticheskogo primeneniya, a takzhe dostignutye rezul'taty. Tekst annotacii ne dolzhen povtoryat' zaglavie stat'i i soderzhat' bolee 200 slov.
  • Klyuchevye slova (Keywords) (shrift 10, kursivnoe nachertanie). Nabor klyuchevyh slov dolzhen vklyuchat' ponyatiya i terminy, upominaemye v stat'e, i svidetel'stvuyuschie ob aktual'nosti i novizne obsuzhdaemyh issledovaniy i ih rezul'tatov (ne bolee 10 slov).


V stat'yah teoreticheskogo i fiziko-himicheskogo haraktera privodyatsya szhatoe vvedenie v problemu i postanovka zadachi issledovaniya, eksperimental'naya ili metodicheskaya chast', obsuzhdenie poluchennyh rezul'tatov s vyvodami, a v stat'yah, posvyaschennyh sintezu, obschaya chast' (vvedenie i zadacha issledovaniya), obsuzhdenie poluchennyh rezul'tatov s vyvodami i eksperimental'naya chast'. Pered spiskom istochnikov (pri neobhodimosti) privodyatsya blagodarnosti, informaciya o finansirovanii issledovaniy, o nalichii/otsutstvii konflikta interesov:

1. Primery oformleniya informacii v razdele «Blagodarnosti»:

«Avtory vyrazhayut blagodarnost' Centru transfera farmacevticheskih tehnologiy im. M.V. Dorogova YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinskogo za provedenie spektral'nyh issledovaniy.»

«Avtory vyrazhayut blagodarnost' S. I. Filimonovu (FGBOU VO YaGTU, d.h.n., professor kafedry «Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya») za plodotvornoe obsuzhdenie rezul'tatov raboty i cennye zamechaniya.»

2. Primery oformleniya informacii v razdele «Finansirovanie»:

«Rabota vypolnena v sootvetstvii s planom (ili v ramkah) nauchno-issledovatel'skih rabot Instituta ... (nazvanie instituta, nomer i/ili nazvanie temy)».

«Rabota vypolnena v ramkah gosudarstvennogo zadaniya (nomer goszadaniya i/ili nazvanie temy).»

«Rabota vypolnena pri finansovoy podderzhke Rossiyskogo nauchnogo fonda (nomer proekta).»

3. Primery oformleniya informacii v razdele «Konflikt interesov»:

Avtory zayavlyayut ob otsutstvii konflikta interesov v finansovoy ili kakoy-libo inoy sfere


V konce stat'i daetsya spisok literatury.


2.3 Oformlenie soputstvuyuschih materialov

1. Vse uravneniya, shemy, tablicy, risunki oformlyayutsya 11 razmerom shrifta i numeruyutsya v poryadke ih upominaniya v tekste. Risunki (ne bolee 8) i tablicy (ne bolee 4) dolzhny byt' chetkie bez ramok. Kazhdaya tablica dolzhna byt' ozaglavlena, naprimer «Tablica 1. Usloviya …»

2. Dlya risunkov neobhodimo predostavit' graficheskie fayly v original'nyh formatah. Format risunka dolzhen obespechivat' yasnost' peredachi vseh detaley. Risunki ne dolzhny byt' vypolneny ot ruki. Risunok dolzhen imet' zagolovok i informativnuyu podrisunochnuyu podpis', delayuschuyu ego smysl ponyatnym bez obrascheniya k tekstu – ukazyvayutsya usloviya, specificheskie dlya dannogo eksperimenta. Ne sleduet privodit' v vide risunkov dannye, kotorye mogut byt' kratko otobrazheny v tablice ili tekste, a takzhe ne nesuschie special'noy smyslovoy nagruzki.

Grafik dolzhen soderzhat' oboznacheniya koordinatnyh osey (izmeryaemyy parametr i edinica izmereniya), a takzhe krivyh i drugih detaley. Oboznacheniya osey koordinat i vse nadpisi na risunkah dayutsya v russkoy i latinskoy transkripcii. Linii vnutri risunka sleduet pronumerovat' (cifry nabirayutsya kursivom – 1, 2 i t.d.) i v podrisunochnoy podpisi (ne na risunke) dat' poyasneniya k kazhdoy linii. Eksperimental'nye tochki predpochtitel'no predstavlyat' zashtrihovannymi i nezashtrihovannymi kruzhkami, kvadratami, treugol'nikami, rombami. Otdel'nye krivye mogut razlichat'sya takzhe sploshnym, shtrihovym ili shtrihpunktirnym izobrazheniem. Vse linii dolzhny byt' izobrazheny chetko s tolschinoy liniy (obychno 3 punkta), pozvolyayuschey umen'shit' risunok do konechnogo razmera v zhurnale. Koordinatnye osi v bol'shinstve sluchaev neobhodimo otobrazhat' chernymi (ne serymi) liniyami. Fon grafika ili diagrammy dolzhen byt' belym.

3. Himicheskie i fiziko-matematicheskie simvoly dolzhny byt' nabrany na komp'yutere. Matematicheskie formuly rekomenduetsya nabirat' vo vtroennom redaktore formul Microsoft Word, ili v redaktore formul Microsoft Equation, Mathtype i t.p., himicheskie formuly – v odnom iz himicheskih redaktorov ChemDraw, ACD/ChemSketch, ChemWindow ili ISIS/Draw. Ne dopuskaetsya vstavka formul v vide kartinok.

Uravneniya pechatayutsya s krasnoy stroki, nomer uravneniya stavitsya u pravogo kraya stranicy. Numerovat' sleduet lish' te formuly i uravneniya, na kotorye dayutsya ssylki v tekste. Neobhodimo izbegat' gromozdkih matematicheskih oboznacheniy.

Strukturnye formuly himicheskih soedineniy dolzhny byt' izobrazheny maksimal'no chetko. Na shemah v strukturnyh formulah rekomenduetsya privodit' numeraciyu teh atomov, kotorye obsuzhdayutsya v tekste; dlya rodstvennyh soedineniy dostatochno pronumerovat' atomy na odnoy iz struktur.

Fizicheskie velichiny sleduet privodit' v mezhdunarodnoy sisteme edinic (SI) (sm.: Himicheskaya enciklopediya, Sovetskaya enciklopediya, Moskva, 1988, 1). Sleduet obratit' vnimanie na to, chto desyatichnye razryady otdelyayutsya tochkoy. Simvoly peremennyh fizicheskih velichin dolzhny byt' nabrany kursivom (italic), a edinicy ih izmereniya pryamym nachertaniem (normal) (naprimer, T /K).

4. Dlya oboznacheniya standartnyh fiziko-himicheskih metodov issledovaniya i nekotoryh terminov ispol'zuyutsya abbreviatury iz zaglavnyh bukv russkogo alfavita. Dlya oboznacheniya v formulah, na shemah i risunkah shiroko rasprostranennyh reagentov i rastvoriteley sleduet ispol'zovat' obscheprinyatye angliyskie abbreviatury, v tekste obscheprinyatye russkie abbreviatury (v nekotoryh sluchayah dopuskaetsya ispol'zovanie angliyskih abbreviatur). Vse ostal'nye sokrascheniya rasshifrovyvayutsya v tekste stat'i pri ih pervom upominanii.

5. Dlya himicheskih soedineniy, vpervye opisannyh v stat'e, a takzhe dlya slozhnyh soedineniy, yavlyayuschihsya osnovnym ob'ektom issledovaniya, pomimo formuly privoditsya polnoe nazvanie (obychno v Eksperimental'noy chasti). Pri etom sleduet pol'zovat'sya nomenklaturoy IUPAC (metalloorganicheskie kompleksy mogut byt' nazvany po nomenklature Chemical Abstracts).

Soedineniya, upominaemye bolee dvuh raz, shifruyutsya arabskimi ciframi, kotorye v tekste i na shemah neobhodimo nabirat' poluzhirnym nachertaniem (Bold). Pri polnom nazvanii soedineniya shifr daetsya v skobkah, v prochih sluchayah bez nih. Pri sochetanii cifrovyh shifrov s bukvennymi indeksami ispol'zuyutsya bukvy latinskogo alfavita. Soedineniya rodstvennoy struktury, izobrazhaemye odnoy formuloy, dolzhny byt' zashifrovany obschey cifroy; dlya oboznacheniya proizvodnyh, soderzhaschih razlichnye zamestiteli, sleduet ispol'zovat' cifru s bukvennym indeksom, naprimer 1a. Poryadok vozrastaniya nomerov soedineniy dolzhen strogo sootvetstvovat' poryadku ih upominaniya v tekste. Na shemah soedineniya numeruyutsya sleva napravo i sverhu vniz. V annotacii ispol'zuyutsya shifry soedineniy, sootvetstvuyuschie ih shifram v tekste.

Oboznacheniya izomerov, stereohimicheskie simvoly, a takzhe atomy, po kotorym proishodit zameschenie v molekulah organicheskih soedineniy, nabirayutsya kursivom (italic), naprimer: tret-butil, (S)-N-izopropil-α-metilbenzilamin ((S)-1a).

6. Spektral'nye dannye rekomenduetsya privodit' v Eksperimental'noy chasti v sleduyuschem vide.

  • UF-spektr: (EtON), λmax/nm (ε (ili lg ε)): 239 (6900), 305 (1200).
  • IK-spektr (CCl4), ν/sm–1: 3310 (S–N); 1722 (S=O).
  • Pri opisanii spektrov YaMR privodyatsya himicheskie sdvigi, mul'tipletnost', integral'naya intensivnost', otnesenie, KSSV.


Spektr YaMR 1N (aceton-d6, δ, m.d., J/Gc): 1.00 (s, 3N, C(4)Me); 1.15 (s, 3N, C(9)Me); 4.77 (d, 1N, C(5)H, J = 7.5); 4.53 (d, 1N, C(4)H, J = 7.5); 3.78 (s, 3 N, OMe); 4.01 (d.d, 1H, C(7)H, J1 = 7.5, J2 = 2.2), 6.21 (ush.d, 1H, NH, J = 9.5), 6.97 (t, 1H, C(7´)H, J = 7.5), 7.40-8.00 (m, 5H, CHPh); 9.54 (c, 1H, CH).

Spektr YaMR 13C (100 MGc, δ, m.d.): 14.69, 26.04, 51.63, 55.89, 86.88, 102.14, 107.86, 117.36, 123.96, 125.80, 126.68, 128.09 (2 S), 129.03 (2 S), 132.26, 141.64, 153.62, 155.64, 161.08.

Himicheskie sdvigi v spektrah YaMR 1N i 13C, poluchennyh na priborah s chastotoy nizhe 400 MGc (100 MGc dlya 13C), sleduet privodit' s tochnost'yu do sotyh i desyatyh doley sootvetstvenno; KSSV, izmerennye na takih priborah, nado privodit' s tochnost'yu do desyatyh doley.

Neobhodimo privodit' himicheskie sdvigi etalona. Primer zapisi pri ispol'zovanii v kachestve etalona signalov rastvoritelya: «Himicheskie sdvigi YaMR 1H privedeny otnositel'no ostatochnogo signala SHCl3 (δH 7.27 m.d.) dlya rastvorov v SDCl3, ostatochnogo signala CHD2OD (δH 3.31 m.d.) dlya rastvorov v CD3OD. Himicheskie sdvigi YaMR 13C privedeny otnositel'no central'nogo signala rastvoritelya (δC 77.0 m.d. dlya rastvorov v CDCl3 i δC 49.0 m.d. dlya rastvorov v CD3OD).»

Esli vse spektry polucheny pri odinakovoy temperature i v odnom i tom zhe rastvoritele, to vsyu povtoryayuschuyusya informaciyu zhelatel'no privesti odin raz v preambule k Eksperimental'noy chasti.

Dlya numeracii protonov, atomov ugleroda i dr. atomov avtoram predlagaetsya ispol'zovat' sleduyuschie oboznacheniya: C(3)H, C(4)H2, C(3). Protony v sostave slozhnyh grupp, k kotorym otnositsya konkretnyy signal, sleduet podcherkivat' snizu (naprimer: CH2CH2CH3). Esli kakoy-libo signal v spektre opisyvaetsya kak dublet, triplet i t.p. (a ne singlet ili mul'tiplet), to neobhodimo privesti sootvetstvuyuschee chislo KSSV. Dlya mul'tipletov neobhodimo privodit' interval himicheskih sdvigov. Velichiny konstant spin-spinovogo vzaimodeystviya dolzhny byt' odinakovymi pri opisanii par vzaimodeystvuyuschih signalov.

  • Parametry spektrov EPR zapisyvayutsya sleduyuschim obrazom: g = 2.0645, aH(1 H) = 1.9 mTl.
  • Mass-spektry privodyatsya v vide chislovyh znacheniy m/z i otnositel'nyh velichin ionnogo toka v postrochnoy zapisi ili v vide tablicy. Neobhodimo ukazyvat' ispol'zovannuyu raznovidnost' metoda ionizacii, energiyu ionizacii, massovye chisla harakteristicheskih ionov, ih genezis i intensivnost' po otnosheniyu k osnovnomu ionu.

Naprimer: Mass-spektr (EU, 70 eV), m/z (Iotn (%)): 386 [M]+ (36), 368 [M – N2O]+ (100), 353 [M – N2O – Me]+ (23) i t.d.


7. V Eksperimental'noy chasti neobhodimo ukazat' libo istochniki ispol'zovannyh reagentov (naprimer, «kommercheskie preparaty, nazvanie firmy»), libo dat' ssylki na metodiki ih polucheniya, a takzhe privesti usloviya dopolnitel'noy podgotovki ispol'zovannyh reagentov i rastvoriteley (ili dat' sootvetstvuyuschie literaturnye ssylki).

Dlya vseh vpervye sintezirovannyh soedineniy, opisyvaemyh v Eksperimental'noy chasti, neobhodimo privesti dokazatel'stva pripisyvaemogo im stroeniya i dannye, pozvolyayuschie sudit' ob ih individual'nosti i stepeni chistoty. V chastnosti, dolzhny byt' predstavleny dannye elementnogo analiza, mass-spektry vysokogo razresheniya ili inye dannye, odnoznachno podtverzhdayuschie sostav veschestva. Dlya izvestnyh veschestv dannye literatury neobhodimo privodit' tol'ko v sluchae znachitel'nyh rashozhdeniy naydennyh velichin s privedennymi v literature znacheniyami.


2.4 Oformlenie spiska istochnikov

Spisok istochnikov oformlyaetsya razmerom shrifta – 10.

Spisok literatury dolzhen soderzhat' 15 - 20 istochnikov. Perechen' istochnikov dolzhen byt' aktual'nym i soderzhat' ne menee 8 statey iz nauchnyh zhurnalov ne starshe 10 let, iz nih 4 – ne starshe 3 let. Dolya samocitirovaniy ne dolzhna prevyshat' 25% ot obschego kolichestva ssylok. Pri zaimstvovanii materiala iz drugih istochnikov ssylka na eti istochniki obyazatel'na. V tekste ssylki na literaturu oformlyayutsya v kvadratnyh skobkah, naprimer [1], i numeruyutsya strogo v poryadke ih upominaniya.

Spisok literatury oformlyaetsya s ukazaniem inicialov i familiy vseh avtorov. Kazhdomu nomeru dolzhna sootvetstvovat' tol'ko odna publikaciya. Vse ssylki dayutsya v original'noy transkripcii. Uslovnye sokrascheniya nazvaniy otechestvennyh zhurnalov i spravochnikov dolzhny privodit'sya v sootvetstvii s sokrascheniyami, prinyatymi v RZh «Himiya», angloyazychnyh i drugih inostrannyh zhurnalov – v sootvetstvii s sokrascheniyami, rekomenduemymi izdatel'stvom «Springer and Business Media, Inc.». Dlya sokrascheniya nazvaniy zarubezhnyh zhurnalov mozhno vospol'zovat'sya servisom CASSI Search Tool Usage Agreement (https://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp). Vo vseh sluchayah neobhodimo privodit' ssylki na elektronnyy identifikator publikacii (DOI) (pri nalichii). Rekomenduetsya takzhe privodit' adresa ispol'zuemyh resursov v seti Internet (URL).

Primery oformleniya istochnikov predstavleny v tabl. 1.

Spisok istochnikov privoditsya dlya russkoy i angliyskoy versiy stat'i. Russkoyazychnye izdaniya, kotorye ne perevodyatsya, neobhodimo ukazyvat' transliteraciey v sootvetstvii s obscheprinyatymi mezhdunarodnymi pravilami, v konce kazhdogo takogo istochnika dolzhna stoyat' pometka (in Russian). Dlya togo chtoby izbezhat' oshibok transliteracii, neobhodimo ispol'zovat' avtomaticheskie sistemy perevoda kirillicy v romanovskiy alfavit, naprimer na sayte https://transliteration.pro/bsi (standart BSI dlya transliteracii). Transliteraciya familiy avtorov dolzhna uchityvat' naibolee chasto upominaemuyu formu ih upotrebleniya v baze «Scopus». Esli v spiske est' ssylki na inostrannye publikacii, oni polnost'yu povtoryayutsya v spiske, gotovyaschemsya dlya angliyskoy versii.


Tablica 1. Primery oformleniya spiska istochnikov i references

Spisok istochnikov



Nenashev M. Poslednee Pravitel'stvo SSSR. M.: AO "Krom", 1993, 221 s.

Nenashev M.F. Last government of the USSR. Moscow: Krom Publ., 1993, 221 pp.

Stat'i v sbornikah

Ola Dzh., Faruk O., Prakash Dzh. K. S. v kn. Aktivaciya i kataliticheskie reakcii alkanov, pod red. M. Hilla, Nauka, Moskva, 1992, 39.

Olah G., Faroog O., Prakash G. K. S. in Activation and Functionalization of Alkanes, Ed. C. L. Hill, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1992, 39.


Lobov N.I., Lyubimov D.V., Lyubimova T.P. Konvektivnaya neustoychivost' sistemy gorizontal'nyh sloev nesmeshivayuschihsya zhidkostey s deformiruemoy granicey razdela. Izv. RAN. MZhG, 1996, 2, 32-39.

Lobov N.I., Liubimov D.V., Liubimova T.P. Convective instability of a system of horizontal layers of immiscible fluids with deformable section. Izv. RAN. MZhG, 1996, 2, 32-39. (in Russian)

Yang S.Y., Ryu I., Kim H.Y., Kim J.K., Jang S.K., Russell T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of viruses. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18(6), 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500

Yang S.Y., Ryu I., Kim H.Y., Kim J.K., Jang S.K., Russell T.P. Nanoporous membranes with ultrahigh selectivity and flux for the filtration of viruses. Adv. Mater., 2006, 18(6), 709-712. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200501500

Chirkova Zh.V., Makarova E.S., Uryadova A.M., Filimonov S.I., Shalabanova M.S., Ivanovskiy S.A. Aminoliz geksagidrohromeno[4,3-d]pirimidin-2,5-dionov. Ot himii k tehnologii shag za shagom, 2024, 5(1), 40-47. URL: https://chemintech.ru/ru/nauka/issue/5007/view (data obrascheniya 08.10.2024).

Chirkova Zh.V., Makarova E.S., Uryadova A.M., Filimonov S.I., Shalabanova M.S., Ivanovsky S.A. Aminolysis of hexahydrochromeno[4,3-d]pyrimidine-2,5-diones. From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step, 2024, 5(1), 114-121. [online]. Available at: https://chemintech.ru/ru/nauka/issue/5007/view] (data obrascheniya 08.10.2024).


Palkin M.V. Pat. RF № 2280590, 2006.

Palkin M.V. Patent RU № 2280590, 2006.


Semenov V.I. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie plazmy v sisteme «Kompaktnyy tor», dis. d-ra fiz.-mat. nauk. M., 2003, 272 s.

Semenov V.I. Mathematical modeling of the plasma in the compact torus. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss. Moscow, 2003, 272 p.

Tezisy dokladov

Sugatov N.N., Haziev A.A. Vybor optimal'nogo metoda ocenki kachestva rabotayuschego motornogo masla po dielektricheskim pokazatelyam. Modernizaciya i nauchnye issledovaniya v transportnom  komplekse: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Perm': Izd-vo Perm. nac. issled. politehn. un-ta, 2013, S. 343–354.

Sugatov N.N., Khaziev A.A. Shoice of the optimal method of evaluation of quality of working motor oil according to dielectric characteristics. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Modernizatsiia i nauchnye issledovaniia v transportnom komplekse”. Perm: Permskii natsional’nyi issledovatel’skii politekhnicheskii universitet, 2013, P. 343-354.


GOST 8.586.5-2005. Izmerenie rashoda i kolichestva zhidkostey i gazov s pomosch'yu standartnyh suzhayuschih ustroystv. Metodika vypolneniya izmereniy. M.: Standartinform, 2007, 10 s.

GOST 8.586.5–2005. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Method of measurement. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007, 10 p.


1. The journal's position on publication ethics is based on the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Guide on Principles of Scientific Publishing Ethics for Journal Editors, as well as the guidelines of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers Declaration on Ethical Principles for Scientific Publication.

2. Norms and provisions of the Guidelines on the principles of ethics of scientific publications for the editors of journals of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" are integral elements of the Regulations on Peer Review, the Rules for Authors and other documents that ensure the work of the journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step".

3. The editorial board and editorial board of the journal are responsible for making decisions on publication and are subject in their decisions to the current legislation in the field of copyright infringement. When deciding on the publication of the author's material, the opinion of the reviewer and members of the editorial board is taken into account.

4. The author's manuscript is evaluated exclusively from the standpoint of its scientific content. Racial and nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political position of the author (s) do not in any way affect the decision to publish.

5. The authors of the manuscript are persons who have made a significant contribution to the development or interpretation of the research results. All those who made a significant contribution to the creation of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors of the material. The author submitting the manuscript to the journal guarantees that all co-authors are indicated in it, they have approved the final version of the material and do not object to its publication.

6. If there is a conflict of interest, affiliated persons (reviewers, members of the editorial board) are excluded from the process of considering the manuscript. Reviewers must inform the editor-in-chief about the presence of a conflict of interest. All authors should indicate in their manuscripts any possible conflict of interest that may influence the decision to accept the manuscript for publication.

7. The opinion of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Materials are published in the author's edition.

Peer review

1. General

1.1 These Regulations establish the procedure for expert evaluation of manuscripts sent to the editorial board of the journal.

1.2 The purpose of expert evaluation is to ensure high quality of materials published on the pages of the journal.

1.3 These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the publication ethics of the journal.

2. Procedure and terms of review

2.1 Manuscripts of all articles received by the editorial board are subject to mandatory double anonymous ("blind") review: the authors are not informed of the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers are not informed of the names of the authors.

2.2 Scientists, experts, and practitioners with recognized authority and working in the field of knowledge to which the content of the manuscript relates are involved in the review.

2.3 The author or co-author of the work being reviewed, as well as the scientific supervisors of applicants for an academic degree and employees of the department in which the author works, cannot be a reviewer.

2.4 Reviewers have no right to use the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes or transfer them to third parties.

2.6 The review period for manuscripts should not exceed 10 calendar days from the date the manuscript is sent to the reviewer.

2.7 The final decision on publishing the manuscript is made by the editorial board of the journal after reviewing the original review.

3. Requirements for the content of the review

3.1 The review should contain an objective analysis of the manuscript, reflect the expert's assessment of the quality of the manuscript.

3.2 The review is compiled according to the form proposed by the editors and should contain the following elements:

- relevance of the research topic presented in the manuscript;

- scientific novelty of the materials presented in the manuscript;

- compliance of the manuscript content with its title;

- compliance of the methods, recommendations and research results used by the author with modern achievements of science and practice;

- reliability of the presented facts, completeness of disclosure of the topic;

- the appropriateness and justification of the presence of tables, graphs, and other illustrative materials in the manuscript;

- the correspondence of the conclusions to the goals and objectives of the study, their substantiation; - the quality of the processing of literary sources;

- an assessment of the personal contribution of the author of the manuscript to solving the topic (problem) under study;

- the quality of the manuscript design: style, terminology, wording.

3.3 The final part of the review should contain a recommendation on:

- publishing the manuscript in the journal;

- revision of the manuscript (indicating specific comments or recommendations);

- rejection of the manuscript (with justification for the expert's opinion).

3.4 The review is signed by the expert with the decoding of the last name, first name, and patronymic, the date, the academic degree, academic title, and position held by the reviewer.

3.5 The original review is sent to the editorial board of the journal.

4. Procedure for submitting reviews to authors

4.1 The review (or part of it) at the request of the author of the manuscript is sent by the editor-in-chief of the journal without indicating the name, position and place of work of the reviewer.

4.2 Upon receipt of a positive assessment of the manuscript by the reviewer and the editorial board of the journal, the editor-in-chief informs the author about the acceptance of the manuscript for publication and the planned publication date.

4.3 If the review contains recommendations for revision, the reviewer's comments are sent to the author of the manuscript indicating the period during which they must be eliminated and the manuscript revised. The revised manuscript with responses to the reviewer's comments (recommendations) is sent for a second review to the same reviewer.

4.4 In the event of a conflict of interest, the author's disagreement with the reviewer's comments (recommendations), at the author's request, the manuscript may be sent for a second review to another expert.

4.5 Upon receipt of a negative review of a manuscript, the editorial board of the journal has the right to send the manuscript for additional review, for revision to the author with subsequent review, or to reject it.

4.6 In case of rejection of the manuscript, a letter is sent to the author stating the reasons for the rejection.

5. Conclusion

5.1 Reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

5.2 Reviews are submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request from the Higher Attestation Commission.

5.3 The editorial board of the journal does not store manuscripts that have not been accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned.

Berezin Dmitry  — Editor in chief
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Abramov Igor  — Deputy Editor in Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Dvoretsky Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Filimonov Sergey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ilyin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kofanov Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kolobov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Soloviev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English Translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Blaznov Aleksey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS) (Laboratory of Mineral Materials Science)
doctor of technical sciences
Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Bragina Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Galanin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Islyaykin Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Klyuev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kotov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kruk Nikolay  — Foreign member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Minsk, Belarus
Kustov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Physical-Chemical Center for Solutions)
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Maizlish Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Nokoforova Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Politaeva Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Tajik National University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Computer layout
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4081-9087 ORCID:0000-0002-0491-7452
Kurganova Ekaterina Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Chirkova Zhanna  — Executive secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya, professor)
employee from 01.01.2009 until now
doctor of chemical sciences

Makarova Elena  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University (starshiy prepodavatel')
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl State Technical University
Yaroslavl State Technical University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 80088
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper

Scientific peer-reviewed journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" highlights the priority areas and modern achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical works in the form of full articles, as well as author's reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.

The journal is published 4 times a year as an electronic network publication (ISSN 2782-1900) with open access to its content on the Internet.

The journal is registered by the federal service for supervision of communications, information, technology, and mass media.

The publication of articles in the journal is free for authors. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation and placement of materials.

The editorial board of the journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in English. The publisher at its own expense translates into English the manuscripts received by the editorial office in Russian.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the results of their peer review. The journal adopted a double-blind peer review method.

Founder and publisher of the journal is "Yaroslavl State Technical University" 150023 Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospect, 88

1. Obschaya Informaciya dlya avtorov


Redakciya strogo priderzhivaetsya norm i pravil mezhdunarodnoy publikacionnoy etiki.

Pravovuyu osnovu obespecheniya publikacionnoy etiki sostavlyayut mezhdunarodnye standarty: polozheniya II Vsemirnoy konferencii po voprosam soblyudeniya dobrosovestnosti nauchnyh issledovaniy, polozheniya Komiteta po etike nauchnyh publikaciy (The Committee on Publication EthicsCOPE) i normy razdela «Avtorskoe pravo» Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF.

Zhurnal publikuet original'nye eksperimental'nye i teoreticheskie raboty v vide polnyh statey, a takzhe avtorskie obzory po aktual'nym voprosam himicheskoy tehnologii i smezhnyh nauk.


Materialy dlya publikacii v zhurnale prinimayutsya k rassmotreniyu dvumya sposobami:

1. Po elektronnoy pochte: Rukopisi sleduet napravlyat' na adres elektronnoy pochty redakcii stepbystep@ystu.ru. Obratite vnimanie, chto obschiy razmer prikreplennyh faylov ne dolzhen prevyshat' 10 Mb.

2. Cherez onlayn-formu: Avtory takzhe mogut podat' svoi raboty cherez elektronnuyu formu (neobhodimo predostavit' vse trebuemye dannymi pravilami fayly), razmeschennuyu na oficial'nom sayte zhurnala po adresu: https://chemintech.ru/


Stat'ya predstavlyaetsya v redakciyu na russkom yazyke. Pri zhelanii, avtor mozhet prislat' stat'yu i na angliyskom yazyke.

Predstavlenie stat'i v zhurnal podrazumevaet sleduyuschee:

– rabota ne byla opublikovana ranee v drugom zhurnale;

– ne nahoditsya na rassmotrenii v drugom zhurnale;

– vse soavtory soglasny s publikaciey stat'i;

– polucheno soglasie (v yavnoy ili neyavnoy forme) organizacii, v kotoroy bylo provedeno issledovanie.


Pri predstavlenii rukopisi (elektronnyy variant) v zhurnal avtory dolzhny ubedit'sya, chto vse citirovaniya oformleny korrektno, ukazany zaimstvovannye istochniki v podpisyah k risunkam i nadpisyam tablic. Esli takovye ne privedeny, predpolagaetsya, chto risunki i tablicy predstavlyayut soboy plod avtorskoy deyatel'nosti. Redakciya ostavlyaet za soboy pravo samostoyatel'no osuschestvlyat' proverku statey na antiplagiat (original'nost' teksta dolzhna sostavlyat' ne menee 75%.).


Dlya publikacii stat'i avtoram neobhodimo predstavit' v redakciyu sleduyuschie materialy:

1) polnyy tekst stat'i v formate .doc, *.docx, *.rtf;

2) OBYaZATEL'NO polnyy tekst stat'i v formate *.pdf;

3) tekst stat'i (pervaya stranica, vklyuchaya nazvanie, avtorov s ukazaniem mesta raboty, klyuchevye slova, annotaciyu) s podpisyami VSEH avtorov v formate *.pdf;

4) risunki, esli takovye imeyutsya, predostavlyayutsya otdel'nym faylom v formate *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.pdf s razresheniem ne nizhe 300 dpi

5) v otdel'nom fayle privodyatsya v angliyskoy transkripcii Imya Otchestvo Familiya avtora(ov), zatem polnost'yu sootvetstvuyuschiy russkomu tekstu perevod na angliyskiy yazyk zaglaviya, nazvaniy uchrezhdeniy, ih adresov s adresami elektronnoy pochty i spisok literatury dlya angloyazychnoy versii stat'i;

6) spisok vozmozhnyh recenzentov (ne menee 4, s ukazaniem dolzhnosti, mesta raboty i rabochih adresov elektronnoy pochty) v teh oblastyah, kotorye issleduyutsya v stat'e.


Avtoram v techenie 5-ti rabochih dney so dnya postupleniya rukopisi v redakciyu napravlyaetsya uvedomlenie o ee poluchenii s ukazaniem daty postupleniya i registracionnogo nomera stat'i (vo izbezhanie nedorazumeniy pri perepiske s redakciey v teme pis'ma vsegda sleduet ukazyvat' etot nomer).

Avtor neset polnuyu otvetstvennost' za dostovernost' eksperimental'nyh dannyh, privodimyh v stat'e.

Vse stat'i, napravlyaemye v redakciyu, podvergaetsya dvoynomu slepomu recenzirovaniyu

Stat'ya, napravlennaya avtoram na dorabotku, dolzhna byt' vozvraschena v ispravlennom vide v maksimal'no korotkie sroki.


1.1 Avtorskie prava

Avtory, napravlyayuschie svoi raboty v zhurnal, soglashayutsya so sleduyuschim:

  1. Avtory sohranyayut za soboy avtorskie prava na rabotu i predostavlyayut zhurnalu pravo pervoy publikacii raboty.
  2. Avtor sohranyaet za soboy pravo ispol'zovat' stat'yu i ee chasti v svoey nauchnoy deyatel'nosti.
  3. Avtory sohranyayut pravo zaklyuchat' otdel'nye kontraktnye dogovorennosti, kasayuschiesya neeksklyuzivnogo rasprostraneniya versii raboty v opublikovannom zdes' vide (naprimer, razmeschenie ee v institutskom hranilische, publikaciyu v knige), so ssylkoy na ee original'nuyu publikaciyu v etom zhurnale.
  4. Avtory predostavlyayut redakcii pravo na nauchnoe redaktirovanie, adaptaciyu i modifikaciyu, perevod na lyuboy yazyk, reprodukciyu i izdanie materiala stat'i.
  5. Pri predstavlenii rukopisi avtory dayut svoe soglasie na obrabotku i hranenie personal'nyh dannyh, vklyuchayuschih FIO, adres(a) elektronnoy pochty, dolzhnost' i mesto raboty, pochtovyy adres mesta raboty s ukazaniem indeksa, v sootvetstvii s Federal'nym zakonom № 152-FZ ot 27.07.2006 “O personal'nyh dannyh”.


1.2 Privatnost'

Imena i adresa elektronnoy pochty, vvedennye na sayte etogo zhurnala, budut ispol'zovany isklyuchitel'no dlya celey, oboznachennyh zhurnalom; dostup k nim inyh lic i organizaciy dlya drugih celey ne predostavlyaetsya.


2. Oformlenie teksta stat'i


Predstavlyaemyy material (stat'ya) dolzhen sootvetstvovat' tematike zhurnala, byt' original'nym, ne opublikovannym ranee v drugih pechatnyh izdaniyah, akkuratno oformlen i tschatel'no otredaktirovan.


2.1 Obschie trebovaniya

Nauchnye stat'i dolzhny imet' ogranichennyy ob'em 6 - 15 stranic formata A4 (vklyuchaya spisok literatury), obzornye stat'i prinimayutsya ob'emom 25 - 30 stranic. Stat'i prinimayutsya s rasshireniem .rtf, .doc ili .docx. Numeraciya stranic ne prostavlyaetsya. Parametry stranicy: orientaciya – knizhnaya, polya 2,0 sm so vseh storon, interval odinarnyy, abzacnyy otstup - 1 sm. Shrift Times New Roman, cvet – chernyy, razmer shrifta – 12.

Kak v tekste, tak i vo vseh ob'ektah, vnedryaemyh v fayl, neobhodimo ispol'zovat' standartnye programmnye shrifty, shrift i interval dolzhny sootvetstvovat' obschemu oformleniyu teksta. Tekstovyy material ne dolzhen soderzhat' zaprogrammirovannye zagolovki, vstavki, shablony, ssylki na literaturnye istochniki i giperssylki. Ne dopuskaetsya ispol'zovanie avtomaticheskoy rasstanovki perenosov!

Pered otpravkoy avtoram rekomenduetsya proverit' tekst stat'i na orfografiyu i vzyat' za osnovu oformleniya odnu iz statey poslednego vypuska zhurnala.


2.2 Struktura publikacii

Stat'ya dolzhna byt' strukturirovana. Pri napisanii nauchnoy stat'i neobhodimo priderzhivat'sya sleduyuschey struktury (sm. Prilozhenie 1): publikaciya obzorov i polnyh statey nachinaetsya s indeksa UDK, zatem sleduyut zaglavie stat'i, inicialy i familii avtorov, informaciya ob avtorah i nauchnyh uchrezhdeniyah. Dalee privodyatsya kratkaya annotaciya, a takzhe klyuchevye slova. Skachat' shablon oformleniya pervoy stranicy.

  • Indeks UDK (UDC) (shrift 11, kursivnoe nachertanie). Neobhodimo ukazat' v verhnem pravom uglu. Dlya opredeleniya klassifikatora mozhno ispol'zovat' dostupnye resursy: https://www.teacode.com/online/udc/.
  • Nazvanie stat'i (shrift 14, PROPISNYE bukvy, poluzhirnoe nachertanie). Oformlyaetsya propisnymi bukvami bez perenosov. Nazvanie dolzhno soderzhat' osnovnye klyuchevye slova, kratko opisyvat' ob'ekt, metod i/ili rezul'tat issledovaniya, byt' lakonichnym (ne bolee 15 slov). Ne rekomenduetsya ispol'zovat' znak voprosa, abbreviatury, obschie slova.
  • Inicialy i familii avtorov (shrift 14, poluzhirnoe nachertanie) s ukazaniem affiliacii kazhdogo avtora.
  • Informaciya ob avtorah (shrift 10). Vklyuchaet imya otchestvo familiyu avtora(ov) bez sokrascheniy, uchenuyu stepen', dolzhnost'.
  • Razvernutye nazvaniya (shrift 10) nauchnyh, uchebnyh ili inyh uchrezhdeniy, v kotorom(oy) vypolnyalas' rabota avtora(ov), pochtovyy adres organizacii s indeksom, adres elektronnoy pochty i telefon (po zhelaniyu) avtora dlya korrespondencii.
  • Annotaciya (Abstract) (shrift 10, kursivnoe nachertanie). Opisyvaet celi i zadachi provedennogo issledovaniya, vozmozhnosti ego prakticheskogo primeneniya, a takzhe dostignutye rezul'taty. Tekst annotacii ne dolzhen povtoryat' zaglavie stat'i i soderzhat' bolee 200 slov.
  • Klyuchevye slova (Keywords) (shrift 10, kursivnoe nachertanie). Nabor klyuchevyh slov dolzhen vklyuchat' ponyatiya i terminy, upominaemye v stat'e, i svidetel'stvuyuschie ob aktual'nosti i novizne obsuzhdaemyh issledovaniy i ih rezul'tatov (ne bolee 10 slov).


V stat'yah teoreticheskogo i fiziko-himicheskogo haraktera privodyatsya szhatoe vvedenie v problemu i postanovka zadachi issledovaniya, eksperimental'naya ili metodicheskaya chast', obsuzhdenie poluchennyh rezul'tatov s vyvodami, a v stat'yah, posvyaschennyh sintezu, obschaya chast' (vvedenie i zadacha issledovaniya), obsuzhdenie poluchennyh rezul'tatov s vyvodami i eksperimental'naya chast'. Pered spiskom istochnikov (pri neobhodimosti) privodyatsya blagodarnosti, informaciya o finansirovanii issledovaniy, o nalichii/otsutstvii konflikta interesov:

1. Primery oformleniya informacii v razdele «Blagodarnosti»:

«Avtory vyrazhayut blagodarnost' Centru transfera farmacevticheskih tehnologiy im. M.V. Dorogova YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinskogo za provedenie spektral'nyh issledovaniy.»

«Avtory vyrazhayut blagodarnost' S. I. Filimonovu (FGBOU VO YaGTU, d.h.n., professor kafedry «Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya») za plodotvornoe obsuzhdenie rezul'tatov raboty i cennye zamechaniya.»

2. Primery oformleniya informacii v razdele «Finansirovanie»:

«Rabota vypolnena v sootvetstvii s planom (ili v ramkah) nauchno-issledovatel'skih rabot Instituta ... (nazvanie instituta, nomer i/ili nazvanie temy)».

«Rabota vypolnena v ramkah gosudarstvennogo zadaniya (nomer goszadaniya i/ili nazvanie temy).»

«Rabota vypolnena pri finansovoy podderzhke Rossiyskogo nauchnogo fonda (nomer proekta).»

3. Primery oformleniya informacii v razdele «Konflikt interesov»:

Avtory zayavlyayut ob otsutstvii konflikta interesov v finansovoy ili kakoy-libo inoy sfere


V konce stat'i daetsya spisok literatury.


2.3 Oformlenie soputstvuyuschih materialov

1. Vse uravneniya, shemy, tablicy, risunki oformlyayutsya 11 razmerom shrifta i numeruyutsya v poryadke ih upominaniya v tekste. Risunki (ne bolee 8) i tablicy (ne bolee 4) dolzhny byt' chetkie bez ramok. Kazhdaya tablica dolzhna byt' ozaglavlena, naprimer «Tablica 1. Usloviya …»

2. Dlya risunkov neobhodimo predostavit' graficheskie fayly v original'nyh formatah. Format risunka dolzhen obespechivat' yasnost' peredachi vseh detaley. Risunki ne dolzhny byt' vypolneny ot ruki. Risunok dolzhen imet' zagolovok i informativnuyu podrisunochnuyu podpis', delayuschuyu ego smysl ponyatnym bez obrascheniya k tekstu – ukazyvayutsya usloviya, specificheskie dlya dannogo eksperimenta. Ne sleduet privodit' v vide risunkov dannye, kotorye mogut byt' kratko otobrazheny v tablice ili tekste, a takzhe ne nesuschie special'noy smyslovoy nagruzki.

Grafik dolzhen soderzhat' oboznacheniya koordinatnyh osey (izmeryaemyy parametr i edinica izmereniya), a takzhe krivyh i drugih detaley. Oboznacheniya osey koordinat i vse nadpisi na risunkah dayutsya v russkoy i latinskoy transkripcii. Linii vnutri risunka sleduet pronumerovat' (cifry nabirayutsya kursivom – 1, 2 i t.d.) i v podrisunochnoy podpisi (ne na risunke) dat' poyasneniya k kazhdoy linii. Eksperimental'nye tochki predpochtitel'no predstavlyat' zashtrihovannymi i nezashtrihovannymi kruzhkami, kvadratami, treugol'nikami, rombami. Otdel'nye krivye mogut razlichat'sya takzhe sploshnym, shtrihovym ili shtrihpunktirnym izobrazheniem. Vse linii dolzhny byt' izobrazheny chetko s tolschinoy liniy (obychno 3 punkta), pozvolyayuschey umen'shit' risunok do konechnogo razmera v zhurnale. Koordinatnye osi v bol'shinstve sluchaev neobhodimo otobrazhat' chernymi (ne serymi) liniyami. Fon grafika ili diagrammy dolzhen byt' belym.

3. Himicheskie i fiziko-matematicheskie simvoly dolzhny byt' nabrany na komp'yutere. Matematicheskie formuly rekomenduetsya nabirat' vo vtroennom redaktore formul Microsoft Word, ili v redaktore formul Microsoft Equation, Mathtype i t.p., himicheskie formuly – v odnom iz himicheskih redaktorov ChemDraw, ACD/ChemSketch, ChemWindow ili ISIS/Draw. Ne dopuskaetsya vstavka formul v vide kartinok.

Uravneniya pechatayutsya s krasnoy stroki, nomer uravneniya stavitsya u pravogo kraya stranicy. Numerovat' sleduet lish' te formuly i uravneniya, na kotorye dayutsya ssylki v tekste. Neobhodimo izbegat' gromozdkih matematicheskih oboznacheniy.

Strukturnye formuly himicheskih soedineniy dolzhny byt' izobrazheny maksimal'no chetko. Na shemah v strukturnyh formulah rekomenduetsya privodit' numeraciyu teh atomov, kotorye obsuzhdayutsya v tekste; dlya rodstvennyh soedineniy dostatochno pronumerovat' atomy na odnoy iz struktur.

Fizicheskie velichiny sleduet privodit' v mezhdunarodnoy sisteme edinic (SI) (sm.: Himicheskaya enciklopediya, Sovetskaya enciklopediya, Moskva, 1988, 1). Sleduet obratit' vnimanie na to, chto desyatichnye razryady otdelyayutsya tochkoy. Simvoly peremennyh fizicheskih velichin dolzhny byt' nabrany kursivom (italic), a edinicy ih izmereniya pryamym nachertaniem (normal) (naprimer, T /K).

4. Dlya oboznacheniya standartnyh fiziko-himicheskih metodov issledovaniya i nekotoryh terminov ispol'zuyutsya abbreviatury iz zaglavnyh bukv russkogo alfavita. Dlya oboznacheniya v formulah, na shemah i risunkah shiroko rasprostranennyh reagentov i rastvoriteley sleduet ispol'zovat' obscheprinyatye angliyskie abbreviatury, v tekste obscheprinyatye russkie abbreviatury (v nekotoryh sluchayah dopuskaetsya ispol'zovanie angliyskih abbreviatur). Vse ostal'nye sokrascheniya rasshifrovyvayutsya v tekste stat'i pri ih pervom upominanii.

5. Dlya himicheskih soedineniy, vpervye opisannyh v stat'e, a takzhe dlya slozhnyh soedineniy, yavlyayuschihsya osnovnym ob'ektom issledovaniya, pomimo formuly privoditsya polnoe nazvanie (obychno v Eksperimental'noy chasti). Pri etom sleduet pol'zovat'sya nomenklaturoy IUPAC (metalloorganicheskie kompleksy mogut byt' nazvany po nomenklature Chemical Abstracts).

Soedineniya, upominaemye bolee dvuh raz, shifruyutsya arabskimi ciframi, kotorye v tekste i na shemah neobhodimo nabirat' poluzhirnym nachertaniem (Bold). Pri polnom nazvanii soedineniya shifr daetsya v skobkah, v prochih sluchayah bez nih. Pri sochetanii cifrovyh shifrov s bukvennymi indeksami ispol'zuyutsya bukvy latinskogo alfavita. Soedineniya rodstvennoy struktury, izobrazhaemye odnoy formuloy, dolzhny byt' zashifrovany obschey cifroy; dlya oboznacheniya proizvodnyh, soderzhaschih razlichnye zamestiteli, sleduet ispol'zovat' cifru s bukvennym indeksom, naprimer 1a. Poryadok vozrastaniya nomerov soedineniy dolzhen strogo sootvetstvovat' poryadku ih upominaniya v tekste. Na shemah soedineniya numeruyutsya sleva napravo i sverhu vniz. V annotacii ispol'zuyutsya shifry soedineniy, sootvetstvuyuschie ih shifram v tekste.

Oboznacheniya izomerov, stereohimicheskie simvoly, a takzhe atomy, po kotorym proishodit zameschenie v molekulah organicheskih soedineniy, nabirayutsya kursivom (italic), naprimer: tret-butil, (S)-N-izopropil-α-metilbenzilamin ((S)-1a).

6. Spektral'nye dannye rekomenduetsya privodit' v Eksperimental'noy chasti v sleduyuschem vide.

  • UF-spektr: (EtON), λmax/nm (ε (ili lg ε)): 239 (6900), 305 (1200).
  • IK-spektr (CCl4), ν/sm–1: 3310 (S–N); 1722 (S=O).
  • Pri opisanii spektrov YaMR privodyatsya himicheskie sdvigi, mul'tipletnost', integral'naya intensivnost', otnesenie, KSSV.


Spektr YaMR 1N (aceton-d6, δ, m.d., J/Gc): 1.00 (s, 3N, C(4)Me); 1.15 (s, 3N, C(9)Me); 4.77 (d, 1N, C(5)H, J = 7.5); 4.53 (d, 1N, C(4)H, J = 7.5); 3.78 (s, 3 N, OMe); 4.01 (d.d, 1H, C(7)H, J1 = 7.5, J2 = 2.2), 6.21 (ush.d, 1H, NH, J = 9.5), 6.97 (t, 1H, C(7´)H, J = 7.5), 7.40-8.00 (m, 5H, CHPh); 9.54 (c, 1H, CH).

Spektr YaMR 13C (100 MGc, δ, m.d.): 14.69, 26.04, 51.63, 55.89, 86.88, 102.14, 107.86, 117.36, 123.96, 125.80, 126.68, 128.09 (2 S), 129.03 (2 S), 132.26, 141.64, 153.62, 155.64, 161.08.

Himicheskie sdvigi v spektrah YaMR 1N i 13C, poluchennyh na priborah s chastotoy nizhe 400 MGc (100 MGc dlya 13C), sleduet privodit' s tochnost'yu do sotyh i desyatyh doley sootvetstvenno; KSSV, izmerennye na takih priborah, nado privodit' s tochnost'yu do desyatyh doley.

Neobhodimo privodit' himicheskie sdvigi etalona. Primer zapisi pri ispol'zovanii v kachestve etalona signalov rastvoritelya: «Himicheskie sdvigi YaMR 1H privedeny otnositel'no ostatochnogo signala SHCl3 (δH 7.27 m.d.) dlya rastvorov v SDCl3, ostatochnogo signala CHD2OD (δH 3.31 m.d.) dlya rastvorov v CD3OD. Himicheskie sdvigi YaMR 13C privedeny otnositel'no central'nogo signala rastvoritelya (δC 77.0 m.d. dlya rastvorov v CDCl3 i δC 49.0 m.d. dlya rastvorov v CD3OD).»

Esli vse spektry polucheny pri odinakovoy temperature i v odnom i tom zhe rastvoritele, to vsyu povtoryayuschuyusya informaciyu zhelatel'no privesti odin raz v preambule k Eksperimental'noy chasti.

Dlya numeracii protonov, atomov ugleroda i dr. atomov avtoram predlagaetsya ispol'zovat' sleduyuschie oboznacheniya: C(3)H, C(4)H2, C(3). Protony v sostave slozhnyh grupp, k kotorym otnositsya konkretnyy signal, sleduet podcherkivat' snizu (naprimer: CH2CH2CH3). Esli kakoy-libo signal v spektre opisyvaetsya kak dublet, triplet i t.p. (a ne singlet ili mul'tiplet), to neobhodimo privesti sootvetstvuyuschee chislo KSSV. Dlya mul'tipletov neobhodimo privodit' interval himicheskih sdvigov. Velichiny konstant spin-spinovogo vzaimodeystviya dolzhny byt' odinakovymi pri opisanii par vzaimodeystvuyuschih signalov.

  • Parametry spektrov EPR zapisyvayutsya sleduyuschim obrazom: g = 2.0645, aH(1 H) = 1.9 mTl.
  • Mass-spektry privodyatsya v vide chislovyh znacheniy m/z i otnositel'nyh velichin ionnogo toka v postrochnoy zapisi ili v vide tablicy. Neobhodimo ukazyvat' ispol'zovannuyu raznovidnost' metoda ionizacii, energiyu ionizacii, massovye chisla harakteristicheskih ionov, ih genezis i intensivnost' po otnosheniyu k osnovnomu ionu.

Naprimer: Mass-spektr (EU, 70 eV), m/z (Iotn (%)): 386 [M]+ (36), 368 [M – N2O]+ (100), 353 [M – N2O – Me]+ (23) i t.d.


7. V Eksperimental'noy chasti neobhodimo ukazat' libo istochniki ispol'zovannyh reagentov (naprimer, «kommercheskie preparaty, nazvanie firmy»), libo dat' ssylki na metodiki ih polucheniya, a takzhe privesti usloviya dopolnitel'noy podgotovki ispol'zovannyh reagentov i rastvoriteley (ili dat' sootvetstvuyuschie literaturnye ssylki).

Dlya vseh vpervye sintezirovannyh soedineniy, opisyvaemyh v Eksperimental'noy chasti, neobhodimo privesti dokazatel'stva pripisyvaemogo im stroeniya i dannye, pozvolyayuschie sudit' ob ih individual'nosti i stepeni chistoty. V chastnosti, dolzhny byt' predstavleny dannye elementnogo analiza, mass-spektry vysokogo razresheniya ili inye dannye, odnoznachno podtverzhdayuschie sostav veschestva. Dlya izvestnyh veschestv dannye literatury neobhodimo privodit' tol'ko v sluchae znachitel'nyh rashozhdeniy naydennyh velichin s privedennymi v literature znacheniyami.


2.4 Oformlenie spiska istochnikov

Spisok istochnikov oformlyaetsya razmerom shrifta – 10.

Spisok literatury dolzhen soderzhat' 15 - 20 istochnikov. Perechen' istochnikov dolzhen byt' aktual'nym i soderzhat' ne menee 8 statey iz nauchnyh zhurnalov ne starshe 10 let, iz nih 4 – ne starshe 3 let. Dolya samocitirovaniy ne dolzhna prevyshat' 25% ot obschego kolichestva ssylok. Pri zaimstvovanii materiala iz drugih istochnikov ssylka na eti istochniki obyazatel'na. V tekste ssylki na literaturu oformlyayutsya v kvadratnyh skobkah, naprimer [1], i numeruyutsya strogo v poryadke ih upominaniya.

Spisok literatury oformlyaetsya s ukazaniem inicialov i familiy vseh avtorov. Kazhdomu nomeru dolzhna sootvetstvovat' tol'ko odna publikaciya. Vse ssylki dayutsya v original'noy transkripcii. Uslovnye sokrascheniya nazvaniy otechestvennyh zhurnalov i spravochnikov dolzhny privodit'sya v sootvetstvii s sokrascheniyami, prinyatymi v RZh «Himiya», angloyazychnyh i drugih inostrannyh zhurnalov – v sootvetstvii s sokrascheniyami, rekomenduemymi izdatel'stvom «Springer and Business Media, Inc.». Dlya sokrascheniya nazvaniy zarubezhnyh zhurnalov mozhno vospol'zovat'sya servisom CASSI Search Tool Usage Agreement (https://cassi.cas.org/search.jsp). Vo vseh sluchayah neobhodimo privodit' ssylki na elektronnyy identifikator publikacii (DOI) (pri nalichii). Rekomenduetsya takzhe privodit' adresa ispol'zuemyh resursov v seti Internet (URL).

Primery oformleniya istochnikov predstavleny v tabl. 1.

Spisok istochnikov privoditsya dlya russkoy i angliyskoy versiy stat'i. Russkoyazychnye izdaniya, kotorye ne perevodyatsya, neobhodimo ukazyvat' transliteraciey v sootvetstvii s obscheprinyatymi mezhdunarodnymi pravilami, v konce kazhdogo takogo istochnika dolzhna stoyat' pometka (in Russian). Dlya togo chtoby izbezhat' oshibok transliteracii, neobhodimo ispol'zovat' avtomaticheskie sistemy perevoda kirillicy v romanovskiy alfavit, naprimer na sayte https://transliteration.pro/bsi (standart BSI dlya transliteracii). Transliteraciya familiy avtorov dolzhna uchityvat' naibolee chasto upominaemuyu formu ih upotrebleniya v baze «Scopus». Esli v spiske est' ssylki na inostrannye publikacii, oni polnost'yu povtoryayutsya v spiske, gotovyaschemsya dlya angliyskoy versii.


Tablica 1. Primery oformleniya spiska istochnikov i references

Spisok istochnikov



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Stat'i v sbornikah

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Chirkova Zh.V., Makarova E.S., Uryadova A.M., Filimonov S.I., Shalabanova M.S., Ivanovskiy S.A. Aminoliz geksagidrohromeno[4,3-d]pirimidin-2,5-dionov. Ot himii k tehnologii shag za shagom, 2024, 5(1), 40-47. URL: https://chemintech.ru/ru/nauka/issue/5007/view (data obrascheniya 08.10.2024).

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Tezisy dokladov

Sugatov N.N., Haziev A.A. Vybor optimal'nogo metoda ocenki kachestva rabotayuschego motornogo masla po dielektricheskim pokazatelyam. Modernizaciya i nauchnye issledovaniya v transportnom  komplekse: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Perm': Izd-vo Perm. nac. issled. politehn. un-ta, 2013, S. 343–354.

Sugatov N.N., Khaziev A.A. Shoice of the optimal method of evaluation of quality of working motor oil according to dielectric characteristics. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Modernizatsiia i nauchnye issledovaniia v transportnom komplekse”. Perm: Permskii natsional’nyi issledovatel’skii politekhnicheskii universitet, 2013, P. 343-354.


GOST 8.586.5-2005. Izmerenie rashoda i kolichestva zhidkostey i gazov s pomosch'yu standartnyh suzhayuschih ustroystv. Metodika vypolneniya izmereniy. M.: Standartinform, 2007, 10 s.

GOST 8.586.5–2005. Measurement of flow rate and volume of liquids and gases by means of orifice devices. Method of measurement. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2007, 10 p.


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2. Norms and provisions of the Guidelines on the principles of ethics of scientific publications for the editors of journals of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" are integral elements of the Regulations on Peer Review, the Rules for Authors and other documents that ensure the work of the journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step".

3. The editorial board and editorial board of the journal are responsible for making decisions on publication and are subject in their decisions to the current legislation in the field of copyright infringement. When deciding on the publication of the author's material, the opinion of the reviewer and members of the editorial board is taken into account.

4. The author's manuscript is evaluated exclusively from the standpoint of its scientific content. Racial and nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political position of the author (s) do not in any way affect the decision to publish.

5. The authors of the manuscript are persons who have made a significant contribution to the development or interpretation of the research results. All those who made a significant contribution to the creation of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors of the material. The author submitting the manuscript to the journal guarantees that all co-authors are indicated in it, they have approved the final version of the material and do not object to its publication.

6. If there is a conflict of interest, affiliated persons (reviewers, members of the editorial board) are excluded from the process of considering the manuscript. Reviewers must inform the editor-in-chief about the presence of a conflict of interest. All authors should indicate in their manuscripts any possible conflict of interest that may influence the decision to accept the manuscript for publication.

7. The opinion of the editorial board and the editorial board of the journal may not coincide with the opinion of the authors. Materials are published in the author's edition.

Peer review

1. General

1.1 These Regulations establish the procedure for expert evaluation of manuscripts sent to the editorial board of the journal.

1.2 The purpose of expert evaluation is to ensure high quality of materials published on the pages of the journal.

1.3 These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the publication ethics of the journal.

2. Procedure and terms of review

2.1 Manuscripts of all articles received by the editorial board are subject to mandatory double anonymous ("blind") review: the authors are not informed of the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers are not informed of the names of the authors.

2.2 Scientists, experts, and practitioners with recognized authority and working in the field of knowledge to which the content of the manuscript relates are involved in the review.

2.3 The author or co-author of the work being reviewed, as well as the scientific supervisors of applicants for an academic degree and employees of the department in which the author works, cannot be a reviewer.

2.4 Reviewers have no right to use the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes or transfer them to third parties.

2.6 The review period for manuscripts should not exceed 10 calendar days from the date the manuscript is sent to the reviewer.

2.7 The final decision on publishing the manuscript is made by the editorial board of the journal after reviewing the original review.

3. Requirements for the content of the review

3.1 The review should contain an objective analysis of the manuscript, reflect the expert's assessment of the quality of the manuscript.

3.2 The review is compiled according to the form proposed by the editors and should contain the following elements:

- relevance of the research topic presented in the manuscript;

- scientific novelty of the materials presented in the manuscript;

- compliance of the manuscript content with its title;

- compliance of the methods, recommendations and research results used by the author with modern achievements of science and practice;

- reliability of the presented facts, completeness of disclosure of the topic;

- the appropriateness and justification of the presence of tables, graphs, and other illustrative materials in the manuscript;

- the correspondence of the conclusions to the goals and objectives of the study, their substantiation; - the quality of the processing of literary sources;

- an assessment of the personal contribution of the author of the manuscript to solving the topic (problem) under study;

- the quality of the manuscript design: style, terminology, wording.

3.3 The final part of the review should contain a recommendation on:

- publishing the manuscript in the journal;

- revision of the manuscript (indicating specific comments or recommendations);

- rejection of the manuscript (with justification for the expert's opinion).

3.4 The review is signed by the expert with the decoding of the last name, first name, and patronymic, the date, the academic degree, academic title, and position held by the reviewer.

3.5 The original review is sent to the editorial board of the journal.

4. Procedure for submitting reviews to authors

4.1 The review (or part of it) at the request of the author of the manuscript is sent by the editor-in-chief of the journal without indicating the name, position and place of work of the reviewer.

4.2 Upon receipt of a positive assessment of the manuscript by the reviewer and the editorial board of the journal, the editor-in-chief informs the author about the acceptance of the manuscript for publication and the planned publication date.

4.3 If the review contains recommendations for revision, the reviewer's comments are sent to the author of the manuscript indicating the period during which they must be eliminated and the manuscript revised. The revised manuscript with responses to the reviewer's comments (recommendations) is sent for a second review to the same reviewer.

4.4 In the event of a conflict of interest, the author's disagreement with the reviewer's comments (recommendations), at the author's request, the manuscript may be sent for a second review to another expert.

4.5 Upon receipt of a negative review of a manuscript, the editorial board of the journal has the right to send the manuscript for additional review, for revision to the author with subsequent review, or to reject it.

4.6 In case of rejection of the manuscript, a letter is sent to the author stating the reasons for the rejection.

5. Conclusion

5.1 Reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

5.2 Reviews are submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request from the Higher Attestation Commission.

5.3 The editorial board of the journal does not store manuscripts that have not been accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned.

4 raza v god

                        Abramov Igor
Abramov Igor Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences


                        Agat'ev Pavel
Agat'ev Pavel AO “Himtrast”

                        Aktalieva Ayna
Aktalieva Ayna Ingush State University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Anikanova Lyubov'
Anikanova Lyubov' Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Afineevskiy Andrey
Afineevskiy Andrey Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Baburina Ekaterina
Baburina Ekaterina Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

                        Baklagin Vyacheslav
Baklagin Vyacheslav Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Bakunin Dmitry
Bakunin Dmitry Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Balbuckiy Egor
Balbuckiy Egor Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky

                        Baldaev Sergey
Baldaev Sergey OOO «Tehnologicheskie sistemy zaschitnyh pokrytiy»
candidate of technical sciences

                        Baranov Vladimir
Baranov Vladimir N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Researcher)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Batov Dmitriy
Batov Dmitriy Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Veduschiy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of chemical sciences

                        Bayov Egor
Bayov Egor Yaroslavl State Technical University

                        Begunov Roman
Begunov Roman P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Berezin Dmitry
Berezin Dmitry Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,

                        Berezina Nadezhda
Berezina Nadezhda Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Blinov Daniil
Blinov Daniil Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology

                        Blyumina Mariya
Blyumina Mariya Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky
candidate of chemical sciences

                        Bobokalonov Todzhiddin
Bobokalonov Todzhiddin Tajik National University (Senior Lecturer)
candidate of chemical sciences

Berezin Dmitry  — Editor in chief
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Abramov Igor  — Deputy Editor in Chief
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Dvoretsky Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Filimonov Sergey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Ilyin Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kapranova Anna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Zaveduyuschaya kafedroy)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kofanov Evgeniy  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kolobov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Razgovorov Pavel  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Nachal'nik upravleniya organizacii nauchno-issledovatel'skoy i intellektual'noy deyatel'nosti)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Soloviev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tarasov Alexey  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Tyukina Lyudmila  — English Translation
Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Blaznov Aleksey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS) (Laboratory of Mineral Materials Science)
doctor of technical sciences

Biysk, Barkaul, Russian Federation
Bragina Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
Galanin Nikolay  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Islyaykin Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ,
Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Klyuev Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Kotov Aleksandr  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Kruk Nikolay  — Foreign member of the editorial team
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Minsk, Belarus
Kustov Andrey  — Member of the editorial team
Institute of Solution Chemistry of G.A. Krestov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Joint Physical-Chemical Center for Solutions)
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Lebedev Anton  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra tehnologicheskih mashin i oborudovaniya, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Maizlish Vladimir  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Nokoforova Tatyana  — Member of the editorial team
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology (Associate Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Ivanovo, Ivanovo, Russian Federation
Politaeva Natalya  — Member of the editorial team
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Safarmamadzoda Safarmamad Muboraksho  — Foreign member of the editorial team
Tajik National University (Professor)
doctor of chemical sciences

Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Tarshis Mikhail  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra "Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya mehanika", Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Frolov Aleksandr  — Computer layout
Yaroslavl State Technical University (kafedra "Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya", Associate Professor)
candidate of chemical sciences

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4081-9087 ORCID:0000-0002-0491-7452
Kurganova Ekaterina Anatol'evna  — Member of the editorial team
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Professor)

Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Chirkova Zhanna  — Executive secretary
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Obschaya i fizicheskaya himiya, professor)
employee from 01.01.2009 until now
doctor of chemical sciences


Makarova Elena  — Editor
Yaroslavl State Technical University (starshiy prepodavatel')
candidate of chemical sciences


Code 1.4.4
Name Физическая химия
Code 1.4.7
Name Высокомолекулярные соединения
Code 2.6.13
Name Процессы и аппараты химических технологий
Code 1.4.3
Name Органическая химия

Berezin Dmitriy Borisovich.

V 1994 g. s otlichiem okonchil fakul'tet organicheskoy himii i tehnologii Ivanovskoy gosudarstvennoy himiko-tehnologicheskoy akademii po special'nosti «Himicheskaya tehnologiya organicheskih veschestv». V 1997 g. im dosrochno zaschischena kandidatskaya dissertaciya na temu: «Vliyanie elektronnyh, sol'vatacionnyh i stericheskih faktorov na hromofornye svoystva porfirinov i ih protonirovannyh form».

S 1997 g. Berezin D.B. rabotal v dolzhnosti assistenta, a s 1999 g. - docenta kafedry organicheskoy himii Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo himiko-tehnologicheskogo universiteta. S 2000 po 2008 g. – po sovmestitel'stvu nauchnyy sotrudnik Instituta himii rastvorov RAN. V iyune 2007 g. po okonchanii doktorantury zaschitil doktorskuyu dissertaciyu po special'nostyam «organicheskaya himiya» i «fizicheskaya himiya» na temu: «Makrociklicheskiy effekt i reakcionnaya sposobnost' porfirinov razlichnogo stroeniya». V 2010 g. emu prisvoeno uchenoe zvanie professora po kafedre organicheskoy himii. V 2008-2010 g.g – zam. predsedatelya soveta NIRS IGHTU. S 2010 g. – deystvitel'nyy chlen Rossiyskoy akademii estestvennyh nauk (RAEN). V 2015 g. nagrazhden gramotoy Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF. Pochetnyy rabotnik sfery obrazovaniya i nauki (2020). Chlen dvuh dissertacionnyh sovetov IGHTU.

Berezinym D.B. podgotovleny kursy lekciy po disciplinam «Organicheskaya himiya», «Biohimiya», «Himiya uglevodov», «Mikrobiologiya», «Strategiya sovremennogo organicheskogo sinteza» i dr. dlya studentov, a takzhe kursy «Himiya aromaticheskih makrogeterociklov» i «Fizicheskaya organicheskaya himiya porfirinov i rodstvennyh soedineniy» dlya aspirantov, obuchayuschihsya po profilyu podgotovki «organicheskaya himiya».

Nauchnye interesy Berezina D.B. svyazany s himiey porfirinov i ih analogov, v chastnosti, s problemami ih hromofornyh svoystv i fotodinamicheskogo deystviya na zhivye tkani, a takzhe so sravnitel'nym issledovaniem makrociklicheskogo i effekta v iskazhennyh preimuschestvenno ploskih p-sistemah. Avtor bolee 350 publikaciy, sredi kotoryh

- 9 monografiy, vklyuchaya 5 kollektivnyh,

- uchebnye posobiya s grifom UMO

«Kurs sovremennoy organicheskoy himii» («Vysshaya shkola», 1999, 2001, 2003),

«Organicheskaya himiya» («Yurayt», 2010, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022);

«Organicheskaya himiya. Bazovyy kurs» («Lan'», 2014, 2019),

- okolo 150 statey.

Pod rukovodstvom Berezina D.B. zaschischeny 8 kandidatskih dissertaciy (2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2023 g.)


Scientific peer-reviewed journal "From Chemistry Towards Technology Step-By-Step" highlights the priority areas and modern achievements of fundamental and applied research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical works in the form of full articles, as well as author's reviews on topical issues of chemical technology and related sciences.

The journal is published 4 times a year as an electronic network publication (ISSN 2782-1900) with open access to its content on the Internet.

The journal is registered by the federal service for supervision of communications, information, technology, and mass media. EL № FS 77 - 80088

The publication of articles in the journal is free for authors. The editors do not charge authors for the preparation and placement of materials.

The editorial board of the journal accepts articles in Russian and English. Articles submitted to the editorial office in English are published in English. The publisher at its own expense translates into English the manuscripts received by the editorial office in Russian.

All manuscripts are accepted for publication based on the results of their peer review. 

Founder and publisher of the journal is "Yaroslavl State Technical University" 150023 Yaroslavl, Moskovsky Prospect, 88

Phone.: +7 (4852) 44-35-47

E-mail: stepbystep@ystu.ru

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