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Abstract (English):
This paper deals with the using of Sosnowsky hogweed processing products in the chemical industry. Essential oils containing carboxylic acid esters are the most valuable important components obtained after fruits oil extraction of the studied plant. The extraction was carried out in a Soxlet apparatus sequentially with light petroleum ether, an equal volume mixture of benzene and acetone and isopropanol. The resulting essential oil was used to prepare a compound with vaseline oil to make rubber. The use of Sosnowsky hogweed essential oils in the formula of rubber makes it possible to extend the temperature range of their use at low temperatures. The recycling of rubber containing essential oils into crumb rubber will enable it to be used in road pavements and eliminate the problem of them cracking in winter time. The recycling of rubber containing essential oils into crumb rubber allows us to use it for road surface and to eliminate the problem of winter time cracking.

Sosnowsky hogweed fruit extraction and processing time, essential oil, chromatographic analysis, chemical technology, rubber frost resistance
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