Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
Yaroslavl State Technical University (Kafedra «Tehnologiya stroitel'nogo proizvodstva»., Professor)
Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl, Russian Federation
The article analyses literature sources and general classification of surface-active substances (surfactants). The analysis explains the scientific interest in the development of new high molecular weight and polymeric compounds changing the surface tension on the prase boundaries. The article gives examples of the use of polymeric surfactants in various areas for the chemical industry and in construction (modified additives in concrete, protective compositions and paint compositions) itself. Despite the market of synthesised polymeric surfactants has not undergone global changes in recent years, the modern stage of scientific development has revealed a range of promising modifiers. Adding these modifiers to the systems provides a predictable effect of creating tenacious compositions with good adhesion to the surface of building materials and structures, as well as obtaining water-resistant coatings on the basis of such compositions.
polymeric surface-active substances, high molecular weight compounds, critical micelle formation concentration, modifying additives, paint dispersants, strength and adhesion of compositions, water-resistant coatings
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